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I jolted awake. I was lying on a bed in a small room. I sat up, then rubbed my aching head. My vision was a bit foggy. I looked around. Nothing looked familiar.
I heard a rustle toward the foot of the bed. Sitting on a bed right across from me was -
"Zano?" I murmured.
He turned and looked at me with his bright blue eyes. He half - grinned at me and said,
"Hey, ZipZap."
"Zano," I said clearer, sitting up straighter. "But - you are alive!"
"Yeah," he answered. "I thought I was a goner. Good thing that snake ate me and my sword."
He laughed hallowly, but he was trembling and looked slightly sick.
"Oh, there's something else, too," he said.
He held up an open hand; a bright flame hovered above it.
"Your powers are back," I mused. "But how?"
He shrugged.
"Maybe that guy can't keep our powers forever."
I looked around again.
"Where are we?" I asked.
"Safe Haven Island, I think."
"Have you been here before?"
He nodded.
"Once or twice. My father used to travel with me a lot. He believed that a soldier should know the land he lives in like he knows the back of his hand."
"How long have you been awake?"
"An hour or two. It takes a lot to keep me asleep."
We were quiet for a few moments.
"Do you know where the girls are?" I asked finally.
"No. Probably in another room."
I laid back on the bed and closed my eyes. I thought of everything that had happened at Seaport. But even with all the battle and bloodshed,the incident that really stood out to me was the meeting with Zipporah. The first time I had seen the princess at the castle, she had been regal and confident; this time she had been anxious and distressed. At the time I had thought it was because of the attack, but now, after the encounter with that man, I thought it might have been something else she had been thinking of. I mulled over it, trying to figure it out, but I had no idea.
"Hey Zano," I started, then heard a knock on the door.
I got up and answered it. A woman stood there.
"Electro?" she asked.
"Yes, that's me."
"I am a messenger from her Highness Zipporah. She and the Layrucian Council request the wielders' presence at once."
"Where are they?"
"In the building, across the street."
I looked over at Zano. He shrugged. I turned back to the woman.
"We'll be there shortly, thanks."
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Zano and I entered the building about a half an hour later. We had bumped into Frozene and Talia on the way there. We all stood in a large room now, face to face with the Layrucian Council and Zipporah. There were eight of them in all; Genevieve was the Chancellor of the Iota region; Chase, an old woman, was Chancellor of the Chumno region. Safie, an erect, regal woman, was Chancellor of the Santilon region. Tourin, a stately man, was Chancellor of the Seaport region. Darius, who actually happened to be one of my close friends, was Chancellor of the Adlez region. Virgil, Talia's father, was the Chancellor of the Theros region.
And Morrow was technically Chancellor of the Kronos region, but he was still so young. He wasn't quite taken seroiusly yet, and mostly just listened to how it was all done.Tarnus was normally with him. But not this time. I wondered what had happened to him. He sat looking eagerly at us, but didn't say a word.
And of course, Princess Zipporah, who was soon to be crowned Queen, was the head of the Council.
"Heroes," she said to us now. "We as a Council are indebted to you, your work in Layrucia, and the sacrifice you made for your people."
"It was an honor to serve you through battle, your Highness," Zano answered.
"Of course, now we await for your battle with the Dragon," she announced.
Genevieve cleared her throat.
"But your Majesty, " she said. "Most of us don't know who these children are and how they got these fanciful powers to begin with."
She dropped her voice.
"What if they are dangerous? What if they have - an ulterior motive?"
I was instantly extremely uncomfortable.
"My fellow leaders," Zipporah said. "Do not be afraid of these young people. They have power that we don't understand, it is true, but rest assured that they are here to help us."
"That's right," Virgil boomed. "They have nothing but our best interest at heart."
"But how do we know?" Chase asked. " I think Chancellor Genevieve is on to something. Do any of us really know them well enough to assume such a thing?"
We wielders looked at each other. They were talking about us like we weren't even there.
"Talia is my daughter," Virgil snapped. "I know her; she is a true hero. And we all know Zano. He has never done anything to hurt us."
Some looks went across the room. Zano's countenance flickered.
No wonder, I thought. No leader is perfect.
"And I know Frozene and Electro," Morrow chimed in. "And all they have ever done is serve and protect the people around them."
Safie raised an eyebrow at him. Morrow blushed and shifted his gaze back to the table.
"But what about the people?" Safie said. "They will be truly terrified of them and their power."
"Well, we have to make the most of it," Darius replied. "After all, I also know these heroes. They will never hurt anyone."
Some of them shook their heads. Zano stepped forward.
"Please, Council," he said. "I promise that we will only do what we believe is best for Layrucia, and by no means do we seek to hurt anyone but our enemy."
The air was tight. I looked restlessly around. Somehow, Zano's words didn't seem too convincing.
"Let me ask you, General," Safie said. "Where did your power come from? Let me ask all of you. Where did your power come from?"
We all stood silently. Where did our power come from? We didn't know. I had certainly never done anything special to earn them or find them. They had always just been - there. Did they really come from anywhere?
"We don't know," I answered softly.
Safie looked unsatisfied with this answer.
"I am uncomfortable sending an unknown power source out to battle with our people," Safie continued. "But we shall ask the princess. What do you say, Zipporah?"
Zipporah had just been listening to the banter. She looked at each of the Chancellors.
Always regal.
Now she stood and said,
"My Council, my heroes, I must tell you something important. Long ago, there were special Crystals; five of them, to be exact, each weilding magnificent power.
They contained the powers of earth, lightning, ice, fire, and power. They were hidden away for hundreds of years, unbeknownst to everyone. Then a certain young man, an explorer, went and found one of the Crystals, the Crystal of Power. The Crystal of Power is an evil object, constantly trying to provoke some unfortunate soul to possess it, so that it may wreak havoc among the innocent. The man was possessed, and havoc it wreaked; until four others, four heroes, arose to stand in his way."
"But how?" Chancellor Chase asked.  "How did these things come to pass? And what is the nature of the Crystals?"
"The ultimate goal of the Crystal of Power is to attain the other four elements, to add power to its own, so that it may be unstoppable," Zipporah answered.
"That's it then!" Safie exclaimed. "These four seek to grow their power - "
"Allow me to finish please, Chancellor Safie," Zipporah said.
Always regal.
"But the other Crystals are,if I may, good," she said. "They find wielders to possess their power, so that they may save the lands from destruction. It was in this instance that the heroes arose. They had succeeded in making sure the Power did not destroy their world. Then that generation died, and again, the Crystals lay hidden, waiting."
What to make of this? I wasn't sure. I had never heard of any of this before, and from the looks cast around the room, I wasn't the only one not in the know.
"Waiting for what?" Tourin demanded when Zipporah paused.
She sighed.
''They lie in wait for the Crystal of Power to choose its next servant,'' she answered. "And it has, in our time."
"Where is your proof?" Genevieve said.
Zipporah laughed, to everyone's surprise.
"Proof?" she asked, not believing. She gestured down to the four of us.
"Here, here is your proof. The other four Crystals have made their choice of heroes. They only act if the Crystal of Power has acted. So you see, it has, and they have, and here we are now."
Silence reigned in the room. My mind was in a whirl.
"So, that means that there is a wielder of power out there?" I asked.
"Yes," Zipporah replied.
"Like the man in the field!" Talia shouted out suddenly.
The Council looked at each other.
"The man?" Tourin asked, his tone serious.
Talia shifted uneasily.
"Yeah,'' Talia replied hesitantly. "There was a man - he had powers. He could take away our powers if he hit us. He took Zano's."
The Council was silent. Their looks drifted to Zipporah.
Always confident.
Always regal.
But not now
Now she gazed down at us almost like she wanted to cry.
"Who is that man, Zipporah?" Genevieve asked.
She shook her head slightly.
"Who is it?" Safie snapped angrily.
Zipporah looked up at her.
" You know, Chancellor," she said softly. You all know. But if you must hear me say it - that man was my twin brother - Prince Almeron."
We all stared at her in stunned silence.
Prince Almeron? I thought.
How on earth did a Royal of Layrucia get his hands on the Crystal?
"That is why," Zipporah continued softly, "My father banished him years ago. He knew of his power, and  he could not permit him to rule the land."
"You mean you banished him, your Highness," Safie snapped. "You couldn't bear -"
"Chancellor please!" Zipporah shouted.
Safie glared at her but kept her peace.
No one could speak.
Except Talia.
"Why didn't you tell us this before?" she demanded. "Why did we almost have to be killed to find that out?"
"Well, I didn't think - I didn't think he'd dare come," Zipporah answered.
I thought back to our meeting in Seaport and couldn't help but doubt her.
"Well it happened," Tourin said. "Now we just have to work with it. Zipporah, what must we do to get rid of him?"
She looked at us all, lost in thought.
"We don't get rid of him,'' she said, then gestured to Talia, Frozene, Zano and me. "They do. We don't have the strength or ability to take down the power of the adversary. But we can do something. We are fast approaching a renewed war; and we as leaders are responsible to keep the people safe and handle as much of the
normal war as we can. We shall soon call a meeting with the Generals and Captains. That is what we will do. And as for you, heroes," she looked back down at us. "You must collect the Crystals, for that is the goal of the wielder of power. Collect them before he does, so that he may never possess their power. Although,
there is something else I must tell you -"
"But what do these Crystals look like? I asked. "And how do we know where to find them? Your Highness, where do we even start?"
Zipporah sighed.
"I know the whereabouts of two Crystals," she answered. "The other two are a mystery to me."
"Where are they?"
"The Crystal of Ice dwelt in the caverns near Lake Iota."
"Wait," Zano broke in. He looked terribly upset. "Are you talking about the strange object that Frozene and I threw into the volcano?"
Frozene looked upset too.
Zipporah stares at him.
"You threw it into the volcano?" Zipporah cried.
"Of course we did!" Frozene shouted back. "I wasn't strong enough to stop it myself. And if you were so worried you could have warned us first!"
A look went across Zipporah's eyes. She tightened her jaw and said,
"Now is not the time to lose our heads."
"Really? I think it's a perfect time!" Zano said darkly. "We just lost the Crystal of Ice; what do we do now?"
"We have not lost it," Zipporah assured. "It will cool the lava of Mount Perilous. But for now, we must shift our focus on the Crystal of Fire."
Something about this whole argument irked me.
"Crystal of Fire?" Zano said, suddenly interested. "Where is it?"
"It is located in the mountains where the Dragon dwells," was her reply. "You must defeat the Dragon soon, and also collect the Crystal. Zano, it is ultimately up to you to attain it."
Chancellor Chase said,
"Yes, you must, and quickly. For we will need the civilians back in the land to help start preparing for war. But what shall we do in the meantime?"
Zipporah opened her mouth to speak, but it was Zano who said,
"Chancellors, you are the leaders or Layrucia. Much lies on your shoulders. Your greatest service to our team would be to not propagate us too much until we
have proven ourselves to the people, so that they may not be afraid of us. Along with this, it would be a good idea to raise morale, for they all know that we are headed for war."
Zipporah smiled.
"Yes, that is wise Zano," she said. "Now we all have work to do, and the heroes must rest. I call this meeting to an end, and we will start preparations immediately. And heroes, you will have to sail back to Layrucia soon, for the Dragon must be destroyed before it can destroy our land."
We all bowed to our princess. She left, we heroes bid farewell to the Council, and we took our leave.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"Hey, Electro!"
Talia called me from the water in a fresh pond that we had stumbled upon. She was swimming alone, and was trying to get someone
to swim with her.
"Why don't you come in? The water is great!"
I shook my head and cringed.
"No thanks," I answered. "I don't swim."
"Hey, don't worry; I can teach you."
"No, I can swim, I just I don't."
"Why not?"
"Well, if I swim, the water I am in will gather electric pulses and be conducted into any living beings in the water with me, thus injuring them."
Talia gave me a look.
"What does that even mean?" she asked.
"Basically," Zano broke in, "he can't swim because he has lightning powers and it can travel from him through the water and hit you."
"Oh," she said, "well then you come in, Zano."
"No thanks," he said. "If I go in, I won't be able to use my power for a long time."
Talia laughed.
"So you're like a big campfire, that can be doused out?" she asked, still laughing.
Zano turned red.
''No, I can get wet; I just don't swim."
"Oh, you guys don't have any fun," she pouted. "Where's Frozene? She shoots ice from her hands. I'm sure she can swim."
"She can,'' I assured her. "But Frozene went off by herself for a while. She will be back later."
Talia continued romping in the water as I took another look at some blueprints that I had brought along with me. I studied them and shook my head. They weren't coming along as smoothly as I had hoped. I fingered a pencil and began to scribble away. Zano lay in the grass next to me, looking up through the branches of the tree we were under.
"It's a beautiful day," he said casually.
"Uh huh," I answered, preoccupied and not paying much attention.
We were quiet for a few minutes. I examined the papers in front of me, lost in thought.
"You know," Zano said, more to himself than to me, '' I remember when my father used to take me here when I was little. I could have sworn we'd come to this very spot."
I threw my pencil down in a huff. I couldn't think very well so I laid down in the grass and answered,
"Yeah? Did you swim?"
He smiled.
"Actually yes. I used to swim all the time. I didn't need to use my powers, and I actually felt better sometimes, not having them. I didn't need to worry about controlling them. I felt..." his voice trailed off.
"Normal?" I suggested.
I nodded.
"It's definitely not easy being different, especially when you're a kid," I confirmed.
"Did - did you get along alright?" he asked me.
"Yeah," I said slowly. "I did alright. I got my share of strange looks and whispered comments, but I never really let it bother me. I had my friends and my business to run. And my mother worked with me. "
Zano looked away. I studied his face.
"And did you get along okay?" I questioned him.
He nodded slowly.
"Yeah, like you said, I had more important things to do."
He closed his eyes.
"But I didn't have parents to help me with my work," he continued softly.
I sighed.
"I'm sorry," I told him.
"It's alright."
"No, really," I insisted. "You know - I lost my father when I was young."
"Oh. Do you know how?"
He looked back at me.
"I lost my father at the battle of Santilon four years ago," he said. "I don't know what happened to my mother."
He sat up. We looked at Talia, still swimming and jumping, and trying to lift the dirt from the bottom of the pond to the surface of the water.
"She's lucky," he continued. "She has her father and her mother and her brother. She is the daughter of the Chancellor and her family is well off. It almost worries me. She's so young, and doesn't know about war, and has everything to lose."
"I thought of that too,'' I replied. "But she is still willing to take the risk."
"Or she doesn't know what she's risking," Zano pointed out.
"Maybe," I agreed. "But she might well be the strongest of us four. The best thing we can do is mentor her the best way we can, and let her do what she needs to do."
Zano smiled grimly.
"Alright," he agreed. "And we need to keep a close eye on her. I think she's trouble."
I smiled too.
"You think we can win this war, Electro?" Zano asked me suddenly.
I was almost caught off guard. This was Head General Zano Etheron that was speaking.
" I - I really think I should be asking you that question, Zano," I said hesitantly.
Zano shrugged.
"Well, you are smart. I just wanted to know what you think."
I looked at him as the full realization of his youth hit me. He was truly only seventeen; still a kid.
"Absolutely we will win," I said as confidently as I could.
He chuckled and stood up.
"Well, it's starting to get dark. I'll take Talia in. Do you know where Frozene went?"
"No," I answered. "But I have a pretty good idea of where I might find her. I'll see you back at our room."
I stood up and walked off, starting to walk to the small mountains of Safe Haven Island.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I sat in a tree, looking at the beautiful island of Safe Haven as I thought. The soft ocean breeze cooled my burning cheeks. I could see birds flying across the water, trying to catch their dinner. The sun was a blazing orange as it settled on to the horizon. The port was full of people that had just come from
I thought over the past few days. Morrow telling me of Tarnus' death had taken its toll on my emotions. Thinking back on the snake almost made me sick. To know that we had been so close to losing Zano, maybe all of us...
I shook my head, as if to shake the terrible images out of it. I fingered the Bow. My mind drifted back to Zano again, about how he had achieved the role of general at seventeen. He had had many successful battles under his leadership, and he had trained countless soldiers single handedly. Then Talia came to mind; she
was twelve and was already growing crops with her powers and making Theros prosperous. Electro had a successful blacksmithing business.
And me...
I swung my legs, trying to think of what I did that was so important. I looked at the Bow again. I hunted. I spent most of my time alone. I was tucked into the smallest village in Layrucia with no family and no money.
I sighed.
I knew I didn't belong with a group that was so successful. I twirled cold fragments of ice
around my fingers. I saw a deer eating grass at the bottom of the tree I was in. I watched it. It reached down with its long tongue, and slowly chewed without care. I smiled. The sight of it brought my mind back home. I leaned back and closed my eyes.
My eyes snapped back open. I looked around.
"Frozene!" I heard again.
It was Electro's voice. He came around from out of the trees and called,
I froze the tips of his ears. His hand flashed up to them and wiped the frost away. He looked up into my tree. I smiled back down at him.
"There you are," he said, climbing up the branches. "What are you doing up here?"
"Oh, just resting," I answered. "You know me; I prefer a tree over a bed any day."
"True," he laughed.
We looked out across the ocean, now a dark purple with the dusky light.
"So," Electro said. "The Battle of Seaport was pretty rough."
"It was," I agreed.
"What did you think of Almeron?'' he asked me.
I shrugged.
"He's a guy who needs to be taught a lesson," I replied.
"You think we can beat him?"
"Of course." I frowned. "Why do you ask?"
"Just curious."
We were quiet again. I could hear the night birds coming out.
"Are you okay, Frozene?" Electro asked suddenly.
He gave me a look.
"No," I admitted.
"Oh. You - wanna talk about it?"
I shrugged, then sighed.
"When we were in Seaport, I ran into Morrow," I said.
"So he made it safely," Electro said, relieved.
"That's great."
"Yeah," I said again, looking down. "It's really great."
Electro put a hand on my shoulder.
"Really Frozene. What's wrong?"
I swiped at a tear.
"Morrow, he told me... what happened to Tarnus."
"Oh. What happened?"
I bit my lip to keep from crying. Too late. The tears were already falling.
"Tarnus... died."
Electro sat in stunned silence.
"Oh Frozene. I'm so sorry," he managed to say.
We sat in silence for a long time. I cried silently.
"The Council is allowing us a week of rest," Electro said softly, the sound of tears in his voice.
"That's good. We need it. Then what do we do?"
"I don't know. Maybe we defeat the Dragon."
I nodded. It was dark now.
"We should probably go," I said. "I'm tired and need to talk to Talia about something."
"About what?"
I shook my head.
"Can't say," I answered. I swung out of the tree.
Electro followed, and we started the trek to the inn, chatting about the Battle of Seaport.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
We stayed on Safe Haven Island for a few days. We took walks by the beach and I went swimming with Talia. I went off and took many long hikes through the mountains, hunting. But I noticed that Zano almost never joined us in our activities. When we would go to the village, Zano would say he was too busy and wouldn't come. When we went to a small conference with the Council, Zano claimed that he had to rest and would lock himself in his room. We wondered what he was up to, but none of us bothered to investigate.
Until the fifth day.
Talia said she wanted to go to the port and see the ships. Electro agreed to go with her, but I stayed behind, saying I had something to do. When they left, I went to the back courtyard. It was a large area, with many wild - looking bushes and shrubs, and random colorful flowers planted here and there. There was also an
outdoor conference area, which is where I went. Zano stood at the main table, his back turned toward me. He was bent over, examining whatever was on the table.
He had a pencil in his hand, drawing markings and writing notes. I knew Zano wasn't one to voluntarily do schoolwork like Electro would, so I snuck up behind him. Standing close enough to where I could touch him, I looked over his shoulder.
It was a large map, with many of Zano's scrawled - out notes. And in large letters at the top, it read;
"What is this?" I asked suddenly.
Zano nearly jumped out of his skin. Then he saw who I was.
"Frozene," he said, relieved that it was just me. "Don't sneak up on me like that."
"Sorry. Just a habit. But really, what is this?"
His eyes were shining. Whatever it was, he was really excited about it.
"I've been working on something, Frozene," he told me. "Something big. I've been planning to regain Kronos Village."
"Regain it?" I asked. ''That's nearly impossible. You can't get soldiers over there without being overtaken; most of the beaches are guarded by the North."
"I know," he said. "That's why it's taking so long to plan out. But let me show you what it is, and you can help me."
"Okay," I agreed. Zano explained the plan to me. For two hours we talked through it.
"It sounds like it will work," I said when we were done, " It's crazy, but it could work. But why didn't you let us in on this before?"
"Well, I knew I had to get a plan worked out first," he responded. "Because, like you said before, it's near impossible."
His tone and look turned serious.
"But we need this victory. We need a foothold so that we may get the rest of the land back. If we heroes can just get one village back under our control, the army can take care of the rest while we face the Dragon. And Kronos is just the place to take back. It's almost the middle of Layrucia, so travel through the land won't be as difficult."
"It's a good plan," I said again. "And I think we can pull it off. Who needs to verify it?"
Zano grinned.
"I do," he said. "But we'll show the Council and Electro and Talia. Come on, let's call a meeting right now."
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Zano and I presented the plan a few hours later. The Council thought it was a bit risky, but they put their blessing behind it. We heroes talked about it for hours, trying to find any hidden problems or complications that we may have missed. When we were sure that it was foolproof, we called it a night. The next morning,
we went out and prepared eight of the eleven ships that we had. We had gained news that the North had taken over the beach and the ports it Layrucia, though they had managed to keep the city of Seaport under Layrucian control. Our mission was to recapture the ports - and relieve Kronos Village. The North had moved their
ships to the ports, which meant we had to get rid of them. We prepared the ships, got together a small army, and took off that night.

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