Chapter 11: Graduation & Commencement

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Friday night:

Sue: "Ladies & Gentlemen, Welcome to the 2020 William McKinley High School commencement ceremony; At this time, I'd like to introduce the valedictorian of our graduating class, Kitty Wilde!!" "Kitty!" The audience cheered. Kitty came onstage smiling. Her brother stood up and applauded her with a smile on his face. Marley stood up as well and applauded her fiancee. Kitty then began to speak as everyone took their seats: "Someone very dear to my heart once told me, that we only get one shot in life at making things right. But he said that he's a firm believer that everyone deserves a second chance in life as long as they are strong and true to themselves. This person has inspired not only me, but an entire family. He's passionate, he's humble, and more importantly, he deserves to be up here more than I do. It's time for him to take his rightful place at this podium. Ladies & Gentlemen, please welcome the real valedictorian of the 2020 William McKinley High School graduating class: my brother Scott Wilson!!! The audience gave Scott a thunderous standing ovation. Scott began to cry happy tears. "Go on, get up there." Marley said encouraging him." Scott walked up on stage still crying. Kitty looked at him happily. "You didn't have to do this Kitty." Scott said. "Of course I did." Kitty replied. "Why?" Scott asked. "Because I don't want to be happy at the expense of hurting you." Kitty said. "I thought this was what you wanted." Scott said. "No, for us to both be happy, that's what I wanted; I love you Scott." Kitty replied smiling. Scott smiled back at her, but still cried. "I love you too Kitty." The two siblings then shared a heartfelt embrace amidst applause from the rest of the audience. Kitty sat down next to Will as Scott began to speak:

"I..I'm humbled and honored by all this. I honestly did not think I would be standing here today and be up here speaking about commencement or having dreams, or even moving forward into the next step of a life. I will say this, I don't know what the future holds for me or for a lot of people, but I do know that it's an incredible journey. One door closes, another one opens. One chapter ends, another one begins. You just have to make the most of it. I certainly did; I will tell you it's not easy. The road ahead is filled with twists and turns. It can be long, winding, and hard. However I do know this, with a little luck and a whole lot of faith, you can make it a road of life, and a life worth living. I know that I've had a hard time in my life, but I took the blows, I came back for more, I proved a lot of people wrong, and more importantly, I turned out for the better. I'm eternally grateful for the family, friends, relationships, and good times that I have experienced here in high school. I can say, beyond a shadow of a doubt, I made my final years here at William McKinley High School worthwhile. Thank you." The audience gave Scott another standing ovation, until Kitty stepped forward. "May I have your attention please, my brother has another huge announcement he wants to make." Scott looked at her, a bit puzzled by her statement. "This is an announcement that will change the course of his life forever." Kitty continued. "Kitty what are you doing?" Scott whispered as he pulled her aside for a quick chat. "You've been wanting to ask Sugar this question all week, but you keep getting interrupted. No one's going to interrupt you now. Go for it!" Kitty replied, encouraging her brother. Scott gave a tight-lipped smile at his sister. Kitty smiled happily back at him. Scott returned to the podium and began to speak:

"I'd like someone very special to come up onto the stage. She too, is part of the graduating senior class. She's also someone who I hold dear to my heart. She's someone who saved my life, and has been there for me all throughout the good times and bad. She's Sugar Motta. Please come up here on the stage." Sugar walked up on the stage. "You notice that I didn't call you my girlfriend, because I want to call you something else. I want to call you my wife." Sugar's jaw dropped open then she began to cry happy tears. "We've been through so much, but we've stuck together through thick and thin, and I promise that I will stick by your side for the rest of my life." Scott said. Sugar smiled happily back at Scott. "I knew that when you saved it months ago in February, that you were the one. I love you so much." Scott said, then he dropped to his knee and pulled out an engagement ring. Sugar began to gasp happily. "Sugar Motta, will you make me the happiest man on the face of the earth, and the luckiest valedictorian in school history and be my forever beloved?" Scott asked. "What?" Sugar asked. "In other words, will you marry me?" Scott asked. The audience hushed as they waited Sugar's answer. Sugar smiled happily and responded: "With all of my heart. Yes! Yes!" Scott and Sugar smiled at each other and Sugar happily put on the engagement ring. They then engaged in a passionate kiss onstage, as the audience oohed and ahhed at the impromptu love scene unfolding. Scott then spoke into the podium microphone: "For those of you in the back of the auditorium who didn't hear, she said yes!" The audience gave Scott & Sugar a thunderous standing ovation. Scott & Sugar again engaged in a passionate kiss onstage, before returning to their seats hand in hand for the first time as an engaged couple. "Kitty, you shouldn't have." Scott said smiling. "I had a little help from some friends." Kitty said looking to Rachel, Quinn, Marley, Brittany, & Bree. "You guys were all in on this?" Scott said. "Yes." Marley said. "Guilty." Quinn said. "Yep." Rachel replied. "Oh yeah." Bree said. "Yeah, I had a hand in it." Brittany said. "Thanks." Scott said warmly. The girls all smiled back at him.

Principal Figgins began to speak: "Now for the moment we've all been waiting for: Ladies and Gentleman, let's meet the graduates." "Wade "Unique Adams." Unique came onstage smiling. Emma gave her a huge hug. Will smiled at her and applauded as Unique received her diploma. Jane & Mercedes gave her a nice ovation. "Jake Puckerman." Figgins announced. Jake came up onstage with a smile. He then pointed to the sky as a tribute to his late brother Noah, then got a hug from Will & Emma respectively before accepting his diploma. "Ryder Lynn." Figgins announced. Ryder came onstage and got a nice ovation from Jake, Marley, Kitty, & Unique. Ryder then smiled after receiving his diploma. "Joe Hart." Figgins announced. Joe walked onstage with a smile. Sugar & Quinn applauded for him. Joe got a hug from Emma and then received his diploma.  "Sugar Motta." Figgins announced. Sugar got a huge ovation from New Directions. She then smiled back at Scott who gave her a wink. Sugar then got a nice hug from Emma before receiving her diploma. "Bree Yeldon." Figgins announced. Bree had happy tears in her eyes as she came onstage. Kitty, Marley, Quinn, Brittany, & Mercedes all applauded her, as she received her diploma. After she sat back down, she went and gave a warm embrace to Scott. "Thank you for helping me turn my life around." She said. "Thank you for helping me graduate." Scott replied smiling. Bree smiled warmly back at him. 

"Marley Rose." Sue announced taking over for Principal Figgins. "Marley!" Kitty shouted. Kitty & Marley shared a warm embrace as Marley walked onto the stage smiling. Rachel, Quinn, Bree, Kitty, Unique & Brittany gave her a standing ovation. Marley had a huge smile on her face as she walked onstage. Mr. Schue gave her a huge hug, and then she shared a tear-felt, but heartwarming embrace with Emma before receiving her diploma. "And finally..." Sue announced, "...Katherine Jane Wilde". "Kitty!" Marley shouted. Kitty began to cry happy tears, as the moment she never thought would happen was here. She was finally graduating. She came onstage to a standing ovation from the entire New Directions current and old, and then received huge hugs from Will & Emma respectively. "I'm so proud of you Kitty." Will said. "Thank you Mr. Schue." Kitty said crying. "Good luck to you Kitty." Emma said crying. "Thanks Emma." Kitty said, crying back. When Kitty got to her seat, Marley & Scott were waiting for her. "I'm proud of you sis." Scott said smiling. "Thanks Scott." Kitty said, as she and her brother shared another heartfelt embrace. Kitty then approached Marley. "Congratulations." Kitty said to her. "You too." Marley replied warmly as the two of them shared an emotional embrace. "And last but not least...." Sue announced, "...Our valedictorian, Scott Wilson!" "Scott!" New Directions shouted. Scott received a thunderous ovation as he came onstage. Scott received a huge embrace from Will & Emma respectively before getting his diploma. Scott smiled, then winked at Kitty as he received it, She did the same back to him.

"Ladies & Gentlemen, the William McKinley graduating senior class of 2020!!" Figgins and Sue said together. The senior class turned their tassels to the right, then threw them up in the air in celebration!!!

All's well that ends well. The 2020 William McKinley senior class has graduated at last!!!

Big ups to Kitty & Scott in this chapter. Their bond as siblings is very strong. 

Still, there's one big event to prepare for: A soon to be TRIPLE wedding!!! 

Get ready for that and more in part 2 of  the thrilling series finale of GLEE!!!! :-)

Catch you on the flip side!!!

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