Chapter 25: He is slowly giving up

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"Jeno-ah", a voice whispered in his ear.

When the black haired slowly opened his eyes, he immediately found himself lost in two shining eyes.

Two shining eyes full of mischievousness.
That was what Jeno realized, when the owner of this two mesmerizing eyes slowly started to straddle Jeno's lap, who was still lying in his bed.

"What are you doing, Nana?", Jeno asked in a hoarse voice.

"Nothing", the other boy answered innocently.
"At least nothing, that we both don't want.", he whispered and leaned down.

He was right. Jeno wanted this. So badly. His heart was screaming at him to let the boy close the gap and then get lost in the feeling.

But also his mind was screaming at him to stop this.
This was wrong. So, so wrong.

And like always, his mind was stronger.

With all his energy Jeno quickly turned them over and changed their positions.
With him now leaning over the boy, who always has stolen Jeno's breath away.

"Why can't you behave just for once?", he asked in a dark tone, which made the other boy whimper.

"Don't- don't want to. I just want you. And I know you want me too.", the boy said and put his arms around Jeno's neck.

He pulled him closer and Jeno slowly felt himself giving up.

It was so easy to just let his lips slide over the one's of the younger boy.
So so easy.

"Please", the boy under him whined.

"What are you doing to me? Why do you have so much control over me? This is unfair.", Jeno breathed and leaned down, ready to fuxk all his rules.

But just as he was about to press their lips together, he heard a loud ringing.

"Shit", Jeno jumped up in his bed.

He just had another dream of giving up everything for Jaemin.

He was so deep in shit.

Jaemin took over his mind, and Jeno felt himself slowly becoming crazy.

How could he resist the boy that was literally sleeping in the room right next to him?

That was around him the whole time.

That he spent the most time with, because they were not only living together, but also working together and also going to school together.

There was no escaping Jaemin.

And when Jeno had some minutes for himself, his mind was plagued by the younger boy.

What should he do?
How should he forget him, when Jaemin tried everything to stop him from this?

Actually, Jaemin didn't even have to try. He couldn't forget the other boy anyways.
He was already to deep in love.

To deep in love with this bright eyes full of love for him.
To deep in love with this cute smile, which also made Jeno's lips turn into a smile.
To deep in love with this little pout, that he always wanted to kiss away.
To deep in love with the kind and soft hands, which he always wanted to touch him.

God, Jeno was a lost cause and there was nothing that could help him.

Jeno went out of his room to look if the other's were somewhere else in the dorm, since his room was empty.

But he found no one.
He went to the kitchen - empty.
It was also awfully quiet.

When he went back to the living room, the door of the bathroom opened.

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