Chapter 4: Valedictorian Revealed

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Later that afternoon:

"Scott, could you come with me please?" Sue Sylvester asked from the hallway politely. "Am I in trouble?" Scott said with some dread in his voice. "Oh no, of course not. Principal Figgins wants to talk with you." Sue replied. "I'm afraid to ask." Scott said now with complete dread in his voice. Scott walked with Sue to Principal Figgins office and sat down. Also waiting in the office was Will & Emma. "What's this all about?" Scott asked. "We just wanted to say how proud we are of you, and that your accomplishments this year haven't gone unnoticed by any of us." Will said. "We also are pleased to inform you that you are the valedictorian of the William McKinley High School Class of 2020!" Principal Figgins exclaimed. "Congratulations Scott." Emma said smiling. Scott's jaw dropped somewhat. Suddenly Scott appeared sullen, disappointed, and a bit upset by the announcement. "We also want you to give the keynote address speech at the commencement ceremony this Friday." Sue stated.

"Well, what do you say?" Will asked. Nothing prepared any of the group for what Scott was going to say. "I'm sorry, but I don't think I can do that." He said. Everyone had puzzled looks on their faces. "Scott, you've worked hard for this. You've earned your spot. This is your moment to shine. I don't understand." Will said with concern on his face. "If I become valedictorian, it would break someone else's heart. Someone who is very close to me." Scott replied. "Who?" Emma asked. "Kitty." Scott said sadly. "She was having a conversation with Marley in the hallway this morning. I overheard her say that she would be devastated if she didn't win valedictorian this year. I can't let that happen. I want her to be the valedictorian that she always wanted." "Are you sure about this Scott?" Sue asked. "Look, I just can't handle the pressure that comes with that role. Kitty will be a fine substitute for me as valedictorian. I just want her to be happy." Scott replied sadly. "As unusual and as irregular as your request is, I must respect your wishes and grant it." Principal Figgins said sadly. "Thank you." Scott said. "Off the record, I think you're making a big mistake Scott." Emma said. "With all due respect, I understand but, Kitty not becoming valedictorian this year, that would be a huge mistake." Scott replied.

Unknown to anyone inside the office, Kitty had overheard what Scott had said and began to cry from the hallway. Marley noticed that and came over to her. "Hey, what's wrong?" She asked. "Walk with me please?" Kitty asked. Marley nodded. "I just overheard a conversation between Scott, Mr. Schue, Emma, Ms. Sylvester & Principal Figgins." "Oh my god, is Scott in trouble?" Marley said with a hint of worry in her voice. "No, he's fine, it's just that..." Kitty started to say. "It's just what?" Marley asked. "He got valedictorian." Kitty said. "Oh my god, that's great." Marley said happily. "Not for him it isn't." Kitty replied. "What do you mean?" Marley said her smile turning into a frown. "I overheard him say that he overheard us talking and about how I would be devastated if I didn't get the valedictorian. He also said he just wanted me to be happy; Eventually they all agreed to his request to let me be the valedictorian this year." Kitty explained. "And does that make you happy?" Marley asked. "No." Kitty said, beginning to cry. "It only makes it worse; I don't want anyone to sacrifice their happiness for me; I want to be happy, but not at his expense. I don't know what to do Marley." Kitty said beginning to sob uncontrollably.

Marley wrapped her arms around her fiancee. "It's going to be OK Kitty." "How?" Kitty asked. "Trust me, I have an idea. It's an idea that will make both of you happy." Marley replied.

So Scott gets the valedictorian, but apparently he does not want it because he feels it would devastate his sister. Unknown to him, Kitty is not happy to be valedictorian because as she stated, she does not want Scott to sacrifice his own happiness for her.

Marley says she has an idea to make both of them happy. What will it be?

Find out in the later chapters. In the next chapter however, the Glee club continues singing songs for the week of commencement!!

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