14; first dates & jealous mates

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It was Thursday afternoon and I was already done with the week. Luke and I had collectively decided for him to hang out at my place tonight. My mum was making spaghetti so he was over the moon.

So far it had been a lazy afternoon, we had eaten some chips and guzzled down a can of coke each while we battled in another game of FIFA.

"Oh no! C'mon, over time?!" Luke groans.

"It's a draw? I am so going to beat you." I threaten.

"Bring it on, Hood."

No one spoke and the room was filled with the sound of furious button bashing.

"C'mon Liverpool!" I chant, now losing by two goals with only a minute to spare. Although I could not see him, I could practically feel the smile creeping onto Luke's face.

The siren rings and I find myself defeated.

"Aha! Manchester wins again." Luke gloats.

"Yeah, yeah." I chuckle at his predictable attitude. "Whatever." I shrug off.

Just as Luke begins his victory dance, my phones chimes and the screen lights up showing me that I had received a text.

"Boohoo, poor Liverpool." Luke mocks but I am too unfocused to care.

The text was sent from Amity and it read;

Hey Cal, just wondering if you needed the notes for History today. You didn't look very interested ahaha x

Her name radiating off of my screen sent butterflies through my stomach and it made be feel unbearable giddy. What can I say? I've never chose to feel this way about her, she is just so unbelievable and our relationship currently stands in a good place. What's not to be happy about?

My wide grin at my phone gave away my uncontainable happiness from reading her text, causing Luke to question about it.

"What's got you all happy, mate?" He asks.

"Nothing..." I answer blatantly.

"It sure is something because you are only this happy when you actually win at FIFA." He pauses while I reply to Amity. "Or, when you're talking to a girl you really like."

Shit, he's got me there. My cheeks turn pink with embarrassment.

"It is a girl you like! Isn't it?" He shoves me, giggling, finding the situation very amusing.

"Maybe it is." I shrug, trying to avoid the question and move on but I know he won't give it away that easily.

"Who is it?" He asks. I just sit in silence. "C'mon," he groans, "it's not Holly, is it?"

"No!" I say a bit too quickly, "it's not Holly. Quite the opposite." I mutter, hoping he didn't hear because that would surely give it away.

"Thank god, I can't stand her." He sighs with relief. After a moment of thinking, he gasps, "it's Amity, isn't it!?" And he grins like a giddy school girl.

"No..." I lie.

"It so is! I catch you guys staring at each other in History and in the corridors." He says, acting like an excitable puppy. "Plus you invited her over to play soccer and I saw how happy you were when she hugged you."

"Okay, okay. Maybe I do like her." I mumble shyly and I hide my face, not wanting to hear Luke's harsh judgement.

"Why haven't you gone for it?"

"What?!" I sit there, shocked by his reaction. I whip my head around to face his.

"You're Calum Hood! You've never been shy to go after a girl, you the captain of the soccer team for fucks sake. I've never seen a girl make you go like this, she must be special. I think you should totally go for it."


"Yeah! Amity is a pretty cool chick and she seems to make you pretty happy." He nods. "And she has a good sense of humour, which is a good quality."

"I thought you'd disagree with the idea of us 'dating'." I say out of disbelief.

"Why on earth would you think that?"

"Well," I pause and sigh, "she isn't exactly a very popular girl and isn't the typical girl that a captain of a sport team would have a crush on."

"Who gives a shit about those ancient stereotypes? If you like her, you've got to at least try."

"Okay, I think I will." I smile and nod in agreement.

We sit there in silence for a moment and Luke holds a steady stare in my direction.

"Go on then," he says, breaking the silence.

I don't understand what he means. "What?" I ask, confused.

"Are you going to call her and ask her out on a date or what?"

"Oh! You meant now?"

"Duh!" He says, letting his inner white girl shine through. "Ask her out after the game tomorrow night."

"Uh, okay..." I mumble not too confidently.

I scroll through my contacts, landing on Amity's name and call her mobile. The dial tone sounds and with each right I grow more and more nervous. My stomach feels like it's tired in knots. Luke was right, I have never felt this way about a girl. I've never really had feelings for any girl, but Amity sure was different.

The dial tone stops.

"Hello?" Amity chirps.

"Uh-" I cough to clear my throat. "Hey Amity."

"Oh hey Calum, what's up?"

"I was wondering I you um..." I speak just louder that a whisper.

"What'd you say? I can't here you?"

Luke sat at the edge of the couch, hugging his knees and had a cheeky grin plastered on his face as he stared at me while I was on the phone.

"I said, uh... Do you want to go on a date with me? Tomorrow night?"

"A date? As in a date date?"

"Aha," I force out an awkward laugh. "Yes, a date date with me. Tomorrow night, after my soccer game... You can come watch me if you'd like and then we can go from there?"

There was a short pause before her answer. "Okay, Hood. It's a date." She replies.

I let out a small "Yes!", forgetting that I was still on the phone to Amity until she lets out a small giggle.

"Oh shit," I blurt out. "Okay, talk to you later?" I say, pretending I didn't just do that.

"Sure thing, bye Cal." And she hangs up.

"Guess who's got a date?" I say to Luke. "That's right, me!"

Luke cheers and I stand up, mocking Luke's previous victory dance.

"I got a date, I got a date, I got a date!" I sing. I fall back onto the couch. "I can't believe I have a date with Amity Green!"

"So where are you going to take her?"


"You'll never guess who was just on the phone, proving you wrong one word at a time!" I giggled, walking back into Michael's room. When I saw the caller ID I had excused myself, leaving Michael to continue playing some video game I wasn't interested in.

"What did he want? Calum, I mean." Michael asked, switching off the TV as I went and sat next to him on his bed. 

"At first I thought he was ringing me to ask about our history homework, since he seemed out of it in class today. Hardly said a word to me, so I was nervous when I answered my phone. I mean I don't know why I would be but..." I rambled on, Michael cutting me off in a huff.

"Amity, get to the point."

"Oh yeah, the point. Well, he asked me on a date. After his soccer game tomorrow night. He invited me to come watch him and then go out somewhere afterwards." I mumbled, a grin spreading across my face and butterflies fluttering away in my stomach. 

Michael didn't answer me. A dark glaze grew over his eyes, and I noticed him clenching his fists. He looked angry, almost uncomfortable. I was confused, since he was quite accepting yesterday when I told him that I may have feelings for him. 

Either something had changed, or Michael didn't really believe me when I went on about him.

"Earth to Michael? Aren't you going to say something?" I questioned, a hint of annoyance in my tone. I leaned over when I yet again recieved no response, putting my hand on his knee. His body softened instantly at my touch, but his mouth remained closed.

"Why are you acting pissed off? You told me that you trusted me, and you thought I was going to make the right decision!" I spoke.

"Going on a date with a boy whose only going to break your heart and fuck you in the back of his car isn't the decision I'd think you make Amity!" Michael barked, slapping my hand away from him. "Where did your standards go?"

"Why the fuck are you acting like this Michael? Stop being so controlling of me, I can do what I want. And my standards, well I'm doubting them too right now since I'm best friends with someone who thinks I'll melt at anyone's touch." I yelled back, the adrenaline kicking in.

Michael scoffed, shaking his head at me. "You say that you are trying to help Calum change, but on the way you're changing yourself just to fit his needs. You've changed already."

"If by changing myself you mean not letting someone control my life and make my own decisions to do with my own love life, then call me a fucking shape shifter!" I screeched, pushing myself off his bed. 

I could simply walk out right now, letting him to wallow in a pit of guilt, but I wasn't done with him. He was acting so moody and I wanted to get to the bottom of it. There was no way I was going to let him dictate my life. 

"Well when your left naked in a car with a broken heart and regretful thoughts, just remember that I fucking warned you." Michael declared, pointing his finger at himself.

"Stop being such a vindictive bastard! You're acting like..." I trailed off, not wanting to let him know what I was thinking.

"Acting like what Amity? You've come this far, don't stop now!" He demanded back to me.

"You... You're acting like you're in love with me!" I blurted out. 

Michael's face fell, as he rested his face on his elbows. Tears welled up in his eyes, alongside mine as he muttered two words; "Get out."

All I wanted to do was grab him and apologize, and try to make everything better. But my pride got the better of me, as I mumbled back a quiet "Fine", exiting the room and making sure to slam his door so hard the entire house shook.

I didn't want to believe a single word he said, but his words were spiked with poison and they were slowly frying my brain to the point where all I could hear was;

"You've changed already."

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