Chapter 13: Christmas + Epilogue

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It was Christmas Eve and I still had to go shopping for everybody.
Me and Roman got in his Hummer and headed to the mall in search of Christmas presents.
For my girls, I decided on full winter outfits.
A soft long sleeve shirt, jeggings, wool socks, combat boots, a scarf, a beanie, and a cute jacket.
Minus the boots and the jackets, I got Liv's in mostly pink, Musa's in mostly purple, and Alexa's in mostly blue. And I got a set for myself in yellow.
For Corbyn, I also picked up some new Jordan's and Beats.
For Drew, I got him new Nikes, a sweatshirt, some cologne, and AirPods.
For Brie, I got her some cute pajamas, a bath bomb set, a mug that says 'But First, Coffee', and a new blanket.
For Drew's twin sisters, I got Jade a gift card for Forever 21 and for Amber, a gift card for Hot Topic, both have $100 on them.
Roman and I both agreed that for my mom, we got her a new holiday dining ware set and for dad we got him a grill.
I got all the other parents gift baskets with all sorts of food in them.
And I snuck off for a few minutes and found these camo denim jackets. One said Military Bro, the other said Military Sis. I got them for me and Roman, it's funny how things are working in my favor.
Luckily the cashier got the jackets in the bag before Roman caught up with me.
"Hey where'd you go?", he asked.
"I found a present for you".
"Cool, by the way, can you...tell me what...". I couldn't hear the rest of it because he started muttering. He looked really nervous.
"I said, to get for...Liv".
My eyes widened as I felt myself smiling.
"That's so cute", I said.
"Yeah, she made a really good impression on me", he said rubbing the nape of his neck.
"Don't worry, she's into you".
"How do you know?".
"She saw our Hawaii picture and she thought you were hot".
He blushed.
I laughed.
"Anyway, she's your typical cute psycho. She likes cute things, bright colors, animals, oh and jewelry. She loves chokers", I said.
"Ok, I saw a jewelry store in another area", he said.
"Well let's go", I grabbed his arm, pulling him in the direction of the store.
We walked in and we were on the hunt for a special gift for Roman to give to Liv.
It seemed hopeless after about half an hour of searching, but in the back of one of the racks, I found the perfect present.
It was gold chained choker, and it had 10 little star charms on it.
"Roman, I think I found the winner", I said holding it up to him.
He looked at it and started to smile. "It's perfect M&M".
He paid for the choker and we left the mall.
We had to load all the bags we bought into Roman's hummer, including dad's new grill, which was a pain to try and put in the back.
Then we had to wrap everything when we got home. Luckily, I bought some cute gift bags and boxes for the harder to wrap things.
I found a box sitting on my doorstep, so I kinda nudged it right inside the door with my foot. I went back for it after I set down all the bags.
I cut it open to find mine and Corbyn's couples hoodies. I smiled at them by how awesome they looked, I was excited to see Corbyn's reaction. I put Corbyn's in a cute gift box.
We placed them all under the Christmas tree, ready for tomorrow. We put a wreath on the door, lights on the doorways, and lots of snowflake stickers on the window.
Me and Roman got dressed in our holiday pjs, made some hot chocolate with marshmallows, and watched Home Alone like we always did on Christmas Eve.
Time Skip
I woke up to bright light shining in my face. And then it dawned on me.
"Roman, get up, it's Christmas". I shook him awake and we jumped up immediately.
We ran to our rooms to get ready for everyone to come. I got dressed in a red and white Christmas sweater, ripped jeans, and white Ugg boots.
I curled my hair, put on a small amount of mascara, and finished with some peppermint lip balm.
Roman came out wearing black jeans, red Vans, and a red and white sweater identical to mine.
"Come on, we gotta make food for everyone", I said.
Time Skip
After two hours of being in the kitchen we've made reindeer brownies, Christmas cookies, strawberry santas, deviled eggs, cinnamon buns, roast beef, and our very special guacamole.
Then we just bought food from the store like chips, pretzels, veggie tray, fruit salad, and a coconut cream pie.
"I think we did pretty good sis".
"I think we did too bro". We fist bumped each other.
We cleaned up the apartment a little and I put a jingle bell collar on Finn.
There was a knock on the door.
I answered it and it was my mom and dad.
"Hi guys", I said hugging them.
They stepped inside and looked at my apartment.
"It's nicer than the pictures we saw. Here, these are for you and Roman", dad said, handing me two wrapped box.
"Thanks, we'll open them when everyone gets here".
"Oh, where's the puppy your boyfriend got you?", mom asked.
"Boyfriend?!", dad asked shocked.
My puppy came trotting down the hallway, his collar jingling as he bounced, and sat right beside my leg.
"Oh my goodness, he's so cute. He almost looks like a stuffed animal", she said picking him up.
"Who's this boyfriend?", dad asked.
"Calm down dad, he's coming over later so you'll get to meet him".
We continued to talk for a while, mostly about my mission and Roman's military.
Then there was a knock at the door. When I opened it, it was Musa and her dad.
"Musa!", I said hugging her.
"Hi Mella!".
"You can place all the presents under the tree", I said.
I helped her carry them over, and placed them under the tree.
"Mom, dad, this is my best friend, Musa", I said.
"So nice to meet you", Musa said shaking their hands.
After about half and hour, everyone started to slowly show up.
Assuming this was the last knock, Corbyn and his family stood in my doorway.
"Hi babe, Merry Christmas", Corbyn said, pecking my cheek.
"Merry Christmas to you too".
They stepped inside and I hugged each one of them.
After everyone was settled in for a while, I decided it was present time. I stood on a chair and raised my voice a little to make sure everyone could hear me.
"Ok everyone, thanks for coming here to spend time with me and my brother on Christmas. And now I think it's time for presents, and I wanna give to you the presents I bought".
I got down from my chair and got my girls' bags and handed each one of them their bags.
They opened them and pulled out and their clothes.
"Oh my gosh, we all have the same style, Tripsies!", Liv squealed.
"Actually, I have a set, too, buy two get two free".
She gasped. "Quadrupsies!".
Everyone burst out laughing.
"Brie, Jade, Amber, your turns".
They stepped around all the people and sat on the floor. I handed them their presents and they opened them eagerly.
"Oh my gosh, $100 dollars for Forever 21!", Jade squealed.
"I got Hot Topic, Mella, where'd you get the money for this?", Amber asked astonished.
"Savings account".
"These are great, Mella, thanks", Brie said smiling.
I smiled and saluted them.
"Drew, Roman, and Corbyn". I held up their presents and handed them over.
"Whoa, AirPods, thanks Mella", Drew said.
"Oh, I'll be right back", I said running to my bedroom.
I threw off my sweater and put on my sweatshirt to match with Corbyn. Then I threw on the military jacket to match with Roman, too.
I walked out of the bedroom and showed them what I was wearing and they looked excited.
"Aww, babe, we match", Corbyn said.
"Ok, that is a whole new level of couple goals", Alexa said.
I giggled.
Then I turned around to show Roman the print on my jacket.
"Oh my gosh, so that's why you ran off in the mall", he said.
I nodded.
I gave all the adults their gift baskets, Roman gave mom her dining set, and then we both carried dad's grill out to the living room.
"Oh my god, you kids are the best", dad said hugging us from behind.
"Ok, ok, I think it's time Carmella opened her presents", Alexa announced.
I sat on the floor and was handed like 7 or 8 presents.
I got a pastel yellow mini Polaroid camera from Musa, white Beats from Alexa. I opened Liv's present and it was a freakin, record player.
"Oh my god, Liv, I've wanted one of these for years, how'd you know?", I asked shocked.
She discreetly pointed to Roman while smirking.
He stood there rubbing the nape of his neck while chuckling nervously. I rolled my eyes and laughed.
I got records for my record player from Roman, including Little Mix, Ariana Grande, Khalid, and Billie Eilish.
I got new makeup brushes from Brie.
I got a goodie bag from Drew with a mug, candy canes, marshmallows, and hot cocoa mix.
I got a new dress from Dana and Adam.

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