Happy Endings

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Happy endings aren't real. At least, that's what I have learned. They only happen in fairy tales, where the ending is already thought out. People think they're real, but they're just the idiots of the world. Nobody gets their perfect ending, no one gets their peace. Living means dying, trying means failure. None of us will ever succeed. Only the rich will ever be happy, but that is false. They are always tormented by the media and gold diggers. No one wins.

This is what I had always thought, but then my friends showed me the light. They brought me through the tough times, without knowing what they were doing. I never showed it, but I was suffering. I glued a smile to my face, peeling it off every night to cry myself to sleep. Nobody knew, nobody knows, and that's how I'd like to keep it. However, I have been told to write inspiring stories. I usually write sad ones, killing off the main character in the end. So I sat down today, deciding to maybe help. Maybe save a life.

I'm hear to tell you all that it gets better. Trust me, I know I sound like a broken record. I often got enraged at people who said this, but I did find strategies. Set goals for yourself. Say, "I will live until next year." Once that has past, create a new goal. "I won't harm myself this month." It helps.

I always thought that people were idiots who didn't understand, but they shouldn't have to. Just because they don't know, deosn't mean that they can't help. Let people help you, let them give you encouragement. Don't shut down, don't shut them out. That's how you lose to the darkness. Rise above it, find a ray of sunshine, a ray of hope. You can. Don't lose yourself while looking for light, you don't have to look far. Look in your friends, your family, your pets. They're all there for you. You can win.

Trust me when I say this. Hope is not dead. It is alive and well, knocking on your door. All you have to do is open it, take a step outside, and be engulfed in the warmth of love and hope. You can do it. You can beat the darkness.

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