Chapter 4

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(Once more, I found the art on Pinterest)

Several years ago, when Sonic had first arrived on Bygone Island...

Sonic stepped off the boat, or death ship as he'd been calling it in his head. He looked around the docks, a few people, not many, but it was a big island, plenty of space to run. Plus, they didn't get tv from the mainland, so Sonic didn't have to worry about being recognized. He was under the radar, out of sight and somewhere his family would never look for him. Only one way to get to the island, by boat. He walked around for a bit, until he realized, he had no money with him. And no food. "Man, I really should've thought a bit more before jumping out a window." He mumbled as he sat on a nearby bench "Whatever, I'll be fine, I survived Buttnik's reign without dying of starvation, I'll survive now."  And just as he said that, lasers started shooting at him. He shouted as stood up, he looked at where the lasers had come from. Some old bald guy, who looked an awful lot like Robotnik. "What's the big idea?!" Sonic yelled angrily

"You must be new to the island. I'm Dr.Eggman, I run this island."

"Y'ah know that's a terrible joke Eggs-For-Brains."

"HoW dArE YoU! MY GrANdFaTHEr rUlEd ThIS wOrLD wIth aN IrON FiST!"

"Well he's locked up, he has been for a long time. So go away before I make you."

"And how are you going to do that?"

"In the blink of an eye." Sonic replied as he ran at full speed and kicked Eggman's Eggmobile thing off into the distance


"So you haven't played your guitar in forever huh?" Manic asked

"What, it's not like I have time with beating Egg-Head all the time." Sonic replied as he rolled his eyes

Amy laughed "I don't know Sonic, you certainly do have enough time for six hour naps."

"What, I do not nap for six hours."

"He's right, it's more like eight." Tails joked from the other room

"Tails!" Sonic exclaimed "Fine, Sticks and Knuckles back me up... Where'd they go?"

"Sticks ran off because she wanted to rant to everyone that the Robopocolips happened already, and that she was somewhat right." Amy answered as she sat on the couch with Sonic

"What about Knuckles?"

"He was dragged along as a witness to you telling us."

"Knuckles is here?" Sonia asked

(Knuckles looks like he did in Sonic Underground, and he's not an idiot.) Sticks kicked open the door, dragging Knuckles into the house with her "Nobody believes meeeeeeeeee!" She screeched before leaving

Knuckles just stood there for a second "So I just got dragged halfway across the island."

"Congratulations Knuckle-Head" Sonic laughed

"Sonic, we should probably practice if you're gonna use your medallion to fight that Eggman Guy." Manic pointed out

"Good point. I might not use it though."

"Why not?" Sonia questioned

"I've been fine without it for the past two years."

"You forget your ankle Bro?" Manic stated

Sonic looked at his ankle "Oh yeah, forgot 'bout that." Sonic replied. Sonia sighed as Manic laughed. "Maybe I should practice a little..." Sonic said as he stood up "Tails, help me get outside!"

"Why?" Tails asked

"Do you want me shooting lasers inside the house?"

"No..." After a few minutes Sonic got outside (with the help of Tails) and started practicing with his guitar "So how does it work?"

"Well, every time I use it it has to charge for a while, but basically it shoots lasers, it can also be a normal guitar, but lasers are cool. That is, when they're not being shot at me."

"Remember when you made Sonia mad that one time, and she chased you around and tried to shoot you with lasers?" Manic laughed "Didn't you make a joke about her hair or something?"

Sonia summoned her keyboard "You want the same thing to happen to you Manic?" She asked

"No, I'm good Sis."

"That's what I thought."


It began to rain, not a light sprinkle, it was pouring. And Sonic had nowhere to stay, no roof over his head. "Great," he thought aloud "First day on this Island, and I'm already soaking wet."

He sat on a bench, and after a few minutes rain stopped falling in him, but he could still hear the pitter-patter of rain hitting the ground, he looked up and saw a small fox holding an umbrella over his head. "You looked sad." The Fox pointed out "I'm Tails." He smiled as his two tails perked up and he put his hand out for Sonic to shake

Sonic shook the Fox's hand "Sonic. Thanks."


"Okay, Knuckles! Throw the coconut!" Sonic yelled as he got his guitar ready. Knuckles chucked the coconut into the air, and Sonic blasted it with his guitar. "Huh, still got great aim." He shrugged

"My aim is better." Sonia smiled "Throw two Coconuts Knuckles!"

Knuckles chucked two coconuts into the air, and Sonia shot them both with ease. "Oh come on, I can hit twice that many." Sonic smirked "Knuckles, four!" Knuckles threw four coconuts, they were blasted in a second. "Beat that!"

"Oh trust me I will!"

After about two hours of "practice" Sonic finally won "I win! Thirty-two coconuts!"

"You got lucky." Sonia said as she rolled her eyes "Besides, you're only practicing so you can defend yourself if Sleet and Dingo come after you while Manic and I are taking care of Eggman."

"What?" Sonic questioned "No, I'm coming with you guys."

"Absolutely not." Queen Aleena chimed in

"You're staying back and resting your ankle." Sonia ordered "And not getting Robotisized."

"I'm coming with you, I need to help."

"Oh don't let your Ego get out of hand Sonic." Sonia frowned "You're staying back, that's final."


"This is stupid." Sonic grumbled as he sat on the sofa. Amy, Tails, Knuckles, and Sticks has built a pillow fort around the couch. His friends stood guard outside the fort "Guys, come on, let me go help

"No!" Everyone called from outside the fort

He sighed in annoyance. "Whatever... I'll take a nap or something."


"Manic, how's he doing?" Sonia asked as she drove the van down a steep hill

"He's getting worse, that and he's unconscious." Manic replied from the back of the van, where he sat on the floor next to Sonic, who was laying unconscious on a blanket "I think his fever went up again..."

"That's not good, we need to get to a doctor, now." Sonia replied, before making the van swerve "Crap!"


"Almost hit a swatbot."

"Why didn't you run it over?"

"It would've totaled the van!"

"Did it see your face?"

"Attention Hedgehogs, stop your vehicle or be shot with missiles." Sleet's voice echoed

"I'm assuming so." Sonia sighed "Hold on tight, and hope I don't loose control of the van."

"Don't run us into a tree Sis."

"I know Manic."

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