Chapter Five: Cool? No.

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You heard Tadashi run after you, so you pushed harder, ignoring the agonizing pain in your leg. You left a small trail of blood as you limped down the sidewalk.

"(Y/N)!" Tadashi caught up, and stepped in front of you. "Stop. You're hurting yourself."

"I don't care!" you screamed so loudly a few people looked over.

"(Y/N), stop. I need to clean up all this blood."

"What if I don't want you to?"

"Well, I'm doing it anyway," Tadashi said, gently picking you up bridal-style. "Now be quiet before you lose all your blood."

"You say you don't want to be called doctor, but look at you now," you said angrily. "Put me down. You're embarrassing me."

"I'm the one who has to chase down a bleeding girl across the street," Tadashi frowned down at you. "And don't you clip on your helmet?"

You scowled and crossed your arms. "Just put me down."

Tadashi finally reached Lucky Cat Cafe again. Hiro watched the scene with narrowed eyes. "How idiotic can this girl get?" he muttered.

You glared at him as Tadashi set you down. "Do you want another kick in you-know-where?"

"(Y/N), please," Tadashi led you back into the cafe. Cass saw you, and her mouth dropped open. "What happened?" she asked. You had to admit, you looked pretty bad. Your (H/C) hair was hanging in messy stands, and your arms and legs were cut and bleeding. A wild look was in your (E/C) eyes and blood dripped out of your mouth. Your clothes were stained.

"An accident happened," Tadashi said briskly. "Come on, (Y/N). Let's get you fixed up."

* * *

"This is really unnecessary," you growled when Tadashi sat you on a chair and began cleaning your arm. "Just let me go. Why do you care so much, anyway?"

Tadashi didn't bother to answer. "Now give me your other arm."

Begrudgingly you held out your other arm. Hiro was across the table, drawing some robot design.

Tadashi turned his cap around so he could inspect your arm. "How often do you get bullied, anyways?"

"Um, every day," you replied.

"I'm not surprised," Hiro piped up dryly.

"No one asked for your opinion," you spat at him.

Tadashi concentrated on cleaning little pieces of sidewalk out of your arm. "Can you two stop arguing for once?"

"No," you and Hiro said at the same time.

"Stupid bot-fighting shrimp," you mouthed to Hiro.

"Aggressive parent-less idiot," Hiro mouthed back.

You glared at him. When would people stop rubbing it in that you were practically an orphan? Before you could stop yourself, tears gathered at your eyes.

"Hey, I'm sorry," Hiro said quickly. "I didn't know you were that sensitive."

Tadashi looked up. "What now?"

"Nothing." You stood up abruptly, feeling the medicine run down your leg. "Thanks, Tadashi, but I'm going to go."

"But I didn't even fini-"

You walked out of the cafe as quickly as possible, tears dripping down your face. Your bike was still on the sidewalk, the helmet a few feet away. You stared at the damaged wheels gloomily. I guess I'll just walk home, then.

The sun was beginning you set as you shoved your hands in your pockets and began to walk home. A soft breeze blew in your face, making the medicine on your face sting. Your hair ruffled as another gust of wind flew into your face.

Suddenly, footsteps pounded behind you. You stopped and turned to see Hiro running up to you, panting. "Hey, (Y/N), are you okay?"

"I guess." You turned and continued walking. Sheesh, when will the Hamada brothers stop running after me?

"Sorry about. . . you know," Hiro said, hurrying to catch up.


"So we're cool now?" Hiro's eyes lit up.


Hiro sighed in exasperation. "Fine. I'll head back now."

"Good." You didn't bother to say bye.

After you staggered home, you collapsed into bed, bruised and battered. Dried blood still stained your chin.

Now I'm bikeless, you thought. Along with friendless and parentless. You stomach was cramped with hunger, but you ignored it. Kicking off your sneakers, you crawled under the covers and closed your eyes.

* * *

When a cold breeze blew into the room, your (E/C) eyes fluttered open. You sat up, the blankets a mess. The sky outside was dark and the clock read 9:50 PM.

You were really hungry. If only I brought home some money from the bank. Now I can't even ride there because I don't have a bike. Your life was slowly circling the drain.

Frustrated and hungry, you rolled out of bed and went to the window to close it. A sudden movement caught your eye. You glanced down at the driveway. Two figures were huddled at the door.

Oh, great, you thought grimly. Now I'm being robbed. You watched as the two figures rang the doorbell, then turned and left. They got onto a scooter parked at the curb, then drove off.

Curiosity got the best of you, so you headed downstairs and flung open the door. You were greeted by your bike, cleaned and shiny, along with fixed pedals and wheels. A bag of something was hanging from the handlebars, and a (F/C) Post-It was stuck on the seat. It read:

Hi (Y/N). Sorry about today. Aunt Cass also wanted to give you more pastries. ~Tadashi

* * *

Oh my Tadashi fixed your bike.

And gave you food.



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