Choices not made Yourself

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Nico felt strange to say the least. He was sitting in class trying to pay attention to his surroundings but everything felt, and looked foggy. The teachers lecture sounded more like an adult in one of those old timely kids cartoons, whah whah whah. Nico put his hand to his forehead, holing himself up, his vision was growing weaker and he was beginning to see yellow and red dots swarming around. If he couldn't focus on the class then he should focus on something else he figured, maybe this would go away then. He decided on Will, having nothing else clear in his mind. He felt bad for lying to him not once, but two times. Nico didn't have any intention on going home after this class, he didn't even know how he could. 

Nico's hand slipped and his head went crashing to his desk. All eyes turned in shock as Nico crashed to the floor, head surprisingly neutral after the bang it took to the desk. Nico could hear only murmurs, his eyes rolled back into his head as he felt nothing. Everything was a swambe of colored blobs, then nothing.


When Nico's eyes opened once more he was in a very bright room. He was propped up on pillows and had an IV nettle sticking out of his arm. He noticed quite quickly he was wearing some sort of loose gown, and his knee was covered in thick bandages. 

'Shit,' he thought, 'i'm in the hospital.'

His knee wasn't the only thing with bandages, his lower stomach also had a number of them on it. Everything now felt heavy, but at the same time content. Everything had been taken care of, everything had been worked out. He couldn't imagine what his teacher, and classmates reactions could have been, he didn't see anything when he fell.

Nico gulped thinking of how his mother might be right now. Then he felt bad thinking of how Hazel, and Will might be right now. Technically he hadn't gone against what he told Will, but that was the least of his worries concerning his friend. He wanted to see him, and he wanted to see Hazel.

"Good evening Mr. Di Angelo it appears you have awakened." A tall blond man wearing a doctors uniform and carrying a pad of paper walked through the door and came to stand by Nico's side.

"H-hi, who are you?" Nico asked, feeling a bit dumb.

The man smiled as to reassure him, "I'm Dr. Fredrick, and I assure you you're in good hands."

"Where is my sister?" Nico quickly jumped in, then thinking of something else to ask he said, "And what just happened?"

"Very good questions indeed," Dr. Fredrick chuckled, "You're sister is in the waiting room along with your mother. I will send them both in if you like when I'm finished here."

"Okay, i'd like that." Nico nodded, feeling a tad bit more comforted.

"As for what happened well i'd like you to tell me that too." Dr. Fredrick raised his eyebrows, waiting for Nico to jump in, Nico remained silent, "Nico were you aware you had a dislocated and cracked knee bone, that your nose was partly crushed, that you had multiple alarming bruises on your face, and that a couple veins were ruptured in your stomach?"

Nico gasped, not at all expecting that much, "N-no sir."

"Judging from what we found out they happened not even 24 hours ago, how you even made it walking around like that for that long is a mystery." 

"Is everything okay?" 

"Luckily yes, we were able to fix everything up alright. For some things it will take quite a bit more healing but everything will eventually get back to normal. Things like your nose may just look a little funny for a few days."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2021 ⏰

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