Chapter Seven

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Claire' POV

In the end, everyone on the Screaming Gophers team jumped except for Beth, so we won. Even though Owen ended up losing his trunks. We're on our way back to the cabins with our crates and everyone's singing. Except me. I'm in the back walking with Gwen. I'm just thinking about how lucky we were to get the wagons. I can only imagine what the other team is going through.

"Hey, look!" Yells Beth, interrupting my thoughts. "There's the camp ground!"

"That was pretty easy." Said Owen.

"I'm pleasantly surprised." Responded Cody.

As we brought the crates in front of our cabins, Chris walked up to us.

"Well, you guys were fast. The next part of the challenge is to open the crates and build your hot tub."

"That seems fairly easy," stated Cody. Chris started laughing evilly as he heard Cody.

"Yeah, I thought so too. That's why to open the crates, you can only use your teeth."

"What?!" "Come on!" "Seriously man?" were the responses he got. Meanwhile, I just quietly stood back and accepted.

We all started opening our crates by pulling on ropes using our teeth. Izzy was the first to get hers open and the rest of us soon followed. Owen got wood, Trent got some tools and pool liner. In the corner of my eye, I see Heather and Lindsay talking to Leshawna. I sigh. Girls like Heather are the type I hate the most, Courtney's type coming in a close second. People like Heather are manipulative and just mean. I don't have many good experiences with people like her.

While Izzy's playing with her hammer, the Killer Bass walk up.

"Finally," says Harold.

"Hey, what's up guys?" Asks Trent.

"Hey, aren't you missing a couple of white girls?" Asks Leshawna.

What's left of the Killer Bass look around.

"...They're getting a drink" says Courtney, whose eye is pink and swollen. The boys on her team start to whisper about something as Leshawna takes note of what happened to Courtney's eye.

"Ooh, what happened to your eye, girl?!" Exclaimed Leshawna.

"Nothing, just an allergy." Courtney says.

"Seems more like a bug bite," I mumble to myself. I don't notice Chris sneaking peaks at me every once in a while.

Chris's POV

As the campers build their hot tubs, I keep looking over at Claire. After she fell off the cliff, she put her hoodie back on. I really hope I can get to know her better, maybe I'll find out about the hoodie issue too.

The campers finish building their hot tubs, so I walk over to start inspecting them. I walk to the Screaming Gophers first.

".... This is an awesome hot tub." I say.

The team starts to cheer and I look to see Claire looks happy, but she's not celebrating with her team. I frown thinking to myself about how lonely she'll be here if she doesn't have anyone to talk to. I can't worry about that now though, I have to focus on the show.

I walk over to look at the Killer Bass' hot tub. It doesn't seem very impressive. I tap the wood and it starts to break and spray me with water. Then, the entire hot tub comes apart.

"Well, I think we have a winner here... the Screaming Gophers!"

The campers start to cheer as I announce that they won. I tell the Killer Bass to prepare for the campfire ceremony and I start to walk away. Now that filming is almost done, I can focus on Claire more now.

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