44; the pretty boy & misfit girl

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It's 5:30 am and the sun cascaded through the window, shining across the carpet in Michael's lounge room. I'd slept over at Mike's place after running away from home and straight into his arms. His sofa bed was about the most comfortable option I had and you get use to the squeaking of springs each time you move ever so slightly. I had to move slowly even when getting up to try and not wake anybody.

I sneaked over to my backpack and changed into some fresh clothes, I had slept in the ones I wore yesterday so I think some clean clothes may make me feel refreshed and ready for the day ahead.

The first day I was going to be alone. The day I was going to get out of this god forsaken town... Or at least out of this suburb. Too many people that have fucked me over too many times.

After shoving all my clothes back into the bag I tip toe to the bathroom to freshen up. Splashing cold water on my face to wake me up and I quickly swish mouth wash around inside my mouth to get rid of any bad morning breath. I try to spray some deodorant on but it's so awfully loud that I have to gingerly press down on the can so only a small amount is sprayed out. Do you know how hard it is to spray deodorant without making the massive spraying noise that it does? It's very hard.

I guess I'm all set to leave and set out on my new adventure, maybe even the start of my life! A life of happiness and hope ...but what about Michael?

He let me sleep under his roof, or more like his parents roof. They gave me a bed to sleep in, food to eat, I can't just leave him with out saying good bye.

He, out of everyone I've come to know, has always been there with open arms. To get me through the good times and the bad. We've had our ups and our downs- some really down downs- but despite all of that, he has always supported me and knows what is best for me.

I don't want to leave him behind, but I have to. He's just got his life back on track and I don't want to drag him away from that. What kind of friend would I be if I let him run away from everything he has resulting in me being the one who ruined his future and fucked up his life.

I should say good bye... Through a letter? No, I have to do it to his face, it's more respectful that way.

I walk through the house to the entry way of his room. I peak through the door to see a dopey Michael, fast asleep and all tangled up with the covers. I don't have the heart to wake him up from his ever so peaceful sleep.

I guess the letter it is.

I head for the study, and when I get there, I am faced with a large ebony desk. It has a computer set up on it and pages upon pages of documents scatter across the desk top. I rummage through each drawer in search for a clean sheet of paper and a ballpoint pen. Once I've found the items, I sit down in the office chair and begin to write down what I need to say.

'Dear Michael,' I start off with.

'You have been the best friend I could have ever asked for. I feel like you are a blessing from the heavens above and I am so fucking grateful.

And I'm probably going to miss you most of all.

I'm leaving today and I don't know when I'll come back...or if I ever will but-'

"Amity?" Michael interrupts me, half asleep with his hair all messed up and he was squinting a lot, signalling that he hadn't fully adjusted to being awake. He rubbed his eyes with his fists and then yawns and stretches. "Why are you up so early?"

"Oh, I couldn't sleep very well." I lied, I needed to get out into the world as soon as possible. "Why are you up so early?"

"I heard the sound of a door creaking open and drawers opening and shutting. So I got up to check out what was happening..." He shuffles over to me, looking over my shoulder at the note. "What are you writing?"

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