Chapter 6

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Shadow set Sonic down on the ground of the forest where they'd ended up. "It's okay Sonic, you're okay." Shadow calmly said as he tried to calm Sonic down

After a few minutes, the blue hedgehog calmed down enough to talk. "Thanks Shadow." Sonic breathed "You saved my life." He hugged the black and red hedgehog

"No problem," Shadow paused "What happened back there?" Sonic gave Shadow a questioning look "The panic attack?"

"Oh..." Sonic mumbled "I grew up during the war, in the middle of it. I... I lost almost everyone I cared about before I was even a teenager. Then, after loosing the people who raised me, for three years my siblings and I ran around trying to find out mom. During that time, We were almost killed more times then I can count." Sonic hugged his knees as he spoke, he looked a bit like a child "I still have nightmares. And when I loose control of a situation, I tend to... Well panic." Sonic sighed "Before I ran away, my siblings and I got diagnosed with PTSD."

"Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?"

"The war messed all three of us up. Manic had a panic attack every few days, I was plagued by nightmares, and Sonia had these terrible flashbacks of every time we'd almost died almost every hour."

"Your siblings, are they effected by it as much anymore?"

"I don't... I don't know, I ran away two years ago. I'm still messed up, them I don't have a clue. Sonia didn't seem to have any flashbacks when I was around her, and Manic hasn't had a panic attack I don't think."

"Those two creeps in Eggman's lair, was that Sleet and Dingo?"

"Yeah, Bounty Hunters Robotnik sent after my siblings and I. Dingo was the orange one and Sleet was the personification of Creepy with a side of Ugly." Sonic muttered something "Neither one of them is very bright, but Sleet did find ways to trick people when he needed to. In fact, one time he used this remote thing to turn Dingo into a chili dog stand, and I got tricked by it, and he used the remote to turn Dingo into a giiiiiant Venus flytrap, and I had to throw away a perfectly good chili dog to escape."

"A 'perfectly good chili dog' huh?"

"That's what you question? Not the whole, 'He used a remote to turn Dingo into a chili dog stand'?"

"No I question more then half of what you just said." Shadow began "But you're upset about a chili dog?"

"What'd you expect?"

"For you to be upset about being tricked."

Sonic shrugged as he hugged his knees. "Man I'm an idiot."

"Why do you say that?"

"You'd be surprised how many people have wanted me dead over the years."


"Sonia!" Manic shouted as he rushed into the van, where Sonia was grabbing a water to bring back into the doctor's house, where Sonic was supposed to be

"What is it Manic?"

"They got him!"

"Who got who?" Sonia asked, hoping it wasn't who she thought it was

"Sleet and Dingo! They found Sonic! They took him!"

Sonia's eyes widened "We need to stop them!" She yelled as she rushed to the driver's seat "Buckle up. What direction did they go in?"

"North, headed toward the docks."

"What're they planning to do?!" Sonia asked as she drove the van down the street, trying not to hit any pedestrians "Please don't say dr-"

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