Chapter 6: Nightmares

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A/n: Soft hours open.

"Chenle, what do you think you are doing?", Jisung asked with a husky voice.

Chenle picked up Jisung's duvet and crawled under it, snuggling close to Jisung.

"I had a nightmare.", Chenle said sleepy and yawned.

"Are you lying to me?", Jisung raised a brow, "You don't seem really scared to me."

"Mhhh", Chenle said trying to convince Jisung that he had a nightmare.

"And what was it about?", Jisung put an arm over Chenle's shoulder and pulled him closer.

"About sleeping without your cuddles", Chenle giggled.

"I thought so.", Jisung said with a teasing smile, but he didn't push Chenle away.

"But maybe I am the real nightmare." And with that said Jisung started to tickle Chenle.

"No, no stop. W-we w-will wake up
R-renjun-Hyung.", Chenle tried to whisper, while Jisung was still tickling him. "And I really want to avoid this."

Jisung slowly stopped. Chenle was right. No one dares to wake up Renjun without having food for him or when they have to be at practice or another important appointment.

"Did you really have a nightmare, Chenle?", Jisung asked now more serious.

"Y-yeah. But I don't want to talk about it. Just hold me close and cuddle me."

And Jisung did just that.

Jaemin was back, which meant that their comeback was getting closer. They already had practiced it since weeks. And also NCT2018 would debute soon. This brought a lot of pressure to Chenle. He and Jisung were the youngest and so they had to deal the most with the stress and the pressure. Chenle didn't want to disappoint his fans.
And all these reasons lead to his nightmares.

The nights, in which he can't sleep, are always increasing when a new comeback is close.

But Chenle found medicine against his sleepless nights.

And these medicine is being in Jisung's arms.

He remembers the first night, he would climb in Jisung's bed, finding shelter from the nightmare and the bad thoughts, he just had.

He couldn't fall back asleep for hours, so he just told himself "Fuck it" and went to Jisung's and Jeno's room.

Because Jisung's hugs always calmed him down, when he cried at the dance practices, because he didn't get the steps right or when he just had a bad day.

At first, Jisung was confused, when Chenle would come in his bed in the middle of the night. But when he saw the tears on Chenle's cheeks, he immediately reached his hand out to wipe them away. After that he pulled Chenle close and kissed his forehead.

The rest of the night he caressed his back and told him sweet nothings, till he was sure Chenle was asleep again.

The next morning they woke up smiling at each other.

Jisung asked him, what was wrong and Chenle told him from his nightmare.

Jisung understood it, having them also. He was just better with dealing with them.

Since then Chenle always have sneaked in Jisung's bed, when he had had a nightmare or when he just hadn't want to be alone at night.

And Jisung was always there, comforting him. Making sure that Chenle was fine, before he fell asleep again.
Sometimes waiting hours till Chenle finally could sleep again.
But Jisung doesn't care. The only thing that matters is Chenle's happiness and that he is feeling fine and comfortable. This is all Jisung is asking for.

It was in the middle of the night, when Jisung found Chenle kicking him.
He was having another nightmare.

"Chenle, Chenle, wake up", Jisung carefully shaked him.

"No, no, no.", Chenle screamed.

"Shhh.", Jisung carefully caressed Chenle's cheek.

That seemed to calm Chenle down. His breathing became even again.

Chenle slowly opened his eyes.

"I'm right here.", Jisung said and pulled Chenle closer.

Chenle whined and fisted his hand in Jisung's shirt.

"Jisungie", Chenle whispered, looking up at him with puppy eyes.

"Shhh. Everything is alright", Jisung calmed him down.

"Should I tell you something funny?", Jisung asked, when he realized Chenle is shaking under his hold. Probably thinking of his nightmare.

"Y-yes.", Chenle barely answered above a whisper.

"Okay", Jisung started drawing circles on Chenle's back.

"Do you remember, when Renjun-Hyung freaked out today and said that we have a ghost in our room?", Jisung asked whispering. Careful that said Renjun wouldn't wake up and hear him.

"Yes. He said that he left his room and when he came back, his water bottle suddenly was gone. And he couldn't find it. It was really funny.", Chenle giggled quietly.

"You know what is even funnier?"
Chenle shook his head.

"I am the ghost", Jisung said with a funny scary voice, which made Chenle giggle harder.

"No, really. I wanted to take Renjun's headphones, because mine were broken. But he shouldn't know, so I went to the room, when he wasn't inside. And when I climbed off the bed, the bottle fell down and under the bed. And then I heard Renjun coming back, so I ran away."

Chenle really tried to stop himself from laughing too hard. Jisung grinned at him.

He was happy that he could made Chenle laugh again and let him forget about his nightmare. And even if it was just for a moment, it was enough.

"I thought about telling Renjun-Hyung", Jisung continued, "but when he was exclaiming that there is a ghost in our room, I couldn't do it anymore. It would have been embarassing for him and it is really funny that he believes that there is a ghost in his new room."

"You are mean", Chenle said, but continued giggling. "He almost haven't spend the night in this room. He was practically begging Jeno-Hyung to let him sleep on the couch."

"I know. If Jaemin wouldn't have put some sense in Renjun-Hyung, he would sleep on the couch right now", Jisung said also giggling.

After a few minutes of silence and just cuddling Chenle spoke again.

"Thank you, Jisungie. For being there for me.", he looked up to Jisung.

Jisung looked down at him and put some strands of Chenle's stray hair behind his ear.

"Of course, I will always be there for you."

And Jisung meant these words.

Beautiful Time ~ NCT Dream (0T7) {Nomin, Markhyuck, Chensung}Where stories live. Discover now