Chapter 4: Snooping and Shopping

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I woke up during the night at 2:00. I couldn't sleep.
I have to try and get this mission done before Weston makes an appearance. I just have to think positive and I can get the job done. I can install hidden cameras in the school just in case there's any suspicious activity going on there that I'm missing. I went to my gadget bag and pulled out a small box. Inside were microscopic cameras that I could place in every hallway and classroom.
I got up and got dressed in my black spy suit. I grabbed my bag with my gun, my badge and the box. I grabbed a smoke bomb, a grappling hook, a lock pick and decoder just in case.
I headed out the door and drove to the school.
I parked in the back of the school and used my grappling hook to climb to the top of the school.
I hooked the rope by the skylight in the great hall and lowered myself down.
I landed very silently and started placing the cameras in the school.
I heard footsteps coming my way, I used my rope to lift myself up and I started traveling through the vents.
I heard voices coming from a classroom, so I moved in that direction. I was right above the room where I saw two masked figures, I couldn't hear their voices, but I saw a schematic on the table in front of them. The left corner of it read EMP device.
Oh my god, they're gonna turn out the power to create panic and then they're going to start shooting.
I turned around and started to make my way out. I reattached the hook above the skylight and climbed out.
I climbed down off the roof and hopped on my bike.
I drove back to my apartment and went inside to find Finn just sitting there.
"Sorry, mommy had to go run some errands".
I picked him up and went to my bedroom to change.
I opened my laptop and connected my computer to the cameras. I looked and found the strange people walking around the school.
They went into the workshop and it looks like they were building the EMP.
Knowing criminals they will probably disguise it as something normal so it will be harder to find and shut down.
I just have to stay awake until they hide it. This shouldn't take long.
Time Skip
About an hour later, they finished building the device, I changed my camera to find them. I found them in the sports hall.
They opened the showcase and they cut open the star basketball.
That's very clever, putting it inside the basketball. But I'm even more clever. I'll see you tomorrow EMP. I closed my laptop and went to bed.
Another Time Skip
The Next Morning
I woke up and realized that I had something to do. I got dressed.

 I brushed my hair and teeth, did my makeup, and I styled my hair into a half up half down style with a ponytail

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I brushed my hair and teeth, did my makeup, and I styled my hair into a half up half down style with a ponytail. I grabbed my school stuff with my phone, fed Finn, and grabbed my helmet.
I waited outside for Musa. I had to get to the school to deactivate the device. She came out of her house and skipped over to me.
"Let's go", she said.
We drove to school and we were greeted by Liv and Alexa.
"Hey, how was Corbyn?", Alexa asked.
"It was great, he asked me out actually. There's something else, but I'll show you guys later".
We walked in.
"I gotta talk to the principal, I'll catch up with you guys later", I said.
I was almost there when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and Corbyn stood there with a coffee cup in his hand.
"Hi. This is for you", he said handing me the cup.
"What is it?", I asked.
"Peppermint mocha, your favorite".
"You remembered". I gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"So where are you off to?".
"The office, the principal sent me an email this morning", I lied.
"Ok, I won't keep you here, I'll see you later babe".
I finished my walk to the main office and made my way to the corner. I knocked before entering.
"Ah Ms.Rossi, how can I help you?", Mr.Walken asked.
I closed the door. "I found out about something".
"What is it?".
"So, I was here earlier in the morning and I was setting up cameras, when I saw two masked people creeping around here. So I crawled in the vents to spy. I found out that they planted an EMP device in the school".
"What's an EMP device?".
"It's an electro magnetic pulse device, and it can shut down the power in the school and cause a commotion giving the shooters the perfect opportunity to attack", I explained.
"Do you know where they put it?", he asked.
"Yes, they cut open the star basketball in the display case in the sports hall", I said.
"Alright, I will come with you to get the device once first period has started", he said.
After I walked out of the office, the bell for first period rang. I waited for Principal Walken who came out 30 seconds later with a ring of keys.
We made our to the showcase and he opened it. I grabbed the basketball and found the opening . I pulled out the device and looked at it. There was only 1 minute left.
"I can't disarm it in 1 minute", I said in a panic. Then I had an idea. EMPs have a short range distance, so if I get it far enough away from the school, it won't be close enough to activate near the school.
I stuffed it back in the ball, bolted out of the doors, and ran to the street. I threw it down a hill in the opposite direction of the school.
I ran back to the school, where Principal Walken was waiting inside.
We waited for about 30 seconds to see if my plan worked. After about a minute, nothing happened.
"It worked", I said.
"Well done Agent Rossi", Walken said.
"Thank you sir, but my mission is far from over, I still need to figure out who planted it".
"I will keep a look out on my monitors, meanwhile I will walk you to class".
I picked my bag up and walked with Mr.Walken to history.
I entered the room and took a seat next to Corbyn.
"You ok?", he asked.
The next few periods went by with no problem. Then biology came.
Our teacher gave us a group project due next Tuesday.
"Ok here are your groups. Terra, Pedro, and Jamie. Henry, Julie, and Ivy. Lauren, Macey, and Ruby. Evie, Summer, and Matt. Tyler, Jon, and Karla. Alexa, Liv, and Musa. And Drew, Corbyn, and Carmella".
I kind of zoned out as the teacher gave out the subjects and saw Summer turn her head towards me. I looked at her out of the corner of my eye. She. Was. Pissed.
"Ok class, you have 20 more minutes to start on your projects".
I went over to where Corbyn and Drew were seated.
"So what are we doing our project on, I spaced out", I said.
"No worries, we have to do the process of photosynthesis", Drew said.
"Oh that's easy", I said.
"All it is, is sunlight + 6H2O + 6CO2 = C6H12O6 + 6O2", I explained.
Corbyn and Drew looked at me in amazement.
"How do you remember that off the top of your head?", Corbyn asked.
"I remember everything", I said pointing to my head.
"Well, that works for me", Drew said.
We continued to work on the project for the rest of the class.
I was packing up my things when I heard my teacher, Mr.Spearing, get a phone call. I was secretly eavesdropping on him. He sounded annoyed.
"I don't know why it didn't work".
I left a small recording device underneath his desk, as I pretended to turn in a paper. I stepped out into the hall as I connected to the recorder.
"It was set to go off right after first period started".
There was a pause.
"You know what, you should've checked it correctly before we put it in the basketball".
My eyes widened. Mr.Spearing is one of the shooters. Now I just need to find the other.
I called Walken and told him who the one person was, but I told him not to call the police yet until we find the other, so they won't go into hiding.
I headed to my last class for the day; music. I've always loved to sing, people would always tell me I had a beautiful voice. It doesn't really bother me to sing in front of people either.
I sat down next to Musa, who was talking with a girl named, Brooke.
"Hey, Brooke is having a party on Friday, you wanna come?", Musa asked.
I thought about it. I was doing pretty good on my case after finding one culprit. And I had cameras and a recorder set up already. I guess it wouldn't hurt to loosen up a bit.
"Sure, sounds fun", I said with a smile.
I looked over at where Alexa was sitting and I noticed her rubbing her arm and looking like she was in pain. I'll probably have to ask her what's wrong later.
Our teacher walked in about 2 minutes later and began class.
"Alright class, this assignment is a group project. And a project for this class only because I feel that this is the most musically talented group I have. You will be allowed to pick your groups, no more than 5, and you will all be performing in the talent show next Thursday. The winner of the talent show gets an automatic A, the talent crowns, and the Golden Mic trophy", our teacher explained.
I was actually really excited. Singing was always a dream of mine.
I think I'm gonna actually miss this school and these people once I'm done, real school has been a lot of fun so far.
Luckily for this project, Alexa and Liv have the class with us, so we can all be a group of four.
"Ok, what song do we want to sing?", Alexa asked.
We all just sat there, we suggested a few, but we turned them down as well. Then a song came to mind.
"How about this? Do you guys know who Little Mix is?", I asked.
"Yeah, we listen to them all the time", Liv said.
"What if we do the song Good Enough? It has four members, it has some really strong vocals, and it's a tear jerker", I listed.
"I vote for this one", Musa said.
"Me too", Liv seconded.
"Ditto", Alexa replied.
"Ok, let's tell Mrs.Van Dale", I said.
We got up from our seats. We explained to our teacher that we were all in a group, and the song we were doing.
Now we just need to decide who's parts we're singing.
"Who's gonna sing whos parts?", Liv asked.
"I can sing Perrie's parts", I said.
"I'm singing Leigh Anne's part", Alexa said.
"I can do Jesy's", Musa said.
"And I'll do Jade's", Liv finished.
I looked at the clock and class didn't end for another 30 minutes. "You guys wanna practice in the sound studio?", I asked.
"Yeah, we could use the practice", Liv said.
We headed for the room in the corner that took up like a fourth of the room. We got some microphones set up and we got some headphones. We started the sound track. They must listen to this song a lot because they knew all the words to it.
We finished the song, took our headphones off, and smiled at each other. Then Alexa looked straight ahead and blushed like mad.
The rest of us turned to see what she was looking at. The whole class was looking into the room.
How long were they standing there for? Then they started to clap for us. We all smiled and walked out of the sound studio.
Corbyn came up to me.
"I didn't know you could sing", he said shocked.
"Been singing since I was 5".
"You're amazing, with your guys' talents, you can definitely win the show".
I smiled at him.
"So do you want to work on our project later at my house?".
"Yeah sure, I just have to check on Finn before I come over", I said.
"Cool, I guess I'll see you later then".
"See you later".
I walked back over to Liv and Musa. "Where's Alexa?".
"She's over there, talking to Drew". I look over and they were chatting up a storm. "Doesn't she like Drew?", I asked.
"Mhm hmm", Liv hummed with a smirk.
I looked at the way Drew was looking at her. He was very focused on her conversation. I hope they get together, they would make such a cute couple. Then I noticed Alexa rubbing her arm again in pain. What is wrong with her?
The bell rang, signaling that the day is over.
"Come on Musa, I gotta take care of Finn and then I have to go to Corbyn's to work on the project", I said.
"I'm coming".
We hopped on and drove back to the apartments. I opened my door and immediately Finn started jumping up and down.
"Hi Finn, did you miss me?".
He started barking a little.
"Let me refill your bowls and then I'll take you out to use the bathroom".
I put some more kibble in his food bowl and refilled his water bowl.
Then I hooked him up and took him outside. He must've had to go because as soon as we got out there, he made a beeline right for the tree in the yard. He trotted his way back over and stepped inside the house.
"Okay, you be a good boy, I'll be home at around 5".
I relocked the door and drove to the address Corbyn gave me.
I pulled up to a really nice house. It looked to be about 3 stories and was very modern-chic.
I walked up the entryway and knocked on the door.
I heard footsteps inside and a woman answered the door. She was slightly taller than me, with light brown hair, green eyes, wearing a navy blue T-shirt, black pants, and white flats.
"Can I help you hon?", she asked me.
"Hi, I'm Carmella, I'm here to-", I didn't get to finish because she interrupted me.
"Carmella? You're Carmella?", she asked.
"Yes", I said smiling.
"Oh Corbyn's been talking about this beautiful girl named Carmella 24/7, so nice to meet you dear", she said extending her hand.
"Nice to meet you too, Mrs.Shay", I said shaking her hand.
"Oh call me Dana dear, come in".
I stepped inside the house and holy crap it was freakin beautiful.
"Your house is gorgeous Dana".
"Thank you. So what brings you here?", she asked.
"Oh, me and Corbyn are working on a group project".
"Oh ok, he'll be back soon, he had to pick his little sister up from school. Would you like anything to drink dear?".
"Umm, if you don't mind", I said.
"Of course not, I can whip up some lemon water if you like", she said.
"That's perfect, thank you Dana".
"It's no problem sweety". She started cutting up a lemon, cucumber, and mint leaves and placed them into a small drink dispenser on the counter. Then she got a glass out and started to fill the cup.
"Here you go".
"Thank you". I took a long sip of the drink, lemon water is my favorite thing to drink, along with my peppermint mocha of course.
I heard the door open and in came Corbyn with a little girl with almost black hair, blue eyes, and had on a gray sweater with leggings and a pair of Ugg boots.
She saw me and beamed.
"Are you Carmella?", she asked me.
I saw Corbyn turn around shocked and then he smiled.
"Yes I am, what's your name?", I asked looking down at her.
"Hi Brie".
"Oh my gosh, you have no idea how excited I am to meet you", she said.
"Oh really?".
"Yeah, Corbyn came home 2 days ago in a dazed mood and said he had met this beautiful girl".
I looked up at Corbyn with a smirk on my face. He looked nervous. "Oh did he?".
"Yeah, I've never seen him like that before, I swear you'd think he was in-", Brie started to say, but was cutoff when Corbyn placed his hand over her mouth.
"Ok Brie, thank you. Me and Carmella have to go work on our project now".
He led me upstairs and into his room, which was surprisingly nice and clean.
"So, your mom told me, and I quote, Corbyn's been talking about this beautiful girl named Carmella 24/7, it's hard to believe you would talk about me that much", I said.
"Well yeah, it's hard not to talk about you".
I blushed. "Ok, let's get some of this project done".
We spent about the next half hour working on the project until we got bored.
"Do you wanna watch something?", he asked.
So we started flipping through channels, I thought there wasn't anything I was gonna like. Then he flipped past an all to well channel.
"Wait, go back", I said.
He flipped back and there it was; classic Scooby-Doo.
"You like this too?", he asked.
"Oh my god, it was my favorite cartoon as a kid. Well, along with Tom and Jerry", I said.
"Same, me and Brie would watch those two all the time".
So for the rest of our time, we watched classic Scooby-Doo and some Tom and Jerry. Corbyn is such a nice guy, I'm gonna die when I have to reveal myself. This mission has had such an impact on me, more than my other ones. I've never had such awesome and amazing connections with people like I do with the people here.
It was almost 5 and I had to get back to Finn for dinner.
"I gotta go, I have to get back to Finn", I said.
He walked me out to my bike and kissed my forehead. "I'll see you tomorrow".
"Later babe". I took off back to my house.
I walked up to my door when I saw Finn sitting on the window seat, wagging his tail off. I opened my door and he jumped up and down.
"Hi baby, wanna help mommy do some more investigating? Bark once for yes, two for no".
He barked once.
"Ok come on", I said patting the side of my leg.
We went into my bedroom and I logged into my computer to check my cameras. Since I knew that one of the teachers was Mr.Spearing, I checked his background file again.
According to the files, he was laid off for almost 2 months because of aggression towards students, including threats. And this happened about a week after his house had burned down.
Well, there's my motive.
After about another hour of research, my thoughts were interrupted when I heard my phone ringing. It was Liv.
Liv Carmella
Hey girl, whatcha doing?
Just doing some schoolwork
Did you wanna put that on hold and come shopping for the party on Friday?
Yeah totally, I'll be ready in about 5 minutes
Ok, we'll pick you up
See you later
I got my things together and waited in the living room with Finn.
About a minute later I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and there stood my friends.
"Hey guys, come in", I said stepping out of the way.
Finn was standing on the back of the couch wagging his tail.
"Oh my gosh, who is this little cutie?", Alexa asked picking Finn up.
"That's Finn", I said.
"Aren't you the cutest little thing? Where'd you get him?", Liv asked.
"Corbyn actually got him for me".
"You're kidding?!", Alexa asked shocked.
I shook my head.
"That's the sweetest thing ever", Liv said rubbing Finn's tummy.
Then I noticed Liv looking at the picture of me and Roman on the wall.
"Who's this?", she asked.
"That's my brother".
"He's freakin hot, how old is he?", she asked.
I chuckled. "He'll be 21 in February".
"So, he's still young enough to be with me", she said shaking her hips while also shrugging her shoulders.
We all laughed.
"Well, let's go shopping", Musa said.
We all piled into Liv's car and headed to the mall. I had absolutely no idea what I wanted.
"Let's start shopping ladies", Alexa said.
We started wandering the mall, going into tons of stores. We all slowly started putting an outfit together until we were finally done.
We all gathered in the dressing room area to try on our completed outfits.
When we all came out, we realized we all got black and white outfits.

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