Chapter 9: The Past Returns

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So we're 2 days away from the date and I am using my whole brain to figure out who's the other person.
Corbyn is supposed to be showing around a new student today, so he's doing that.
We're in bio right now and I'm keeping a very close eye on Mr.Spearing.
I think he noticed that I started paying more attention to him because he started sweating a little bit.
Then I started thinking to myself. What if the new kid is a mean girl? What if she's a flirt? Would she try to get with Corbyn? Will he cheat on me like Brandon did?
Ok I need to stop. I'm turning into a basic jealous girlfriend.
Anyway, after 3 more classes, it was finally time for lunch.
I grab a plate of chicken Alfredo, a small bowl of fruit salad, some lemonade, and a cookie.
I headed over to my table where Liv, Drew, and Musa were already sitting.
"Hey girl, Corbyn's bringing the new kid to our lunch. I heard he's hot", Liv said.
It was a boy, good.
"Ok, the more the merrier", I said.
Alexa then joined us and we started digging in.
I started eating my fruit salad and looked up to see Corbyn with someone behind him.
He was wearing a hood over his head so it was kind of hard to see what he looked like.
Then when he reached the table, he took his hood off and I gasped.
This wasn't just a random guy.
The same guy who cheated on me.
"Guys this is Brandon. Brandon this is Liv, Alexa, Drew, Musa, and Carmella".
"Carmella?!", he asked in shock.
I glared daggers at him. "Nice to see you too asshole". I was enraged.
"Mella, I-", he was saying, but I stopped him real quick.
"First of all, you of all people don't get to call me that anymore. Second don't even try to apologize, because I don't wanna hear it", I snapped.
"Carmella please, I just wanna make things right", he said.
"Wait a sec, this is the same guy who cheated on you? And with you're best friend?", Alexa asked in disbelief.
"Actually, two of those words are wrong. Best and friend don't belong together in that sentence", I said.
"Don't bring Trina into this", he said pointing a finger in my face.
"Get your finger out of her face before I break all five!", Liv snapped standing up.
He immediately snatched his hand away.
"I can bring Trina into this if I want to because you cheated on me with her. If you wanted to break up with me for her, I would've have understood, but did you really think cheating would do it for you?", I asked him.
"We thought it would have been better", he argued.
"You and her are the definitions of idiots", I said. "And I knew what you two were doing, I knew she only started hanging out with me more because I was dating you and you started dating me to get closer to her!", I yelled.
He stayed silent.
"Do not talk to me at all while you're here", I said sternly.
He raised his hands up in defense and sat down across the table from me.
He didn't speak a word for the whole period.
Luckily, lunch was the only period I had with him.
During music class, Mrs.Van Dale asked me, Alexa, Musa, and Liv to sing in the Christmas concert on Friday since we won the talent show. I was so excited.
We've worked really hard for this and it was definitely paying off.
After school, I drove home with Musa and I went inside to do some more research since I only had until Wednesday.
I changed into a dark gray tank top, fuzzy royal blue pajama pants, and put my hair in a messy bun.
I sat on my bed and logged onto the cameras I had at school.
I knew that a lot of the other teachers were still finishing up work, so this might take a while.
I decided to listen to Mr.Spearing awhile. I logged onto his camera and waited.
Time Skip
He hasn't said anything for almost 20 minutes. Then I saw the phone ring on the camera.
I turned on the recorder and listened.
"So you're sure the guns will be ok in the storage closet?".
I paused.
"Alright, we'll have to make this work, although, I have a bad feeling about my one student, she looks like she's onto me".
Wait, is he talking about me?
"Carmella Rossi, she gets more fixated on me in my class, the closer the day comes".
Oh god, he noticed.
There was a pause.
"You're right, she can't stop us, I mean, she's just a dumb blonde".
Oh, I'll show you what this dumb blonde can do.
There was a knock at my door.
I got up and answered the door to find Corbyn.
"Cute pjs", he said jokingly.
"Hey babe, what's up?", I asked.
"Hey, did you wanna go for a walk in the park with me?", he asked.
"Sure, just let me change first".
He stepped inside and I ran to my bedroom to change.

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