Chapter 12 : Brie's Party

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It was now the day of Carter's party.
I looked down at the charm bracelet on my wrist. Did he really like me that much?
My thoughts were interrupted when I heard someone knocking on my door.
"Come in".
Corbyn came in my room and closed the door.
"What's up big bro?", I asked.
"So are you excited for your party?", he asked.
"Yeah". Oops, I said that a little too dreamily. I looked at Corbyn and he raised one eyebrow.
"Who's the boy?", he asked.
"Took you long enough", I said.
"Who is it?".
"I'm not saying".
"Come on Brie".
I shook my head. "Now go, I have to change and get ready", I said.
"Alright, I'll see you later".
He left and I went to my closet to grab my clothes I got shopping with Carmella.
I changed into the dress and sweater and looked at myself in the mirror.
I'm not usually self centered, but I looked cute as hell in this. I slid my tights on under the dress and that only added to the cuteness of my look.
There was another knock on my door.
"Corbyn, I am not telling you who it is!", I said.
"I already know who it is!", the voice said.
She opened the door and was holding a small makeup box. "Ready for your makeover?".
I nodded eagerly and sat down in my chair.
First she started brushing out my hair to get all the knots and tangles. Then she lightly curled my hair so it's wavy.
Then she separated the top part of my hair and put it in a ponytail. She separated bits of the ponytail so it covered the whole back of my head.
She also wrapped a piece of hair around the hair tie and secured it with a bobby pin.
I looked in the mirror and I've never seen such a nice style in my hair before. Usually I leave it all down or put it all up.
"This looks great Mella", I said.
"Glad you like it. Ok so for makeup, I'm just gonna do a light sparkle eyeshadow on your eyes, some mascara, a little highlighter and blush, and some lip gloss", Mella explained.
I nodded my head. It sounded good because I don't usually wear a lot of makeup, the most I'll wear is mascara and lipgloss.
Time Skip
So after about 15 minutes, Mella was finally done.
She turned my chair around to look in the mirror.
I was appalled.
My eyes looked so shiny, my cheeks looked rosy, and my lips looked fuller.
"Oh my gosh", I said lightly touching my face.
"So, how did I do?", she asked.
"You did awesome, I love it".
"Good, ok, now here are some tips for when you're at the party".
I turned to her and listened carefully.
"Just be yourself around him, he obviously likes you for who are".
"Well you heard what he said in the store".
She giggled. "Ok, next tip. Be confident. Boys love a girl who's confident with herself, walk with some confidence, too".
I nodded.
"And lastly, just have fun. Guys like girls who enjoy a good time".
"Ok, thanks Mella". I hugged her.
"So what time does this party start?", she asked.
"Well that leaves you with an hour to spare, wanna grab a bite?".
We walked downstairs and informed my parents about where we're going. We left the house and hopped on Mella's bike.
Carmella has been so much fun to hang out with. She's like the big sister I never had.
We arrived at the coffee shop and ordered our drinks and food.
"How did you know about this coffee shop?", I asked her.
"Oh, Musa brought me here the day moved to this town. And it's also where I met your brother".
"Oh yeah, did you know that you were his first real crush?".
She looked at me with wide eyes and her jaw dropped. "You're kidding?! He's never had a crush on any other girl before me?".
I shook my head.
Then I heard the bell on the door ring. I look over, and there stood Nina Sanchez and two of her friends, Cora and Claire. She's the meanest person you ever met. She looks all nice and sweet on the outside, but she's a monster on the inside.
"You see that girl over there?", I said to Carmella, pointing at Nina.
She turned her head and looked at her. "You mean the one with the greasy ponytail and clumpy mascara?", she asked.
I snickered. "Yeah. She's mad at me because I'm friends with Carter, and she makes sure that no girl talks to him besides her. But then again, I don't listen to a lot of people".
She laughed.
Nina saw me and glared right into my eyes. I glared right back.
She walked past us with her friends as they took a table behind us. We decided to use Carmella's listening earbuds and eavesdrop on their conversation.
"Are you guys going to Carter's party today?", Cora asked.
"Well obviously, its Carter", Claire said.
"Yeah, but don't get your hopes up girls, he obviously likes me", Nina said.
Me and Mella started snickering. According to Carter, I'm the prettiest girl he's seen.
"What about Brie? They've been really good friends for while, he might like her", Cora argued.
"It's Brie Shay, what has she accomplished that makes her so great?", Nina asked.
"She's the president of our grade, she's the captain of the volleyball team, been named student of the month 3 times, straight A's, popular, super nice", Cora continued.
"I'm sorry, who's side are you on?", Nina asked angrily.
"You asked".
Me and Mella snickered.
"Whatever, when I walk into that party, Carter will forget all about Brie". She said it with such confidence that it was almost funny.
"Don't worry Brie, reality will kick her in the ass sooner or later", Mella said.
I laughed.
"Thanks Mella".
We talked for another half hour until it was time for the party.
Mella and I hopped on her bike and about 15 minutes later, we arrived.
"Have fun Brie, go get your mans", Mella said, waving from her bike.
I laughed. "Bye Mella".
I walked up the stone stairs and up to the door to knock.
Carter answered almost immediately and smiled when he saw me.
"Hey Brie, you look great", he said.
"Thanks", I replied smiling.
"Come in". He stepped aside leaving room for me to enter the house.
When I walked in, there was at least 50 other people from our grade.
I took Carmella's advice and started walking with confidence, into the party.
I saw Claudia and my other friend, Violet, talking over by the living room. I walked over and greeted them.
"Hey guys".
"Hey girl, cute outfit, did you get it shopping with Carmella?", she asked.
I nodded.
"Who's Carmella?", Violet asked.
"My brother's girlfriend, she's awesome".
"Yeah, and really pretty, and she has a really cool motorbike", Claudia added.
"Wow, hope I can meet her some time", Violet said.
"You'll probably be able to", I said.
Our other friends the twins, Luna and Layla joined our little group and we started talking about random gossip for a while until Layla pointed something out to me.
"Yo B, Carter has been staring at you for like 10 minutes straight".
I looked over and sure enough, Carter was with his group of friends, staring at me with a smile on his face.
I smiled as I felt my cheeks heating up.
"Aww, you blushin", Luna said giggling.
"I can't help it", I said.
"I still don't understand how y'all aren't a couple yet", Layla said.
"We're all wondering the same thing", Violet said.
"What are we talking about just us, the whole grade has been shipping Cartie for two years", Claudia said.
We laughed and talked for a few more minutes before I noticed Carter walking towards our group, while his friends were smirking and giving thumbs up.
Ok, now I'm scared.
My friends nudged me towards him so I met him in between.
"Hey", I said.
"Hey, can we talk in private?", he asked.
I blushed. "Um, yeah".
I followed him to his room back the hallway.
"So what did you wanna talk to me about?", I asked.
"Um, well uhh, y-you know how we've been f-friends for a while".
He looked so nervous right now, he was stuttering and blushing. He looked sort of cute all flushed.
"Yeah?". I couldn't help but giggle, he looked so cute.
"You know, I think it's better if I just show you something", he said.
"What is it?".
"Another Christmas present. Close your eyes".
I did as I was told. I could hear him walking over to his desk I believe, and opening up a drawer. I heard him close it and walk back over.
"Okay, you can open them".
I opened my eyes and expected to see a present in his hands. But then I realized what he was holding.
He was holding mistletoe above our heads. I saw it and my eyes widened as I looked at him.
"I know you probably don't feel the same way about me, but I-". I didn't let him finish his sentence because I grabbed his face and kissed him.
I let go and looked at him.
"I like you, too", I said.
He smiled at me.
He leaned in and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss.
We finally pulled apart and I looked at him shyly as he started to play with my hair.
"I think we should go back to the party, people are probably looking for you", I said.
He nodded and grabbed my hand to walk out into the party.
A lot of the kids starting to stare at us, including my friends who were squealing and his friends who were smirking.
And then I saw Nina. Who was absolutely fumed.
She stomped over to us.
"How dare you?! Carter likes me, not you!".
"Oh really, then what's this?", he asked holding up our entwined hands. Then he kissed my hand as Nina scoffed at his action.
"Why her?! She's not proper girlfriend material!".
"Wanna bet?", Carter said. Then all of a sudden, he grabbed my waist, dipped and kissed me.
All the girls started squealing, the guys started cheering.
He lifted me back up and I smirked at Nina.
"Nice, now you have an STD from that thing", Nina said pointing at me.
"Oh please, he already got one from having to breathe in the same air as you", I snapped at her.
"OOOOHHHHHHHHH!!!!". Everyone was laughing at the way I was roasting Nina.
She finally couldn't think of anything to say back, so she walked away.
I looked at Carter and we both started laughing.
"I didn't know you had such a savage side", he said.
"Just another added perk to my personality".
He chuckled.
"Well, I'll let you get back to your friends for a little. But I wanna hang out a little after the party", he said to me.
"O-ok". Why am I stuttering now?
He walked back over to his friends and I did the same.
My friends were ecstatic. Luna and Layla were jumping up and down.
"Yes queen, you got your mans", Violet said.
I laughed.
"It's about time, I was about to organize an arranged marriage for you both", Luna said.
We burst out laughing.
"Thanks for the kind offer, but I'm good", I said.
"So did he say anything else to you?", Claudia asked.
"Umm, he said he wanted to hang out for a little after the party", I answered.
They gasped.
"Oh, you know what that means", Layla said winking.
My eyes widened as the rest of the girls cracked up.
I Hour Later
After about another hour, it was 8:00 and everyone was leaving until it was just me and Carter.
"So, what did you want to do?", I asked him.
"I already have that planned out", he said holding a bag on his shoulder. "Come on".
He intertwined our fingers as we walked down a path to a park.
He pulled a blanket out of the bag and set it down under a large Oak tree.
I laid down next to him and looked up at the star filled sky.
"This is beautiful, Carter".
"Really? I figured you would have preferred shopping", he said.
"No, I like to shop, but not as like a date", I said.
"Oh, so this is a date?", he asked.
I blushed realizing what I had just said.
"It's ok Brie". He put his hand on mine and smiled at me.
I laid my head on his lap and looked up at Carter.
He got out a water bottle for me to drink. I thanked him and took a small sip. Then I thought of something funny to do.
"Hey Carter, I think there's something in my water bottle", I lied.
"What do you mean?".
"Look in, it looks like a bug".
He put the water bottle up to his face and I took the bottom of the bottle and squeezed the water right in his face.
I laughed my butt off.
"Oh you're gonna get it now", he said wiping his face off.
I got up from the blanket and started running away.
I knew I couldn't outrun him because I'm not as athletic as him.
I could hear his footsteps right behind me, right before I was tackled to the ground.
I laughed as I struggled to get out of his grip, but he was too strong.
He pinned my arms down on the ground and looked down at me.
"You really had to go and do that to me?", I asked.
"You splashed water in my face", he said.
"Oh but your face was priceless", I said laughing.
"And your face is pretty", he said.
I blushed slightly at his compliment.
Then he lowered his head and kissed me. I kissed him back.
This honestly seemed like a scene from a PG-13 romance movie.
We released and looked at each other.
"I actually do have another present for you", he said.
"What is it?", I asked.
"Come on".
I took his hand and we walked back to the blanket under the tree.
I sat down in front of him.
"Close your eyes".
I did as I was told as I heard him rustling around in the bag.
"Ok, you can open them".
I opened my eyes and looked at what he was holding.
It was a small ring with a diamond in the center, surrounded by little diamonds.
"Oh, Carter, it's beautiful".
"It's a promise ring".
I looked at Carter, and hugged him. He took the ring out of the box and put it on my ring finger.
We started talking about random stuff, different memories. Then I called Carmella to come pick me up as we were walking back to his house.
We got back to his house and sat on the stairs, with my head on his shoulder, waiting for Carmella to arrive.
"Are you gonna tell Carmella about us?", he asked.
"Obviously, she's basically the big sister I never had", I said.
"You think she'll be ok with it?".
"Oh yeah, before she left after dropping me off here, she said, and I quote, 'Have fun Brie, go get your mans'".
He laughed.
As if on cue, Mella pulled up on her bike.
"Come on Brie, Corbyn's out with Drew, so we gotta get you home to avoid the question tsunami!".
Me and Carter both burst out laughing.
I stood up, kissed Carter on the cheek, and hopped onto Mella's bike.
We sped home and quietly opened the front door, turning our heads to look for Corbyn.
We sneakily walked in after we couldn't find him and started to walk up to my room.
We screamed at the sudden voice.
We turned to see Corbyn laying on the couch.
"What's up big bro?", I asked.
"Who is the boy?", he asked.
Me and Mella looked at each other.
"Run", she said.
We raced up the stairs to get to my room, as we heard Corbyn chasing after us.
We were almost at my room until I heard a squeal. I turned to see Mella caught in Corbyn's bear hug.
"Quick, get to your room Brie", she said.
I ran the rest of the way to my room, locked the door, and listened.

Brie got to her room, but I wasn't so lucky.
I got held in a bear hug by Corbyn, so I'll have to wait for Brie's tea.
"Who's the boy Mella?", he whispered in my ear.
Shivers ran down my spine. "I-I don't know".
He pinned me up against the wall and stared deep into my eyes.
"Mella, who is the boy?", he asked again.
"Why do you wanna know so bad?", I asked him.
"I'm Brie's big brother, it's my job".
"I'm not the one to tell you".
He lowered his head and sighed.
"Am I right or am I right?", I said smirking at him.
"Yeah, come on, we can watch a movie", he said leading me downstairs.
We sat down on the couch as I draped my legs on his lap.
We watched the movie PIXELS, which I think is absolutely hilarious.
I laid my head on Corbyn's shoulder, as I started to get tired halfway through the movie.
"Are you tired babe?", he asked.
"No". But as soon as I said that, I yawned.
I just shrugged my shoulders.
About 15 minutes later I could feel my eyelids getting really heavy so I just closed my eyes.
I guess Corbyn noticed because I heard the tv turn off and him picking me up.
We went up the stairs and I guess into his room because he placed me on a bed.
I rolled over on my side as I felt Corbyn get in with me.
I turned around so I was facing him. I could feel his bare chest and scooted closer to him.
He put his arm around my waist and planted a small kiss on my head.
"Goodnight Mella".

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