Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

Though the faces were tired and dirty, Lyv was met with too many smiles to count as she walked through the sea of people, arm in arm with both Bence and Ada. Roshan and Erly were flying up above, heading for the palace, where they would land and rest for the night in the front courtyard.

While Jai, Gideon, Thia, and Allel were following behind them with her sisters and brothers-in-law, Kalla and the rest of the Dalcaine and Blackloch troops were settling in and setting up their own camp. Kalla would come to the palace later that evening whenever they were settled.

The calls of greeting and laughter came whenever they met with those troops from Ayveri who had been there already with Camilla and Soren. Lyv was surprised at how many she knew and remembered from before, but they all knew Jai and Gideon the best. And while Lyv continued on, the two of them lagged behind to talk with them all before Lyv called down the bond to Jai.

The only time Lyv had ever seen the streets of Escarral as packed as they were was during market days. She had a feeling those hadn't been going on for several weeks, though, given what was happening throughout the land. But even though people looked exhausted from traveling from both Oria and Inder, whenever they saw Lyv and Ada those looks turned into even more smiles.

Of course, they had known Lyv before, but that was years ago whenever she had still been under the glamour her mother Bridget had put on her as a baby. Now, with her Fae heritage on full display with the sharpness of her features, the silver streak through her burgundy hair, and not to mention the delicate pointed ears, they couldn't look away from her. There was no fear in their gaze, only wonder.

"I've never been prouder of my people before," Bence told them both then after he stopped them for a moment to help load up a wagon full of supplies. Everyone was preparing to leave at a moment's notice. "They've come together in a way I could have never asked for, especially those here in the city. They've taken people into their homes and shops just to give them shelter and have fed, clothed, and treated them as if they were their own flesh and blood."

"I guess that's what happens when they have a king like you to look up to and setting an example," Lyv told him, tightening her hold on his arm.

"We all learned from the best of us," Ada added with a wink to him.

"Don't go starting on that like Sora and Rhea have. Every chance they get, they tell me something along those lines."

"Of course, we tell you," Rhea sighed as she and Sora came up on Bence's other side. "Why would we not?"

"They're not wrong," Lyv grinned. "Just look at all four of us. You raised us to be the fierce females we are today."

"Fierce and spectacular," Sora noted, then looked down at her clothing. Again, it was something Lyv herself would have worn – a loose fitting tunic, fur-lined cloak, and leather leggings. Rhea was wearing the same, though where Sora's cloak was a dusty rose color, hers was emerald. "And by the way, Lyv, I think I can say this for all three of us, but I completely understand why you never wanted to wear dresses. This is so comfortable."

Lyv couldn't help but laugh as she looked up at Bence. "See? The children aren't the only ones I rubbed off on like you've always said. But then again, you might have been the one to rub off on them, too, since you've been neglecting your fancy clothes lately. I think I've said this to you before, but I like you better like this, though."

Bence grinned as he kissed the side of her head. "Well, don't go saying things like that too often or else it'll go to my head. But you know, if you think about it, I've raised two future queens and two Ladies of Escarral and, like I've always said, you have been the best things to ever come into my life. You four have strength I could have never even dreamed of hoping for. You're compassionate and caring and would do anything for your family and your people. Plus, you've given me the chance to actually have sons in the men and the Fae male you've brought into our families. And, of course, have given me grandchildren, all of which I love and adore." He paused for a moment, thoughtful, before his grin stretched across his face once more. "Never mind, I did raise some fierce and spectacular females, didn't I?"

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