Chapter 33

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Before Eri ran away,
Shie Hassaikai base,
Izuku's room,

Third Person's POV

Izuku's eyes fluttered open when light creeped up to her face. The ray came from the door of her room, that was opened by someone. And that someone was the very person who gave her trauma.

".... Hey, Izuku. You are still asleep?" Kai spoke up softly, walking into her bedroom. Or more like, prison. He locked the door behind him, scaring the poor teenager. Just hearing his footsteps already made Izuku shake in nervousness.

"What is wrong, sweetheart? Why did you look so scared? You don't have to worry anymore. No one will ever hurt you, as long as you stay in here... Forever." Kai sat on her large single-sized bed, eyeing her hourglass figure silently.

Izuku was silenced the whole time. She never dared to talk back, as if her lips were sew tight.
"Izuku..." Kai uttered her pretty name huskily, before towering over her body.

"... You are really irresistable... I can't hold back myself... Even a bit... You are damn tempting, baby." Kai dangerously whispered into her ear, sending shivers down to her spines.

"N-no, Kai... Please stop... Don't do this to me anymore..." Izuku pleaded, trying to push him away. But her body was still aching from yesterday's event.

Kai didn't listen to her plea. His latex-gloved hands slidded under her skirt, his nimble fingers caressing her inner thighs. A soft moan escaped from her mouth involuntarily. He secretly pulled off his glove, getting ready to do it with her again.

"I say stop!" Izuku, ignoring the pain she felt, shoved the yakuza leader away from her body harshly. She clutched her legs, crossing her arms on her chest to protect her body from the crazy beast before her. She glared dagger at him.

Kai had fallen off from the bed, laying still on the floor. His head throbbed achingly from the strong impact of the fall. "Ouch.." He grunted under his breath, before opening his dark golden eyes back.

Kai felt a bit irritated with her disobedience. His gaze darkened with distaste, standing up on his two feet again. "...what is the meaning of this...? Why are you defy—"

"I hate you, idiot!" Izuku grabbed her pillow and threw it to his face without hesitation. Although her whole body was still shaking from terror, she still resolted to violence to defy him.

'I'm done with being scared. I'm done with giving up to fate like there is no hope left for me...for Eri... I will twist my fate and change my future with Eri! I won't let you ruin my life ever again, Kai!' She swore to herself determinedly.

Kai was flabbergested— hurt even — when she spelt out her frank thoughts. His hands trembled heavily from rage.

All of a sudden, Kai climbed onto Izuku's bed, pinning her against the soft mattress roughly. He glared piercingly into her fiery emerald eyes, yet she didn't waver. Strong-willed determination clouded her gaze.

"You have done it now, Izuku. You are the one who force me to be rough..." Kai spoke up huskily. Izuku looked away from him with disgust expression. "Like I care." She said flatly.

Kai was enraged by her rudeness. He was about to deconstruct her top, when her jade irises glowed bright turquoise. His Quirk was instantly cancelled by her unique power.

"Izuku... You..." His irritation had reached its limit. He gripped the blanket of her bed fiercely. However, like earlier, Izuku didn't flinch even in the slightest. She just watched him in silence, with her flashing green pupils.

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