Chapter 9

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Picture on the side of Christy's twenty eight week baby bump

Chapter 9


Christy gasped lightly, she was having a boy! She wasn't sure what to think, apart from that she was extremely happy. She wasn't too bothered about having a boy or girl; however, she had thought a girl might be nice.

"Our baby is a boy?" Oliver asked, for confirmation.

"Oh, yeah, the baby's a boy. You can see here" Jacob said, pointing at what looked like their baby's genital area.

"Are you happy?" Christy asked softly, as Jacob exited the room after he had finished.

"Yeah, it just makes me think a lot. I still can't believe that we're having a baby" Oliver said in awe.

Christy could understand, sometimes she just couldn't believe that she was carrying another human being inside her. It was absolutely amazing and she couldn't wait to meet her baby boy!

"So, have you thought of any name?" Christy grinned at Oliver.            

Christy POV   - Twenty eight weeks pregnant

Christy had a massive grin on her face, as she woke up in Oliver's bed, her muscles were aching from last night activity, glancing over; feeling Oliver's gaze on her, Christy turned and noticed Oliver staring at her chest.

Okay, so Christy had been sleeping with Oliver now for the past few weeks; her hormones were going through the roof and even though Christy was never that much in to sex, her hormones were and her sex drive had increase by like one hundred percent.

So, in the last two or was it three weeks, Christy couldn't think properly and Oliver had agreed to meet her sexual needs.

"Oliver" Christy smiled and moved herself closer to Oliver's body.

"Christy, are you not tired?" Oliver asked, Christy glanced at him, he looked slightly exhausted, however, Christy desperately needed this; she had an eight hour shift to get through, and with her bump in the way, it wasn't like she could slide into a room with Oliver, secretly.

Christy shook her head and gently kissed Oliver's soft lips, Oliver immediately kissed Christy back with passion. Oliver's tongue invaded Christy's mouth as they started to get more into their make out session.

 Breaking the kiss off for a brief moment, Christy slid Oliver's t-shirt off her body, whilst Oliver tugged his boxers down. Christy admired Oliver's well looked after body, tracing his abdominals, laughing lightly, as she felt Oliver gently nip her neck.

Christy loved it watching Oliver see her naked, he always seemed so entranced by the sight of her and this always made Christy feel more sexy; even though her bump was quite big, Christy knew that Oliver always made her feel better.

Christy giggled as she sat on Oliver's lap; she could feel his hard length prodding in to her bump, shifting slightly, Christy gently eased her body on top of his tip.

Both Christy and Oliver let out a soft sigh as they both received what they had been waiting for. Christy started to move, before Oliver pushed Christy onto the mattress, carefully making sure that their baby wasn't interrupted.

With Oliver on top, Christy feel in to utter bliss, as she watched Oliver's lean hips slam in to her over and over again. A feeling which Christy just could not explain was building up inside her, as Oliver carried on, moaning his name, Christy finally climaxed as Oliver followed moments later.

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