Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

(Picture of Taylor)

By the beginning of November, Taylor and Christy had been working for two whole months without any major problems.

Often enough, Christy had spotted Taylor cosying up Jacob (Dr. Willis); he too seemed to be responding to her little flirty actions and comments. Taylor hadn't been particularly discreet with her relationship with Jacob either.

It had been incredibly unfortunate that Christy had walked in on the pair in a compromising position on the sofa of their shared flat; after that Christy hadn't been able to look at Jacob for the rest of the week.

The work relationship between Oliver and Christy was completely professional, occasionally Christy had spotted Oliver looking, or rather, staring at me when we were in the staff room.

Oliver had often tried to bring the subject of what happened in university up, however Christy had always been quick to shoot him down. Even though Christy had said she had forgiven him, sometimes she did feel like he owed her an explanation.

Even though Christy strongly disliked Oliver for what he had done in the past, this was the present and she knew that she needed to move on.

That was why she had said yes.


"Hi can I have the cheese and tomato sandwich?" Christy asked politely, she had less than fifteen minutes to eat her lunch and fill out two time consuming forms to fill out.

She'd been in such a rush this morning that she had absolutely no time to make anything for lunch, thank god for the cafeteria.

"Here you go" Christy glanced up from the piece of paper she had been reading and smiled at the guy who had been serving her.

He had a cute smile, she could give him that, but Christy knew from just looking at him that he was a mommy's boy.

"You must be new here?" The guy asked as Christy paid for her sandwich.

"Yeah, I just started here a few weeks ago. So how long have you been working here?" Christy asked.

As much as she needed to go and do her work, this was her first chance to make friends with someone other than the other midwives.

"Well I work here part time, but I also work -"

Before Time could carry on, there was a gruff cough which came from, presumably the person next in line, behind Christy.

"Tim, I'm sure Christy has other things to do" Oliver said loud and clear, Christy noticed Oliver eyeing Tim with a look of disdain.

Christy felt her cheeks heat up almost immediately, how dare he come and interrupt my conversation, Christy knew she had work to do; but after she had heard Oliver speak to Tim like that, she was sure the work could be left for later.

"Actually" Christy replied sharply, giving Oliver a side glance "I would love to carry on with this conversation, however I do need to get on with my work" Christy said, she wasn't too sure whether she was hinting to Tim that she wanted to end the conversation or if she wanted Tim to ask her out.

There was a small pause as Christy waited to see what Tim would say in reply.

"Erm, sure" Tim looked slightly uncomfortable "Would you like to go out next week? The Friday coming up?"

Christy smiled and nodded. This would be her first date since her last date, the one with Oliver.

Feeling Oliver's glare drilling a hole through her back, Christy quickly left the canteen.

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