The invite

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Pic of James^. Idk who the actual guy is so. Yea.

After the text back I mentally got ready for him coming over. The thing he's only really asked to come over once which I said yes to also. DONT JUGDE ME. The thing is, he is hot but in my opinion not as hot as Tyler even though he's annoying as fuck.

I then here a knock on the door. I walk over nervously not really knowing what to expect. I open the door and see James looking hot yet annoying. "Hey babe" he says casually. "We're not dating-" "Yet" he cuts me off. I sigh in defeat. We sit on my couch as he reaches the remote to turn on Netflix. He picks this one movie about this girl liking loads of guys and sending letters or something.

    As the movie started he starts to move closer to me. Me being the nice person I am (most of the time)scooted closer also.  I lowkey hoped this could lead to something else. Ok ok I know what your saying. "Josh you just said he's annoying." But he's still cute asf. He's a year older than me too and hot I mean 2 for a price of one. But Tyler as I said is better than my opinion. He's 3 in taller than James but there both taller than me no matter what. Why am I even thinking about him. This is probably why I need someone else right now.

A few minutes passed and I was practically sitting on him. I kinda felt something grow in his pants which kinda turned me on. Ngl. I then felt his breath on the nape of my neck we were in sync kinda.

When he grabbed my face and turned me around I didn't refuse. His lips brushed mine as we looked in each other eyes. Then he kissed me. It was good surprisingly. We were getting kinda heated then I heard a knock at the door. James sigh as I get up to open the door.

I open it just to see Tyler standing there looking straight at me. " Uh-h hi?" I said nervously. "Are you busy?" "yeah he is" says James answering for me as he puts his arm around my shoulders. My face was burning as they stared at each other for a good 10 seconds. "Why is he here" Tyler asked coldly while still glaring "Because-" " because were dating" he said off again. I roll my eyes. HE KEEPS CUTTING ME OFF. I may be 'nice' but I still swing on people. Idc who it is. " He can answer for him self.. is it true josh?"  He says as both of there attentions turn to me.
         Ohhh shit

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