Chapter One

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Chris POV

In the computer room, Chef and I are reviewing audition tapes for our new show I'm going to host called Total Drama Island. We've been through almost all of the tapes, but we can't find the last on we need to make it an even number of contestants. I throw my head back in boredom and shout in frustration.

"Can we stop! They're all so boring and not interesting! Why do we even need another one?"

"Cause if you don't it'll mess up the numbers Chris," Chef retorted.

" Why can't we just get rid of one we already chose?!"

"Cause then we might not have enough episodes."

"Fine... continue."

Chef presses play on the next audition. The first thing I see is a young teenager's face. She seems around 17 or 18 and has long blonde hair.

"My name is Jenny and I'm sending in this audition for my friend Claire. She's really quiet and doesn't talk a lot and usually hides beneath her hoodie. I think this would be a really good experience for her so she can be more out there. She turns 18 in about 2 weeks, so she'll be 18 by the time the season starts. I know that might be a little older than some of the contestants, but before you say no, you should see her first. I took this picture without her knowing when she took off her hoodie."

In the picture she holds up, a small figure is shown. She's quite petite and skinny and has long curly red hair with freckles dotting her face. She has big blue eyes and full pink lips.

She's really pretty, I thought. Why does she hide it?

"She's really pretty, but she's had a bit of a past I can't talk about so she feels the need to hide behind the hoodie. I'm just asking you guys to consider her. Thank you!" The screen goes black.

"What do you think Chris?"

"I think we've found our 24th contestant."

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