Addelyn's Birthday

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Hardin's POV
    It's Saturday and my niece's birthday party day. Tessa has just finished wrapping all of her gifts. She says I have overdone the birthday shopping, but I couldn't help myself. Everything I came across at Target, reminded me of her. So I got it all. I know Landon will probably have words with me, about how I agreed to not go overboard, but she's only young once! Plus I'm sure down the road, Landon will give me payback for all the greedy gimmes I've caused.
  Tessa is very swollen and has pre-labor backpain. I've tried to keep her bed ridden but she is very stubborn. I also tried to keep her from going to work, but she promises that she's mainly sitting and not lifting anything, so we compromised a tiny bit. Both of us are very anxious for the birth. I know she has a birthing plan all ready to go, and wants to follow it step by step, because that's how organized my Tessa is. I just worry that if it doesn't go as planned, how will she react. My Mom, Tessa's Mother, Karen and Kimberly seem to take turn calling us every other day to check on Tessa. I'm glad everyone is so caring and Tessa enjoys visiting with each of them, so I can't complain.
"Babe, can you tie my shoes for me?" Tessa asks me.
"Of course Babe, are you sure you still want to go?"
"Yes! I'm not missing Addy's birthday party, just because I have some backpain and swollen feet" She tells me matter-of-factly.
"Okay, but we aren't staying late. You need to keep resting the doctor said" I tell her.
"Yessir! Right away sir!" She laughs.
"Oh Babe, you are so goofy lately" I laugh as I kiss her lips softly.
     As we get to Chuck E Cheese, I help Tessa climb out of the car. The carseat is already set in the backseat ready to go. Everytime I pass the back window I peek and smile when I see it. As we get inside we see Addelyn run up to both of us.
"Hi Auntie Tessa and Uncle Hardin! Is Emery kicking right now?" She asks hopeful.
"I think she's resting now, but I'm sure she will start kicking once you start talking to her" Tessa tells her.
"Hey Landon, can you help me carry in the presents?" I ask him.
"Hardin... I said one gift, why would I need to help you carry in one gift?" Landon says in a warning but humorous voice.
"Well.. you see.... it may be a little more than one gift" I say as I open the trunk and presents are stacked to the top.
"Oh my god Hardin! You are spoiling my daughter" Landon laughs. "Just wait until Sophia sees this, your going to be in trouble" He cracks up.
"Ha..Ha.." Is all I say, as we walk in.
I make sure Tessa is comfortable, and relaxed as I go get her some lemonade and make her up a plate of food of Pizza, salad, breadsticks, and veggies. She is busy chatting with Karen, so I kiss her top of the head and go find Addy to play some serious video games with her. We both loved the car racing games and I have a soft spot for the barbie water sprayer game.
"Uncle Hardin! Let's play this one!" Addy giggles.
"What is it? It doesn't look like a game sweetie" I tell her, as I mess up her hair a little.
"No it is! Sit here, and I'll sit next to you. Now wait... say cheese Hardin!" Addy says.
"Addy! You stinker! You tricked me into getting my picture taken" I laugh, as our pictures print off below the screen. It is a wonderful picture of us both, and has a rainbow Chuck E Cheese boarder around the picture.
"I'm gonna get you for that Addy!" I tease.
"Not if you can't catch me" She giggles as she shoots up into the tunnels. I follow right behind her and find a window I can see Tessa out of. I knock on it and wait for her to look up. When she does she grabs her phone and takes my picture while dying of laughter. I love making my girl laugh. As we slide down the slide together, we are both called to eat and open presents. Addy is adorable and I can't wait for my daughter to be born. I will spoil and adore her just as bad as I do Addy.

Tessa's POV
Addy's birthday party is so fun to watch Hardin be silly with Addy. I can already picture him with our daughter Emery, playing and goofing around.
These last couple of weeks aren't going to be easy ones. I'm in a lot of pain and very uncomfortable. I can tell that Emery is too big to be comfortable anymore in my tummy, and I'm okay with that. I can't wait to hold her for the first time. I have my birthing plan all written out and I'm ready. I want to try to go without an epidural for as long as I can. Hardin on the other hand, hates seeing me in any kind of pain, so it will be very interesting. Even the smallest of pain, he's right there to take care of me. I can't complain about it, because its just who he is. My hero. My rock. We went to a birthing class about a week ago, and it was more than we both expected. I think we both left the class, thinking what did we just see? How are we going to handle Emery's birth? I talked to my Mother, Karen, Trish, and Kimberly all about it, and they all tried to tell me it will be okay. Hardin on the other hand took notes and asked so many questions. It was funny to see, but also made me thankful he's so involved and caring. In my birthing plan I have, soothing music, written down, along with trying the birthing ball. I want to move and walk around as much as possible. Because once I get the epidural I'm stuck in the bed they said.
Addy just finished opening presents and cake, and we are heading out now.
"Thank you Auntie Tessa and Uncle Hardin for all the presents! I can't believe you bought so many for me!! Emery is going to love her birthdays" Addy giggles.
"Happy Birthday Princess!" Hardin lifts her up and kisses her on the forehead.
"Happy Birthday Addy! We love you sooo much" I hug her close.
Landon and Sophia tell us a million times thank you and that we made Addy's day so special. We give hugs and head out to our car. Hardin helps me into the front seat, and I am all of sudden hit by exhaustion.
"Tessa, are you okay? You look exhausted" Hardin asks in a worried voice.
"Yes, I'm okay. I'm going to rest my eyes on the way home, okay love?" I tell him.
"Please do Sweetheart. I love you, and we will be home soon" Hardin says as he rests his hand on my leg. As I drift off to sleep I dream of Hardin holding baby Emery in his arms.

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