Chapter 57

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Chapter 57

Focusing came easier to Lyv once she decided on getting Mik back. Even though she knew Thia was hesitant, which was to be expected, she still agreed on coming along.

"I completely understand where you're coming from and why you want to do it," Thia told Allel whenever the shapeshifter's eyes slid over to her. "And I don't see why Gideon and Jai wouldn't understand either, especially when they would do the same for me and Lyv. Jai did do it for Lyv. Honestly, I don't know why he isn't jumping at the opportunity to help you in return."

"It's not that, exactly," Lyv sighed in answer. "It's not that he doesn't want to get Mik back. More as in he still doesn't trust him. Even with him coming to us with information in Ayveri. Even when I've told him time and time again about what happened when I was with him at the Keep. I trust Mik completely, but I have to admit it took me a few weeks before I did. How can you blame me when he almost killed me before?"

"He did kill you," Thia grimaced, remembering the fight between the two of them on the beach that ended with a sword through Lyv's chest and a slash across her throat.

Lyv waved it off like it was nothing. "That's not important anymore. I'm here and breathing while Mik...well, he might not have much longer until he's not."

Allel's voice shook as she spoke then. "They're doing the ceremony, the transfer of the conduit power, right at nightfall. Guinevere's been...preparing...all day by what Mik's showed me. She's caught up in some dark red cloud of magic or something..."

"Showed you?"

She looked between the two of them. "You can't tell me you don't talk to Jai and Gideon through your mating bonds. Ever since mine and Mik's snapped back into place a few months ago, I've been able to see a lot more of what's been going on. It was...sparse...before when the conduit was in control. Whenever Mik was Mik, I was able to see more. And when he and the conduit were on better terms, I was able to see through both. The conduit's scared. Mik, too. And this morning..."

"They realized it was going to happen. Tonight," Lyv finished for her.

She nodded, eyes falling to the singed ground beneath her boots.

Lyv glanced up at the fading light of the sun, knowing they only had an hour or two left of light before darkness fell. "The only way we're going to be able to find them in time is if you use your bond to locate exactly where they are. You think you'll be able to do that and contain yourself whenever we finally do? Because I will not allow you to charge right into Corliss and Guinevere's clutches and have you captured or killed. If you do, I'll bringing you back from the land of light and shadows just to send you back myself."

Smiling slightly at the half-hearted threat, Allel clutched her hands in front of her before she started twisting her wedding ring around her finger.

Lyv raised a brow. "Do you agree?"

"Of course," she nodded.

Her eyes went over to Thia then. "You can go back to the capital if you want to. I know you weren't looking to go against what almost everyone else wants..."

"You think I'm leaving two of my best friends to go save one's mate? Hell no," Thia snorted as she shook her head. Fierce determination lit up her green eyes. "I'm going with you two. We're getting Mik and I'm going to find out what's so special about this certain male that's got you ready to take on Corliss, Guinevere, and their army by yourselves. Damn it if I'm not intrigued."

Both Lyv and Allel couldn't help but laugh, brightening up the dreadful world around them with the sound.


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