26; philophobia

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Silence can speak a thousand words, and sometimes can be the most valuable form of communication. Amity lay in my arms, cuddled up in our corner of the hideout whilst she sobbed and I ran my fingers through her hair. For someone who put so many walls up that I had to work to get down, she was so vulnerable and shattered.

I wish that I had been there for her when she was a child. I wish that I would have noticed her absences in school. I wish that I could have been the one she could always relied on. I wish that her parents weren't such fuck ups and had realized that they had created such a beautiful gem that they could easily shatter with a matter of words.

Even though the words my Mother spoke were mostly true, it didn't matter. Deep down I believe she knew that Amity was the daughter she was gossiping about. I don't know why all she wanted was for me to be miserable, doing the stupid sport I loathed and being without the girl I loved.


I didn't know if I loved Amity, and every part of me screamed whenever I gave a second thought to it. Love was a dangerous game, and I was unsure whether either of us were ready to enter it without caution.

"Calum, we can't do this anymore." Amity murmured, sitting up straight and wiping vigorously under her eyes.

"What? Amity, don't say things like that." My voice cracked as panic clouded my vision.

"I mean it. We should have never thought that things would work out between us. We are simply too different and I can't stand around and watch your relationship between you and your parents deteriorate because of me."

"Please, stop. The relationship between my parents and I has nothing to do with you. The reason the relationship is being destroyed is because they are too controlling, and can't understand that you mean so much to me. I am not willing to throw all that away because of my Mother who is blinded by a sense of judgment."

"But Cal, how am I supposed to be a part of your life if I can't even come over your house without your Mother accusing me of influencing you and changing you?! It's hard enough that I have to deal with my Mum, I don't know if I can deal with harassment from yours too." She whimpered, my heart breaking with every word that left her cracked lips.

I grabbed her hands, placing mine over hers and looking at her directly in the eyes. "Amity, when I realized I had feelings for you I knew that this was going to be something we would have to fight for. I don't want to give up on us, I can't give up on us. You mean too much to me and if we walk away from this now then I might as well just stay in this hideout, waiting for my special gem to come back and tell me that everything is going to be okay."

Amity remained silent, as a tear slipped from the corner of my eye. I was all choked up, waiting for her to leave me or to tell me that she didn't want me anymore.

"Calum, you have made me feel alive again when all that ran through my veins was the hope of death. Whenever I feel down, whenever I feel like giving up, the slight image of the way your eyes light up when you see me makes me feel like I don't need to feel alone anymore. I've got you."

I slowly leaned in, a smile returning on my face and my frown and tears diminishing. I placed a soft kiss on her lips, before she pulled me in and out lips collided. We moved in sync with each other, my tongue tracing her lips as she opened her mouth to let me in. I leaned back, hands gripping her waist as she straddled me and ran her fingers through my hair.

We stayed like that for a while, before Amity slid off me and laid by my side, our heads resting on a few pillows. I leant down and reached for a blanket which I then draped across the two of us.

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