Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Jai woke to Lyv gasping as she bolted upright in bed, her hand grasping at her throat. When he placed his hand on her back, he could feel the dampness of her sweat through the thin layer of her nightgown.

"Are you all right?" he whispered to her, pushing up onto one elbow. He rubbed her back in small circles as he waited for her to calm her heart, leaning forward to place a kiss to her bare shoulder. "Was it the same?"

Lyv nodded, pulling her knees to her chest to lean her forehead against them. "I don't want to know, but it's like the darkness is laughing at me now. Torturing me with these flashes of what I...of what I did when I was under."

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Honestly? I don't think you can with this."

It had been two weeks since they'd gotten back to Ayveri. The nightmares started three days after that.

She woke up screaming, making everyone rush in to see what was going on, all welding their weapons in their pajamas. Even Elys had gotten his dagger and was ready to take on whatever was after Lyv. Jai had to tell them all to go back to bed and that everything was all right. They didn't want to leave, though, especially Elys, but Jai ushered him back into his room. It had happened every night since, though she contained the screaming now.

After a few minutes of breathing in through her nose and out through her mouth, Lyv fell back against the pillows before turning to curl herself into Jai's chest. He held her close, kissing the top of her head as he smoothed one hand up and down her back.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled against him. "I know I keep waking you up with this, too."

"It's all right. Besides, it's still early. Go back to sleep."

"That's the thing – I don't think I can. Not now. Not when I know it will happen again."

"Don't think like that..."

Lyv pushed herself up once more, brows furrowed and mouth twisted in anger. "I'm going to think like that, Jai. I can't help it. You don't know what it's like, walking around and having everyone looking at you, knowing you harbor the same darkness inside you that wreaked havoc in Asturia before capturing me. Everyone knows. Everyone's seen. I am that darkness now."

"Lyv, come on. You know that's not..."

But she held up her hand, stopping his words in his throat with just a flicker of magic.

The obsidian stone pulsed darkly beneath her skin.

Obviously, she didn't realize she was doing it. As soon as Jai tried speaking and couldn't, Lyv's eyes widened as she looked at her hand, snapping her fingers to give him back his voice once more.

"See?" she rasped out. "This is what I'm talking about. It''s getting out of control."

"You're not getting out of control. You just need something to channel your energy into. Something like going out with Thia and Allel this morning with the dragons. Get your mind off of it for a little while. Weren't you three planning it last night at dinner?"

Lyv swallowed hard before nodding.

"And me and Gideon are training with the boys a little later. Since they've both been so excited having you back, they haven't practiced at all. And you know Elys has been wanting to show you just how good he's gotten with his sword and dagger."

Lyv nodded again as he lifted her left hand to his lips, kissing the ring on her finger.

Finally, she gave him a small smile, leaning forward to kiss his cheek before standing from the bed. Jai watched as she opened the wardrobe with a wave of her hand, pulling off her nightgown when she stopped in front of it. Since they shared it now, she'd put an extension spell on the inside so everything wasn't all compacted. Jai didn't realize just how much clothing she had, though she kept one outfit within reach. Her leather riding gear was front and center since that's what she wore the most, along with her fur lined cloak.

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