Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 - Picture on the side of Christy in her white dress for Oliver's dinner party


“Taylor? What happened?” Christy was hoovering the flat when Taylor got home.

“I’ve missed last month’s period and this month’s period is late. Anyway, I told Jacob and he blew up and started shouting at me that he didn’t want children and it wasn’t supposed to happen” Taylor cried, as Christy hugged her.

Taylor could see more of a curve in Christy’s abdomen as she hugged her. Taylor was feeling slightly jealous of Christy.

After all, Oliver genuinely seemed happy and excited that Christy was pregnant and also showed commitment that he wanted to be there for both Christy and the baby.

“Hey, Christy” Taylor looked up to see Oliver stepping out of the bathroom.

“Hey Oliver” Taylor said, as she cleared up her tears. She definitely didn’t want Oliver to see her like this and then go and tell Jacob.

Taylor quickly got up and left Christy and Oliver to have a little chat, sitting in her room, Taylor wondered if she ever did have a chance with Jacob, or if it was all just a game.

Taylor’s POV

Taylor groaned as she woke up, she had a splitting headache from all the crying she had done during the day.

Luckily, Taylor had had the day off work, but had spent it unwisely. Sleeping in bed and watching rubbish TV shows to waste the time, was definitely what she should not have been doing.

As Taylor stood up, she noticed some blood on the sheets. Great, she had started her period; well Jacob would be jumping over the moon when he found out that she wasn’t pregnancy after all.

Making her way to the bathroom, Taylor had a shower and stripped her bed sheets. She had just finished drinking a cup of coffee, when the buzzer went off.

Christy had gone out to go and meet up with her mom, who had driven down to visit her. Christy and her mom had always been close; Christy’s dad had died in a car accident when Christy’s mom was pregnant with her.

Taylor felt sad that Christy had never had a father in her life, and she knew Christy was more that happy for Oliver to step up and be a good father to their baby.  

“Hey” She said in a cheerful voice.

Taylor hadn’t seen Mrs. Lewis in nearly two years, so it would be nice to have a catch up talk with her. Christy’s mom was like Taylor’s second mom.

“Taylor?” Taylor paused.

She hadn’t expected Jacob to come round to her flat. It was rare that he did so. Taylor didn’t know what to do.

She couldn’t pretend she wasn’t in, but she didn’t want to talk to Jacob. She knew she’d have to see him, seeing as they worked together. She now knew what Christy had felt like when they had first started working. She secretly wondered if Christy was happy to see Oliver again, Taylor knew that Oliver had a special place in Christy’s heart; Even if Christy didn’t know that.

“Taylor, I just want to say that I’m sorry” Taylor could hear some sort of emotion in his voice as he talked into the buzzer “Can I talk to you? Face to face” Jacob pleaded.

Taylor wasn’t sure why she did what she did, but she buzzed him, without another word. She waited quietly, wondering what he possibly had to say to her.

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