Chapter 27: The day has come

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It was Friday, the day Chenle dreaded the most.

Heejin would come to the dorm today, so she and Jisung could work on their project.

Chenle was waiting in his room.
He knew they would come together after school.

After some minutes, he heard the door opening and loud voices entering.

Chenle didn't plan to go and say 'hello', instead he would hide in his room as long as possible.

After an hour he heard some laughs and loud voices being excited over something.

Chenle didn't like this sounds. How could a school project be so funny and amusing?

Even though he actually didn't want to see them together, his curiosity got the better of him.

He quietly opened the door and entered the living room.

But what he hadn't expected to see was Heejin and Renjun sitting together on the couch, laughing till they had lost their breath.

It was really a rare view seeing someone laughing about Renjun's jokes.

There were only two options.
First, Heejin was officially crazy and really liked Renjun jokes.
Or she just really liked Renjun and wanted to be nice to him.

After some seconds of catching their breath, the two finally realized Chenle's presence.

"Oh, hi", Heejin blushed, when she saw the weird look Chenle was giving her about laughing so much about Renjun's jokes.

"You must be Chenle, right? The guy Jisung can't stop talking about.", she said teasingly.

Chenle immediately blushed but didn't answer and instead asked "Where is Jisungie?". Chenle felt the need to kind of claim Jisung with the nickname.

Heejin smiled knowingly, remembering the time, when Jisung told her that only one person had the right to call him "Jisungie".

"He went to the kitchen to prepare some snacks.", Renjun answered, eyes wandering to Heejin.

"Yes, I am really hungry. But I haven't wanted to bother him, since we are already busy with the project. But sadly my stomach grumbled and gave it away and then I couldn't stop him from bringing some food.", Heejin smiled sadly.

"Yes, that is how Jisungie is. Always taking care of others.", Chenle smiled also sadly, because deep inside he wanted to be the only one Jisung took care of.

"Hey, I also could have brought you food but Jisung was too quick and beat me to it", Renjun pouted.

"Cute", Heejin thought and only shook her head laughing. "I know, I know. Don't worry, Renjun-ssi."

Now it was Renjun's turn to shook his head.
"Don't call me Rejun-ssi. Renjun-Oppa is fine."

This let Heejin smile really brightly. "Okay.", she answered timidly.

"But actually I don't really like the name 'Oppa' anymore, it is so misused by all the obsessed Kpop Fans.", Heejin sighed.

"I know", Renjun nodded. "But I think it is okay, if you say it. Or are you an obsessed fan?"

"No", Heejin giggled. "I'm not."

"Hi", Jisung whispered in Chenle's ear, who got scared and flinched immediately, to caught up in the scene in front of him and not realizing the younger approaching.

"Are you hungry? I brought some snacks.", he said when he walked past Chenle, their shoulders brushing.

Chenle only nodded blushing.

Beautiful Time ~ NCT Dream (0T7) {Nomin, Markhyuck, Chensung}Where stories live. Discover now