Chapter 3

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Colby's pov

Phone call

Sarah: Colby where are you it's been three hours

Colby: My flight got delayed 

Sarah: Oh well get here as soon as possible

Colby: I promise I will be there 

Sarah: okay I love you

Colby: love you too bye 

Sarah: Bye 

Phone call ended 

I sat my phone down on the night stand and I rolled over and wrapped my arms around Becky.

I kissed her on the shoulder "baby it's time to wake up " she shakes her head no and I just laugh "yes it's time to get up Sarah just called and she's mad that I'm not there yet ".

She groaned " Sarah can wait I'm sleepy " she's so cute " baby she has been waiting for a while .

so come on time to take a shower so we can get going to Iowa ".

Sarah's pov

My mom and me were sitting at the kitchen island.

My mom takes my hand "so how are things "  I smile when I reply " really good I'm so happy with Colby " my mom smiles and nods her head when she replies with " you two are cute together I really think you two should get married soon "  .

I just laugh and say "mom we are not even engaged " she smiles " sweetheart you don't have to be there are a lot of people that just get married and  skip engagement ".

I nod my head when I reply with " your right mom I'll talk to Colby " we then carry on with our small talk . 

I just hope Colby get's here soon he hasn't spent a lot of time getting to know my family and it's about time he does.

Colby's pov

I got out of the shower and got a towel for Becky and wrapped her up in it .  

We finely got every thing ready to leave we head to the hotel room door when Becky stops " is everything okay beck's " she shakes her head no as she turn's around "Colby once we leave this room our little vacation is over we had two night's together that's it and now we have to walk out of this room and act like we are friend's and then fly to Iowa where Sarah will hog you and we won't get to spend anytime together " .

I take her hand in mine " Beck's I will always make time for you I promise " she look's at me with sad eye's as she replies with " you say you love me you say I mean more to you then her yet you still put her before me " I then sigh " well it's time I put you first " she smiles as I pull her in for a kiss .

Sarah's pov 

I just started cooking for my family and Colby still isn't  here yet so I decided to call him.

Phone call

Sarah : Hey honey where are you is everything okay 

Colby: Yeah everything is alright other than I'm stuck at the airport they decided to cancel my flight last minute so I may be here all night 

Sarah: Okay baby just be safe I got to go the food is ready but call me when you leave the air port 

Colby : ok I will love you 

Sarah: love you too bye 

Colby: Bye 

Phone call ended 

I then went back to getting the food ready .

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