In The Gardens

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As Alaric stood in the Advisor Hall, he frowned. As his advisers talked about defense strategies and economic pitfalls, his mind drifted back to his meeting with his father. He instantly cringed when Calira’s actions returned to him.

“Your majesty?” One of the advisers called out for the new king and Alaric quickly shook himself of the psychosomatic pain that accompanied his memories of earlier that morning.

“What is it?” He growled. The advisers looked between themselves before they looked toward the page that stood at the door, waiting to be acknowledged. Alaric looked up at him and he cleared his throat.

“Your majesty, Countess Dubare wishes to take council with your fiancée, but I could not find her,” The page announced as Alaric groaned.

“Did you check her bedchamber?”  He asked as the page nodded.

“We also checked the library, the music room, and the kitchens, sire,” he replied as Alaric frowned deeper. He rubbed his eyes before climbing to his feet.

“Advisors, you’re released for the day. Apparently, I have to find my soon-to-be bride,” he announced as he exited the room with the page following close behind him. As the pair passed the open archways of the East Wing, a soft melodious laughter drifted from the gardens just outside the hallway. Alaric stopped as he listened to it. It was vaguely familiar, and strange all at the same time.

“Your majesty?”

“The gardens. Go get two guards and have them meet me in the gardens,” the King ordered as the page nodded and ran down the hall. Alaric followed the laughter into the gardens and quickly found Calira hidden among giant rose bushes and thick gardenia bushes. She was watching a small puppy chase its tail and tumble when it lost its balance. He stared at the scene as a sense of déjà vu swept through his body. Suddenly he remembered.

Alaric had been no older than 8 when he had met Calira for the first time. He had been running from his tutors and found solace in the over-grown garden. Laughter caught his attention and he followed it until he reached the center of the gardens where a young girl with thick blonde curls sat playing with a small dog. He recognized the dog instantly. It was Casings, the fox terrier. He belong to one of his mother’s ladies-in-waiting. He studied the girl from afar, wondering if she was the daughter of one of the ladies-in-waiting or a servant. She was pretty, he noted. Suddenly the dog caught a whiff of his scent and jumped up and chased him out of his hiding place. His presence startled the girl.

“Oh quiet down you useless mutt!” Alaric growled at the dog as it left him alone and returned to the girl’s side. She tilted her head to the side as she patted Casings’ head.

“Who are you?” She asked as Alaric stared at her.

“What do you mean who are you? Who are YOU?” Alaric replied as he folded his arms across his chest. He puffed out his chest as the girl frowned.

“I asked you first.” She responded.

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