Days are just an escape from the Night

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     The violent ringing of an  alarm clock brought Nico out of his slumber. He groaned and rolled over. Why was  his mother making him do this ? It was Sunday for gozsake, and yet here he was rolling out of bed at 7:30 in the morning. He sat on the floor for a minute, then coming to his senses he realized his mother would have an hissyfit if he dottled, and he certainly didn't want another one of those from her. So getting up he zigzagged through the full boxes that still littered the room to the small bathroom. He fixed his hair enough so that his mother wouldn't complain, and splashed some water in his face to help him get going. When he reached down stairs he wasn't surprised to find only his mother in the kitchen waiting for him. His sister was still in bed, which was SO not fair.

"Why hello Nico, you finally dragged yourself up." His mother greeted him

"Wow good morning to you to mom," he scoffed, " why am I up when no one else is again?" his mother rolled her eyes at him exasperated

"Your going to have a tour of your new school."

"Oh yeah... you mean the SAME school Hazel is going to. And yet I'M the one getting up at unhurley hours to take a tour. I mean c'mon mom why can't I just be shown around on the first day like everyone else?" 

"Because you have a purpose in this life, and i'm not risking you forgetting that. You will be treated different as to remind you that this is hardly a break from your rightful life." 

Nico hated his moms reasoning, he found it stupid, and wrong. But he did, and said, whatever his mom told him to, so he would do this. And if he was going to do it he might as well build up some energy. He looked around for any breakfast, but his eyes came up empty handed. He cautiously turned to his mother and asked.

"Uh mom can I have some food?" His mother barely raised her eyes from the magazine to give him her scorning answer

"No, I don't want to make you it. And besides you don't need anymore in your body." She said as she lightly looked over him in distaste

"Uh are you calling me fat?" He asked timidly

"Well i'm not calling you skinny." His mother said

Nico had to admit the words stung. But it was his mother, and after years and years of words like those he had convinced himself that she was only being a good mother, and looking out for him. So he stored them away with all the other hurtful sentences in a closet in his heart and left to quickly get ready upstairs in his new room. He made his way up the winding staircase, dodging a box or two, till finale he reached his room at the very top of the house. He walked through the painted black and white door and into his room. He went to a box and took out, an already prepared, outfit. He went to the bathroom and shut his door. He quickly undressed himself, and was about to put on his clothes when something caught his eye, his stomach. He set down the clothes in his hand to stare at it in the mirror. Was it really that big? His mother said so, so it must be. He sighed, ugly stupid pig he thought as he slapped himself across the face. He needed to do better than this.

Once Nico had put on all his make up he bounded down the stairs to his mom.She grabbed her, looked up at him, and said.

"Gods Nico we really do need to put you on a diet, I could her you walking from all the way upstairs." Then she casually walked out to the car.

Nico stood there letting the words half way sink in till he grabbed them and locked them up. He grabbed his own bag. He looked around at his new house, and for some reason he felt strange. He felt like he wanted to scream, and cry. He furrowed his brow and snapped out of it when his mother honked from the car. He pinched himself a little to get his barrings, then bolted out of the house.

--))-- a time-skip brought to you by my laziness --((--

After a car ride of listening to his mothers soap opera channel, and lectures about knowing his place, they arrived at his new school: Half High. Nico wanted to laugh at the name but didn't dare with his mother right there. Instead he followed her in to meet a man in a brown suit type thing. The man had a brissly beard that almost looked soft, broad strong shoulders, log flowy brown hair to match the beard, and kind browns eyes that crinkled when he smiled, which he was doing right then as he rolled over to Nico and his mother in his wheelchair. The closer he got the more Nico wanted to hug him, he gave off a warm father instinct that made Nico forget about his own absent dad.

"Hello," he said still smiling, "my name is Chiron, I will be your principle here at Half High." Nico's mother nodded so he shook Chiron's hand, and introduced himself.

"Hi, i'm Nico Di Angelo."

"Ah yes, there's been great excitement of your arrival."

"As there should be." His mother muttered, Chiron ignored it and kept talking

"On the tour if there any questions please ask them. Also when you begin your school year here we want to keep you safe and welcome. So if there is any trouble with the teachers, or students, please come to me. Oh and even though you are a quite known we want you to feel equal, never higher never lower. Got it?" Nico nodded happy by the last statements, but his mother just scoffed.

--))-- Another lazy time-skip --((--

It was maybe three hours later, and Nico and his mother were getting back into the car. As they drove off he waved to Chiron, his mother didn't seem to like that as she glared at him when he did so. In fact ever since the part when Chiron said they would try to make him feel equal she had been set off. His other hadn't even wanted him to go to this school in the first place. She had claimed that he would be just fine homeschooling. But Nico had begged and begged for almost years, and deciding that it would be good for the publicity she finally agreed. Nico could see she was starting to regret doing so. But it was too late, thought as he smiled, the smile that was quickly wiped off his face by his mother's disapproving stare.

Once they got home he jumped out and ran into the house, heading to his room. He knew his mothers lecture would come sooner or later, but for now he just wanted to unpack and relax. He waved to his sister that who was almost still half asleep. He saw her eating and something twinge in him. But no it was for his own good, he would eat when his mother told him to. And if that was a while so be it.

(A/N: And that's we're i'm gonna leave off for this chapter. The next few chapters I will be posting together, but this one is like another teaser. The chapters WILL get longer, I promise, and you will be introduced to more characters/family members more thoroughly. Again I do not own any characters unless I state so, other than that they all belong to Rick Riordan. Thank you i'll hopefully see ya soon.)

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