Smart Hate

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Oh shut up, that grade's perfect!

Let me guess, another A for little miss perfect?

Your brother aced that class, why didn't you?

Please, at least you didn't fail!

What, you didn't get a perfect grade? Oh boo fucking hoo!

What's wrong with you, why didn't you get an A?

Is everything okay? You got an 89 on your last test.

Why don't you just skip a grade!

What's wrong with you?

You're better than this!

Why didn't you get a perfect grade?

Of course you got a 100.

You're a failure!

I don't need your help studying.

Why didn't you study?

Calm down!

Work harder!

I hate you!

"Shut up!"

Everyone turns to look at me, confused looks on their faces.

"What, now you think you're better than the teacher too? What did he get wrong this time?"

I stare at the girl who questioned me, the one who torments me the most. I look to the board, frantic to find something wrong so I don't seem crazy. "1469 to 1527."


"Niccolò Machiavelli lived from 1469 to 1527, not 1528," I stammer, cursing my face for heating up and turning red.

"Ah, that's correct. Thank you for catching me Liz. Where did you learn this?" Mr. Kahn asks me, the only person in this room who sincerely likes me.

"I read one of his books, The Prince. In the back was a time line of his life."

"Of course you did," Nick whispers under his breath.

Mr. Kahn continues to lecture us on the Renaissance, my mind wandering as he does so. Nice going idiot, you yelled at your teacher for such a simple mistake. You're so pathetic.

The bell rings, taking my attention away from hating myself. I throw everything into my bag and race out the door.

"Hey, Liz!" I turn to see Mr. Kahn calling to me while the students around him stare, glaring at me. I walk over to him, my head hanging down. "Hey, don't let it get to you. You are smart, but you're still only human. I know they're mean, and I know it's hard, but try not to let it get to you. And if all else fails, remember that you actually have a chance at living life to the fullest. Know that you are a better person than them, not just smarter. Remember that your brain is not the only thing that defines you."

I smile at his words, my pain lessening. "Thank you." I walk away, a small smile on my face. You are worth something.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 07, 2015 ⏰

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