Chapter Five

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Not So Great Outdoors Part 1

Claire POV

"Here's the deal," Chris starts. "We're gonna split you into two teams. If I call your name out, go stand over there. Gwen, Trent, Heather, Cody, Lindsay, Beth, Katie, Owen, Leshawna, Justin, Claire, and Noah. From this moment on, you are officially known as..." he throughs a banner towards us. "the Screaming Gophers!"
Owen catches the banned and there's a picture of a gopher. The team I was on seemed pretty cool, but I wish Duncan was in this team.

"Wait. What about Sadie?" Asks Katie.

"The rest of you, over here. Geoff, Bridgette, D.J., Tyler, Sadie, Izzy, Courtney, Ezekiel, Jackson, Duncan, Eva, and Harold." Said Chris.

"But Katie's a gopher! I have to be a gopher!" Sadie shouts. I feel kind of bad for them, they seem so close. Still, I'm not really up for the drama so I stop paying attention.

After Courtney drags over Sadie, we all get in our group with me in the back. Chris throws us our banner and says we're the killer bass. After that, he explains how things are going to work and he gives us a tour of the campsite. I stick to the back of the group, but I can't help but keep looking at Chris. He seems so mean to everyone, but then I remember how he warned me before the dock broke. I wonder if I should thank him...

Soon he brings us to our cabins and we start to bring our stuff in.

"Bunk beds? Isn't this a little summer camp?" Says Heather. She seems really scary, so I'm probably going to avoid her.

The goth-looking girl walks in, bumping into Heather and says, "That's the idea, genius."

Heather scoffs. "Shut up, weird goth girl."

I walk in and choose my bunk. I start to put my stuff away quickly. It's not that I don't like all the people I'm grouped with, I'm just to shy to initiate conversation with them and would prefer not to be involved with drama.

Soon, I hear the girl named Lindsay start to complain about the communal showers. Honestly, I'm not that comfortable showing of my body, even if it is in front of other girls. I get a little nervous, but I decide I'll just shower at a separate time than everyone else.

After I'm done unpacking, I move back out to the porch. I overhear Geoff asking if their are any chaperones.

"You're all 16 years old or older, as old as a counselor in training. So, other than myself, you'll be unsupervised. You've got a half an hour to meet me back at the main lodge, starting now." Chris explains before he starts walking away.

Since I've already finished unpacking, I don't really have any reason to stay here before going to the main lodge. But, before I do that, I catch up to Chris.

"Chris?" I say to get his attention. He turns around and looks at me smiling. "What's up, Claire?"

"Uh-um I-I just wanted to s-say thank you, for earlier I mean.." I blush with embarrassment. I quickly run away before he can respond. How embarrassing!!! I think to myself.

I get to the main lodge, which is apparently the cafeteria, really early. As I look around, I fail to notice the big man looking at me through the kitchen window. Suddenly, I hear a loud shout.

"What you doin?!"

I jump and scream. I scramble to get under the table in fear and start hyperventilating. Then I hear stomping foot steps coming toward me. The feet stop in front of me.

"Hey, are you alright?" The mans harsh and loud voice sounded funny, as if he was trying to make it less scary. He helped me out from underneath the table and had me put my hands on my head. Suddenly, I feel the air start to enter my lungs again.

I take a couple deep breaths before I ask, "How did you know?"

He seemed to understand what I was asking and answered, "Honey, I was in the military, it teaches you lots about trauma. Anyway, your one of the contestants, right? You're here pretty early."

I nod and quietly introduce myself. "I'm Claire."

"Well, Claire, since you're not bugging me too much, I won't kick you out. I'm Chef. Don't expect special treatment though."

I let out a small, almost silent, laugh, then I answer him with a nod.

"It's almost lunch time,"Chef grins evilly, him and Chris seem to have that in common. "You guys are in for a treat. It's some of the worst food I've made."

"And you're proud of that?" I ask quietly.

"Yep, that's my job. To make you guys miserable."

"Congratulations, then."

Chef let's out a big laugh. "You're different! I tell you what, if you come as early as you did today everyday, I might slip you a little something. Just make sure you finish it before the other get in here, okay?"

I start to smile under the cover of my hood. Maybe I'll be okay here.

"Sure thing, Chef."

I sit down at the table as Chef goes back to the kitchen and the other contestants start to pour in. As soon as everyone gets here, Chef starts yelling about how mealtimes are going to go. Everyone starts getting their food, but dice I don't eat much I don't mind skipping a meal or two. Each group sits at their own table. I sit at the end of the gopher table, closest to the door.

"Welcome to the main lodge." Chris says as he walks in. "Your first challenge begins in one hour." After he says that, he walks back outside.

How hard can our first challenge be?

Hey guys! I know it's been a long time but I wanted to get this in today! I hope everyone has happy holidays whatever it may be!

Please vote for my story, thanks guys!

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