Baby, Baby, Baby

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Tessa's POV
  Karen and I came up with the perfect dessert to surprise Hardin with. The CinnaBuns in the Oven drizzled with melted icing are baking right now, because there's a Bun in my oven. I thought the irony was hilarious when Karen first came up with the idea. I couldn't stop laughing. Now I just nervously have to sit and wait for Hardin to get here. I hope he comes back with good news about our house also. He gets so worked up when things don't go the exact way he wants them too for us. It's one of his flaws, which makes me smile that he cares so much. Waiting for him to come home is slowly driving me crazy. As I sit and wait, Landon, Sophia and Addelyn arrive. Addelyn as cute as she is, runs to her Grammie Karen and asks whats for supper. Sophia casually winks at me from across the living room, as Landon wants to hear all about the trip and see the pictures. Finally, I hear the front door open and Hardin walks in and my butterflies settle in my stomach, as he makes his way over and kisses my forehead. This will be a dinner to remember. I just can't wait to see Hardin's reaction.

Hardin's POV
    Everyone is already at Ken's house when I arrive. I'm so anxious to get Tessa alone, so I can ask her about her pregnancy test, but dinner is already ready. I guess I'll have to wait. I tried to read her eyes but she hasn't met mine with any hints yet. I wonder if she already knows if she is expecting or not.
  Karen made her famous Lasagna for everyone with garlic toast, and steamed vegetables. I love Karen's cooking almost as much as I love Tessa's cooking, so I load my plate up and take my seat next to Tessa. Addelyn sits on the other side of me, and asks me endless questions about our tour, except she calls it our adventure. Landon thinks its so funny how his daughter is so close to me. I didn't know I would have such a connection with this little cutie, but she means the world to me.  After a very fulfilling dinner, I am stuffed. Tessa and Karen get up at the same time and go into the kitchen, with Sophia following them. I wonder to myself what that is all about. I know they made dessert but why would all three of them have to carry it in? I try to kick Landon under the table for any hints but hes too busy talking to Ken. I guess I'll just have to wait. Just as I'm about to get up and go in the kitchen myself, all three women come strolling in, as Tessa carries a towering plate of Cinnabuns, my absolute favorite. Tessa is looking right at me, as she smiles.
"Hardin, I left your Cinnabun in the oven, can you go grab it?" Tess nervously says to me.
"Oh sure, I can do that."
   As I go into the kitchen, The oven door is open, but not on. As I get closer I see theres a note with the Cinnabun sitting on the oven rack.
   It reads: There's a bun in my oven! We are having a baby!
     As I turn around with tears of joy filling my eyes, Tessa is right behind me, also with tears in hers.
"We are having a baby, Baby" Tessa smiles.
I get down on my knees in front of Tessa, and softly place my hand on the center of her stomach. I place the smallest of kisses on her middle and whisper, " I will be the best father in the world to you little one" just as a tear slips out of the corner of my eye.
  As we go back into the dining room, Karen is holding in her tears, as well as Sophia. Landon and Ken both congratulate us and Addelyn says to me and Tessa:
"Does this mean I get a new friend to play with?"
"Absolutely Addy, you will be the best of friends" I tell her. She gives me the biggest smile.

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