Chapter 10

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"He's a hero! Why're you all being so mean to him?!" Tails yelled as he stood between Sonic and a group of slightly older teenagers. "Do you have the guts to stand up to Eggman?"

"Back off twerp, this blue brat needs to learn a lesson on who runs this town." The leader of the group growled angrily

"No! Leave him alone!"

"Just go back to your stupid lab you double-tailed freak!"

Tails' eyes filled with tears "N... No!"

Sonic wiped the small bit of blood he had on his lip away and stood. His split lip, which he got from being punched in the face, hurt like hell "How dare you." He angrily glared at the group of teens

"Oh ho look at this, the blue weirdo is speaking up." The teen laughed

"At least he knows how to treat people decently." Sonic was furious "And trust me, there's few of those people in this world."

"And what're you gonna do about it?"

"I grew up fighting a war." Sonic spat "What do you think I'm gonna do Dumb-ass."

The teen backed up "I... Who do you think you are?"

"Sonic." The blue hero smirked "Sonic the Hedgehog. One of the leaders of the Freedom Fighters."

"Ah shit." The teen shouted "Eggman's back!"

Sonic turned. "Kinda busy Egghead." Lasers. Lasers everywhere. Sonic fought some robots. The designs of the machines were, eerily familiar. He glanced around, the world around him was switching between being reality, and an event from the war. SWATbots everywhere, one of the times Sonic and his siblings had come frightfully close to death. His heart pounded fearfully. Why did this have to happen now?

"LOOK OUT!" Someone yelled as Sonic was pushed to the ground, reality came swarming in, Tails had shoved Sonic out of the way of a robot.

"T...Thanks." Sonic said quietly as he stood

"What just happened?" Tails asked, concerned that it might happen again, and put lives at risk.

"Something I don't wanna talk about."


"What do you mean he robotisized them?!" Sonic yelled

"I mean, they're robots now!" Tails exclaimed

"Woah." Manic mumbled "Even Buttnik never actually robotisized them."

"That's terrifying." Sonia muttered

"We should probably stop talking about it and go fight." Sonic pointed out

"Yeah, good point." Sonia said "But not you."

"Seriously?" Sonic got locked in the bathroom again. "Guys, I know my ankle is hurt but you can't just lock me in the bathroom."

"Pretty sure we just did."


"So...." Tails began as Eggman fled towards his lab "What happened earlier?"

Sonic sat on the ground "A lot of stuff has happened to me in the past, a lot of stuff I'd rather forget."

"You looked pretty upset the other day when it started raining." Tails saw a leaf is Sonic's quills "Do you need a place to stay?"

"I mean, yeah sure, but I don't wanna bother anyone 'bout it."

"Well it's gonna bother me if someone gets sick because of rain."

"It's a rainy season?"

"Yeah, it rains a ton this time of year."

"I guess a roof over my head would be nice..."

Tails grinned and gestures for Sonic to follow him. "So... Where're you from?"

"Mobitropolis." Sonic replied

"Woah, the capital of Mobius? That's amazing."

"Yeah, I guess... I mean technically I was born there, and then my family moved a bunch, and we just sort of ended up back in Mobitropolis."

"Why'd you move a bunch?"

"It's a long story."

"I have time to listen."

"Fine, there was a war. It put my family in danger, so my mom separated my siblings and I to keep us safe. Eventually we found each other and went on an adventure to find our Mom. That lead to the three of us almost dying a crap ton, and then we eventually found mom, not long after the war ended and we went back to Mobitropolis."

"Why'd you come here if you finally had your family back?"

"You.... You wouldn't understand."

"I'm a nine year old with a higher IQ then Einstein. There's very few things I don't understand."


Sonic played his guitar as he sat criss-cross applesauce on the toilet. "Hello darkness, my old friend I've come to talk with you again. Because a vision softly creeping left its seeds while I was sleeping and the vision that was planted in my brain... Still remains.... Within the sound of silence...."

"Sonic stop singing just the beginning of the song." Sonia grumbled

"It's the only part I know the chords for."

"Then play a different song."

"Rolling around at the speed of sound, got places to go got to follow my rainbow-"

"Please not that song."


"Oh my god he's singing louder."




"Sonia, Sonic, please stop yelling." Tails commented quietly as he helped  Manic and Knuckles barricade the front door "We're trying to focus."

"Well maybe if SOMEONE hadn't locked me in the bathroom, I wouldn't be screech-singing."

"Just let him out of the bathroom Sonia, it's not like he can run off at this point." Manic pointed out

"See, even Manic agrees with me!"

"No, I don't, there's just no point in locking you in there."

Sonia opened the door and Sonic hopped out of the bathroom

Out of nowhere, a window shattered and Sticks burst through and did a barrel roll on the floor "IT'S THE ROBOPOCOLIPS!!!!!!" She screeched as she latched onto the leg of the couch

"Shit! Sticks why'd you break the window?!" Tails exclaimed

"Tails!" Sonic exclaimed "Who in hell taught you to curse like that...." He paused "Oh wait..."

"Duh, now help me cover the window!"

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