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"Is it me, or did it just get a million times hotter?" I asked as I wiped sweat from my forehead. The four of us stood at the peak of a mountain.
"It's just you, kid," Zano said as he swung the Hammer around.
"Now where's the Dragon? It's time for it to get what it's got coming to it."
"Well," Frozene said. "There's a large cave over there."
"Perfect," Zano said. "Let's go."
"Hold up," Electro interjected. " I don't think that's where it is."
"Well, where is it then?" Zano asked impatiently.
"I don't know for sure; maybe over that hill.
I hear a lot of noise over there."
"The Dragon is as big as a mountain," Frozene added. "We could be standing on it for all we know."
"Okay, I'm serious," I put in. "It's really hot. And does anyone else feel - weird?"
We all looked at each other.
"Yeah, I guess I do," Electro said.
"I've felt this before," Zano muttered to himself.
The earth gave a low rumble under our feet.
"Do you smell that?" Frozene asked.
"It's fire. From over there."
She pointed to the mountain to the left.
"Let's go," she said, and began to walk down the mountain.
"Hold on," I told her. "I have a better way."
I flung my fists up. Earth tore into the air, forming a rough road from one mountain
to the next. We all ran across. The air was getting a bit thick. I coughed. It was growing steadily warmer, close to stifling.
Frozene got to the next mountain peak
first. She stood still, then turned to us.
"We found it," she said quietly, and pointed down.
There, in a great valley below, lay the Ancient Fire Dragon. Large columns of smoke came out of its nostrils; its heavy eyelids were shut.
It was as big as a mountain, with a strong thick build and sharp claws. Its winds were folded loosely over its body, and its fangs went over its bottom lip.
Basically, it was terrifying.
"What do we do?" I said in a low voice, trying to control the tremor.
"I don't know," Electro replied.
We ducked behind a small cluster of boulders.
Electro and Frozene conversed. I noticed something was off.
"Hey guys, where's Zano?" I asked.
We all looked around.
"Where'd you see him last?" Frozene hissed.
"Over there, I think." I pointed to the
mountain that we came from.
Frozene peered over to where I pointed and shook her head.
"Well, he's not there now. Come on, let's go find him."
We all stood up and began to creep away.
The earth rumbled and shook. We all stopped and looked fearfully at each other. Then there was no sound, no noise.
We all slowly turned around.What I saw
made my blood run cold and my adrenaline flow.
Looking over the mountain ridge were
two eyes; two large, green, sinister eyes, that were insanely scary enough to make the greatest hero tremble. The eyes just stared at us, daring us to move, to breathe. Its tail swished back and forth, sending hot gusts of air and clouds of ash into our faces. My eyes watered, my throat burned.
Don't move, Talia! my brain screamed at me.
Too late.
I sneezed, Frozene gasped, and that's when the Dragon struck.

* * * * * * * * * * *

"I've felt this before," I muttered to myself as I walked to the cave that Frozene had pointed out.
With each step, I could feel my power growing hotter. It was almost like my experience in Iota, only this time, instead of feeling weaker, I felt stronger. I began to run. I had to hike up and down switchbacks, but I barely noticed. Deep within myself, I knew I had to get to
that cave; my power willed me to.
I felt the ground shaking when I got to the mouth of the cave. Heat like a furnace was seeping out of it. I walked in. Then I ran, through two long tunnels and a bend.
My power flared, the Hammer glowed, as if from anticipation.
I turned the last bend - then turned back and pressed my back to the wall.
Something was resting on a pedestal in the large cavern.  It was a glorious red, and it glowed and danced like flames.
The Crystal of Fire.
I felt the fire burning hot in my veins.
But standing over it, still in a black cloak and with a hand extended over the Crystal, stood Almeron.
Frozene had been right.
I took a deep breath. Part of me wanted to run.
Having my power ripped out of me was a one time thing in my book. But I couldn't let him
take the Crystal. I gritted my teeth and stepped out.
"Almeron!'' I called.
He slowly looked up at me. I pointed
the Hammer at him. It lit with a bright flame.
"You back off or I'll make you."
Almeron smiled sinisterly. He looked strikingly like Zipporah.
"Ah, Zano," he said in such a way I wanted to smack him. "I see you have lived through your
encounter with my snake."
"I killed your stupid beast myself, you traitor," I growled.
He glowered down at me.
"Well, look who's calling who a traitor," he sneered. "You know, it's an honor to meet the
renowned General Zano Etheron. You must be
regarded as quite the hero, hm?"
I glared at him.
" You know, you are Zipporah's prized
soldier. Your father was before you, until he met his unfortunate end in the battle of Santilon."
I ran toward him angrily, Hammer ready.
Almeron threw his hand over the Crystal.
It began to tinge purple. I stopped.
"Do you see the effect my power has over the Crystal?" he asked.
I swallowed hard. The purpled grew a bit deeper.
"Unless you want to lose this Crystal
forever, I suggest you avoid any more sudden movements."
I slowly lowered my weapon.
"Very good, General," he approved mockingly.
"Still not too high and mighty to listen to your superiors.''
"You are not my superior."
"Oh really? I am the prince of your land, after all."
He frowned.
"Well, maybe not. I'm sure my sister has convinced you otherwise. It's truly too bad that she doesn't tell you who you really are."
I started.
"I know who I am," I snapped.
Almeron cast me a sly glance.
"Oh really? Then who? Who are you?"

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