Chapter 6: Bree, & Marley Combine plans

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"Have you guys all noticed that Scott's been acting a bit different lately?" Bree asked Kitty & Marley as they all met with Rachel, Brittany & Quinn in the art room with the door closed. "It's because he got the valedictorian for our graduating class." Marley said. "No way. That's great." Bree said with a smile. "It's not that great for him." Kitty said sadly. "What are you talking about?" Bree said still smiling, seeming a bit puzzled by that last statement. "He doesn't want the valedictorian." Kitty replied. "Why?" Bree said, her face turning into a slight frown. "He was willing to give it up for me. I thought being the valedictorian would make me happy, I admit, I would have been devastated not to win it, but I'm more devastated that he would give it up just to make me happy." "Are you happy?" Quinn asked. "No, I feel terrible." Kitty said, beginning to cry. Marley & Quinn both put hands on Kitty's shoulder. "That's not the only reason why he's a bit on-edge so to speak." Rachel said. "What are you talking about?" Marley asked. "He's been trying to ask Sugar a question all week, but he keeps getting interrupted." Brittany said. "What question could Scott possibly want to ask Sugar?" Marley asked. "He's going to ask her to marry him." Bree blurted out. She couldn't help it. "What!?!" Everyone else shouted. "Scott confided in me that he was ready to pop the question to her, he just hasn't found the right moment to do it because he keeps getting interrupted." Bree explained.

"What are we going to do?" Kitty asked. "If we know, love, and care about Scott that much, we have to do something for him." Rachel said. "Any ideas?" Quinn asked. "I have an idea." Marley said. "Me too." Bree chimed in. "Let's hear them then." Brittany said. Marley began to explain: "Scott only wanted Kitty to be valedictorian to make her happy. Instead she's only sad and unhappy by all of this. Kitty, maybe you could make him accept the valedictorian after all." "How?" Kitty asked. "When you have to deliver the commencement speech, you can defer to him, tell the whole school he is the real deserving person, and convince him that he needs to take his rightful place as the valedictorian." Marley replied. "He's not just going to accept it gracefully. It would take a lot of convincing for him to do that." Kitty rebuffed. "What if you spoke from the heart? What if you told him how you honestly felt before you deferred to him?" Rachel said. "Yeah, maybe if he saw how much you want him to be happy, he'll change his mind." Bree said. "Maybe he'll have a change of heart." Brittany chimed in. "Trust me, if you just be honest with him, he'll be touched; You know you can do this. I have faith in you." Quinn assured Kitty. "Me too." Marley said. Brittany, Rachel & Bree nodded in agreement.

"Alright, but we're going to have to be covert about this. No one else, especially Scott can know about what we're planning to do." Kitty said sternly but politely. "Right." the rest of the girls said. "What about his marriage proposal to Sugar?" Kitty asked. "That's where I come in." Bree said. "I think I know a way he can ask her without getting interrupted." "How?" Marley asked. "When he finishes giving the commencement speech, you can come onstage Kitty and ask Sugar to come up as well. Then give Scott a friendly wink; He'll know what's going on." Bree said. "Do you really think this will work?" Kitty asked. "Absolutely, don't forget, you and Scott were responsible for getting Jake and I back together." Bree replied. "Yeah." Kitty chuckled. "So, are we all in favor of helping Scott out?" Kitty asked. "Yes." Rachel said. "Oh Yeah." Brittany replied. "Absolutely." Quinn said. "Count me in." Marley said. "It's on." Bree said.

"OK, in the meantime, in order to not cause suspicion, we have to make sure Scott keeps getting interrupted until the graduation ceremony on Friday. We also have to put up the facade that you are the valedictorian Kitty." Bree explained. "Oh Scott is going to get the biggest and best surprise of his life come this Friday." Marley said. "You can say that again." Quinn quipped.

The girls all laughed at their plan. "OK, we'll see everybody tomorrow in Glee club." Bree said.

So Bree & Marley have combined their plans to try and not only get Scott to accept his rightful place as the valedictorian, but also ask Sugar an all-important question.

Will their plan succeed? Find out in the later chapters!!!

In the next chapter, Commencement week continues in the Glee club.

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