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Ok so this is the last chapter. Hope you liked it🥰😁

"Thalia, what does she want?" Percy asked.
"I know." Nico said. Four eyes turned towards him.
"What are you waiting for? Spill." Thalia said.
"Well, I thought it was a myth but well, we are living proof that myths do NOT exist. So..."
"Just get to it." Percy cried.
"In mythomagic, the potion of power was worth 1000 points and could win you the game. But the myth said if the Big Three worked together or shared something that affected them then, and only then would their power combine to give the Potion of Power. It cannot by used by gods, though. The fates forbid that."
"Gee, what do we have in common?" Thalia drawled.
" Lets see..." Nico said. "Our lives suck. We had a prophecy. We had to find a stupid sword. We're... demigods?"
They started cracking up.
Then suddenly Thalia went silent. "I know."
Percy looked at her and nodded. Nico realised too.
They looked at each other. Percy said, "For Jason." and a blast of power went through them. Percy could feel the energy he had lacked before. He channeled it into all his frustration for losing his friend. He had been there for Percy. He was channelizing water, sea water. Nico had black mist coming from his fingertips. He was biting his lip in concentration. Jason was like his big brother.
It was from Thalia, though, that the most energy was coming from. She had her eyes shut and lightning was just flowing out of her hands. The energy combined and they didn't stop till a glass vial had been formed.
They fell to the ground, suddenly exhausted.
"Ahh good." Persephone's voice came from behind them.
"Give us the cat and we'll give you the vial." Thalia growled, snatching the vial while saying so.
" Oh all right." Persephone grumbled.
She conjured up a cut, fuzzy ginger cat. It had pink diamond earrings and a thin silver necklace with charms on it.
"Gee, if the cat is ginger, why'd she name her coco?" Nico muttered under his breath.
Percy snorted and the cat looked up and gave him a look that said, "Watch what you're doing, you stupid fish-smelling demigod."
Thalia took the cat and handed the vial.
When they reached the mortal world, Nico said, " I know it's only been 6 hours but I sure missed this place." Percy was about to tease him about Will when Thalia looked up and said,
"Nico shadow-travel us to the bank of the Hudson, please."
"No problem."
Nico was actually happy which made Percy look twice to see if they had taken back the right spirit from the Underworld.
When they got there, (which waaaaay better than the first time) Thalia took out a vial, the Potion of Power and emptied it into the river. It churned and then everything went back to normal
"River could use some cleaning." They stared at her.
"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? I thought that was with Persephone!" they screamed.
Thalis shrugged. "She didn't deserve it. I can control the mist, by the way." she said looking at their confused faces.
"Persephone will always think she has it but she'll never know as she can't use it."
Nico nodded. "Smart. Never trust Persephone."
Just then a new voice came from behind them.
"Well done, my dears."
"I'll have my Coco back now, if you please." She scooped Coco out of Thalia's hands.
" I promise now everything related to love in your lives will go perfectly. Mostly. What's love without a little surprise, right?"
They all gave her a withering look.
"All right, I will be off. Goodbye demigods." and she disappeared in a pretty pink poof.
"Uh oh" Percy said. "Help me guys!"
"Nope, we wanna watch Annabeth kill you." Thalia said and Nico just laughed.
And Annabeth chased him around Central Park, just like old times.

Btw guys I've started writing a new fanfic called 'Operation Campout' based on HOO so plz check it out mah peeps😁😉! (Team Leo would've gotten the reference). Here's the summary:

The seven along with Calypso, Will and Nico are conspiring... to get two mystery demigods  together.
Group chats, texts and Solangelo included. Oh and a hell lot of emojis😉🙃...

Also you'll find out the 'mystery demigods' in the first chapter itself.🙃😀

Note: I do not own the characters, just the plot.


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