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   I wiped the sweat off my forehead as I wrapped the ten swords I was going to deliver. I put my bag on the table and looked around my work shop.

"I am definitely going to have to do some spring cleaning soon," I said to myself. I put my fur jacket on and slung my bag over my shoulder. I pushed open the door to my workshop and was met with the cold, crisp air that was only made by melting snow. I pulled my jacket closer to my neck and started to walk through Kronos Village. I was a blacksmith. My life was making weapons and selling them all over Layrucia, and with the war I felt it was my duty to supply the army with the best weaponry I could give them. According to my clients they always are. I walked into the open courtyard behind the town hall and was greeted by the sound of clanging swords and moving feet. The courtyard was filled with children all between the ages of five and ten partaking in their early defense classes with Tarnus. I took my bag off my back as I approached him.

"Ten of my newest swords,sir," I announced.

I handed him a sword still in its sheath. Tarnus drew it and gave it a few swings.

"Very good Electro," he complimented," your father would be very proud."

"Thank you," I replied.

Tarnus nodded then turned to his face his students.

"It is hard to see them train so early in life," he told me," but it is something that has to be done.

Old soldiers like me need to be replaced, and in this time, more than ever."

He shook his head, then reached into his coat.

"The mail has come. For you, Frozene, and Morrow."

"Thank you sir," I replied, taking the envelopes him.

"Enjoy your classes."

I turned to walk away.

"Wait. I must tell you something."

I turned to face him. I saw sadness in his weary eyes as he continued.

"I feel something is coming, something that- I won't be around to see. Whatever that is, I want you to promise me something."


"I want you to take care of Frozene. She may be a great warrior, but she doesn't know when to quit, or when she needs help. That is her downfall. My greatest hope is that wherever destiny leads her, you'll be there with her."

"Of, course, Tarnus." I answered," you won't have to worry about her."

He put a hand on my shoulder and looked at me hard.

"I know I don't."

He placed his hand back into his coat and drew another letter out and placed it into my hands.

I looked to see who it was from.


"No matter what tough times you go through, never lose sight of the things that are important to you. You're becoming a fine young man, Electro."

I knew before I got there that Frozene and Morrow would be in my work shop, so that's where I went. The door was propped open, and I heard voices inside. I entered and saw them in the corner of the room.

"Well look at the two tykes of the village! Is this your new hangout?"

"We're glad to see you too Electro," Morrow replied.

Frozene nodded.

"Almost time for spring cleaning," I reminded myself. "They delivered the mai,l and there's something for each of us."

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