Chapter 7

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I want to dedicate this chapter to girlmeetsworld_sg (Again) Thank you so much for being supportive of my writing, and i absolutelt love reading your new work, Falling For You. Check it out guys! 

Picture on the side of Christy's 18 week pregnant belly.

Chapter 7


Christy lay contented for a few minutes, enjoying the warmth that Oliver's body was providing her with. Lying peacefully, Christy came to realise something very serious and important.

She was falling in love with Oliver again, and this time she couldn't help herself. He had changed since his teenage years, he was a mature adult of twenty six and he actually had a heart. Christy knew that Oliver wanted to prove himself to be a good person to her and this made Christy love him even more.

The trouble was, how was she going to live her life and move on, when the only person taking up her time and thoughts, was Oliver

Oliver's POV

Christy – 18 Weeks Pregnant

Oliver woke up alone in Christy's bed; he could he the water in the shower, and presumed it was Christy.

For the past few nights, he'd been staying round at Christy's; Oliver was slightly worried, because he still hadn't felt the baby kick.

Most nights when he slept with Christy, he would wrap his arms around her and rest his hands on her bump; however, there had been no kicks at all.

Oliver lay back down on the bed started to think how he was even here. Never did he think that he and Christy would ever be able to be in the same room without Christy giving him dirty looks.

However, Christy seemed to have matured and now that their little baby was on the way, Oliver desperately wanted to tell Christy what really happened that night; however he knew that in time, he would be able to talk with her.

"Oliver? Can you get me a towel from the bottom draw please?" Christy called out from inside the bathroom.

Fishing out a fluffy towel, Oliver made his way to the bathroom. Oliver wasn't sure whether he should go in and pass her the towel.

"Christy?" Oliver asked, not really knowing what to do.

He suddenly heard Christy gasp, Oliver quickly opened the door. He was lucky his time was good; he managed to catch Christy just in time before she hit the ground.

At this moment, Oliver wasn't bothered that Christy was completely naked in front of him. Oliver gently rubbed her belly making sure there was nothing wrong.

Christy's bump was slightly bigger than some women's bump; however, Oliver knew that every woman's pregnancy was different.

"Thank you" Christy whispered, as she placed her hands gently on top of his "I haven't felt him move" She whispered.

Oliver felt his heart beat faster; he didn't know where to look so he carried on looking at her bump, which stood between them.

"You mean you haven't felt her move?" Oliver asked, Christy shook her head, as Oliver roamed his hands across the ever extending bump.  

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