Chapter Six

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Not So Happy Campers Part 2

Claire's POV:

As I'm standing on the edge of the cliff in fear, I think back to earlier.

Flashback to 1 hour ago

"Alright campers, get your swimsuits on and meet me on top off the cliff." Chris says before walking away.

I only brought one swimsuit and it's just a plain old blue one piece, but I covered what I don't want people to see. I also put on a thin grey swimsuit coverup that has a hood. After I get dressed I start heading towards the cliff. On my way, I see Chris.

"Hey, Claire!" Chris yells after he notices me.

I nod towards him in response. I look up at the cliff. This is going to be a long walk.

Chris seems to have known what I was thinking. "Hey, I'm not really supposed to do this, but do you want a ride up? They aren't going to be filming you climbing the hill so it should be fine."

I think about it for a minute and say yes. The more energy I can save for the challenge the better. Even though he hasn't told us what it is yet it's better to be safe than sorry.

Chris grins at my answer and walks us over to his ATV. "I hope you don't mind," he says. "You can sit behind me and I'll drive."

"It's no problem," I say quietly. Luckily he can't see the blush that's currently spreading across my face.

We drove up the hill in silence. Once we made it to the top, I moved to get off the ATV. Before I walked away, Chris said, "Hey, be careful during the challenge."

Before I could say anything in response, he had already walked away.


I blush thinking about it, but the scene in front of me brings me back to reality.

"Okay, todays challenge is threefold. Your first task is to jump off this 1,000 foot high cliff into the lake."

"Piece of cake." Bridgette says.

"If you look down," Chris continues, "you will see two target areas. The wider area represents the part of the lake that we have stocked with psychotic, man-eating sharks. Inside that area is a safe zone. That's your target area, which, we're pretty sure is shark free."

Why don't I feel confident in that last sentence.

"For each member of your team that jumps and actually survives, there will be a crate of supplies waiting below. Inside each crate are supplies that you'll need for the second part of the challenge... building a hot tub. The team with the best one gets to have a wicked hot tub party tonight. The losers will be sending someone home. Let's see, Killer Bass, your up first."

As the Killer Bass figure out who's going first, I think about how I'm going to do this challenge. I can't swim with my pullover on as it would be too heavy, but I would rather not take it off. As I think about it, I look over to see that Bridgette dived over the edge. She seemed to have made it. At least it's survivable.

Soon, the rest of the Killer Bass start to jump. First Tyler, then Geoff, Eva, and Duncan. Then DJ chickens out. Chris makes him wear a chicken hat and is lead to an escalator I don't think anyone realized was there. Then Ezekiel and his twin Jackson jumps down and ends up hitting part of the cliff, but they make it into the safe zone. Harold jumps, but lands in a painful-looking split. Then Courtney chickens out in a snobbish way.

Chris rallies up the results. "Hold on, that's 8 jumpers and 2 chickens. We're missing one."

Katie and Sadie start they're complaining and in the end, Izzy joins the Screaming Gophers. Katie and Sadie both make it into the safe zone.

"Okay, that's 9 jumpers and 2 chickens. Screaming Gophers, if you can beat that we'll through in a pull cart to put your crates on." Chris says.

"Nice. Okay guys, who's up first?" Trent says.

You could literally hear crickets.

"I'm sorry, there's no way I'm doing this." Heather says.

"Why not,"said Beth.

"Uh, hello, national TV, I'll get my hair wet." She says.

"Your kidding right?" Gwen says.

"If she's not doing it, I'm not doing it," said Lindsay, the blind follower.

"Oh, you're doing it." Leshawna says.

"Says who?" Heather retorts.

"Says me. I'm not losing this challenge because you got your hair did, you spoiled little daddies rich girl."

Everyone starts backing away seeing the drama starting. I tune out since I didn't really care for the drama. How she ever thought this was a good place to make friends is beyond me. I walk over to the edge of the cliff to gauge the distance when, suddenly, I'm pushed from behind. I hear the gasps of my team as I fall. Unsure of what happened I could only aim for the safe zone. I hit the water and try to swim to the surface, but like I had predicted, the pullover was weighing me down. My only option was to take it off.

As I rise from the surface, my teammates see a red dot emerging from the water. My wet, curly hair surrounds my pale, freckled face. They gasp again, but for a different reason.

I swam towards the boat that drove over and soon, Heather fell where I had landed moments ago. She did not seem very happy.

Chris POV

I'm watching as Leshawna and Heather have a cat fight and I fail to notice that Claire has slipped away and is standing at the edge. As Leshawna and Heather inch their fight closer to the edge, I notice a split second before it happens. Claire gets knocked down by Heather as she flails to get away from Leshawna's hold.

As I see her disappear from sight going over the edge, time stops as I race towards the edge. I sigh in relief as I see she made it into the safe zone, but then I gasp as I see her resurface.

She's gorgeous, was the only thought going through my mind as I looked at her. Her porcelain white dotted with red freckles and the red hair clinging to the sides of her face. She was thin, almost too thin, but most of her body was still under the water.

After I reassure myself that she's fine, I turn back to the rest of her team with my usual smiling face, but if you looked closely, my eyes were sharper and had a glare to them. Her team had gasped out of what seemed more surprise for what happened between Heather and Leshawna than what happened to Claire. In fact, it seemed like they hadn't even noticed until she resurfaced without her hoodie. Just the thought of them staring at her made me surprisingly angry. I shook it off as the rest of her team made their jumps.

In the Screaming Gophers, there was only 1 chicken, which made them the winners.


Hey guys! So, from now on I'm going to try to make it two chapters per episode.

Thank you for reading!!!

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