Their Nickname For You

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Gibbs: babe. He's a simple man that likes to keep things simple. Except for when he makes things not-so-simple.

Tony: Bella. Tony loves that he looks Italian. It means that he can say Italian things (and always pronounce them wrong) and make you swoon for him. Not because of these so-called Italian charms, but mostly because you can hardly hold in your laughs when someone of actual Italian heritage gets offended by his butchered pronunciation.

McGee: peach. You can't say that you're much of a video game player. They give you headaches. But Tim will take what he can get and really appreciates when you power through that headache to play a few rounds of MarioKart with him, always playing as Princess Peach.

Ziva: Shaina. It's a Hebrew name which means beautiful. Enough said.

Ellie: Birdie. You and Ellie are nothing short of trippy little hippies, but where Ellie has always loved the sea and it's wonderful landscapes and creatures, you've always loved the mountains, trees and skies, allowing the breeze to make you feel as free as the birds you like to watch in the springtime.

Torres: mamí. You can't deny that Nick is a kinky little shit and calls you mamí whenever the little fucker gets the chance. You always act as if it gets on your nerves but he knows you enjoy it. It's even more frustrating for you when he decides it's appropriate to call you señorita in the middle of work. It takes everything in you not to throw a chair at him and then jump his bones.

Sloane: Honey and Sugar. No one could deny that you're as sweet as honey, syrup and sugarcane mixed into one, so that's why Jackie couldn't resist calling you either Honey or Sugar. And when she does, you couldn't resist giving her a sweet little kiss before wrapping your arms around her waist, resting your face into the crook of her neck.

Abby: Spikes. You knew that Abby would end up giving you an odd pet name, but you didn't think it would be "Spikes". It all started on your first date, when you got flustered in her beauty and commented on her collar and boots. "Nice spikes," you barely managed to stutter out. She burst out laughing and kissed your forehead. "You couldn't have opened with a better compliment." She gushed, when you were both telling Ducky and Palmer about your date the next day at work.

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