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"You know my Uncle?" I look at Calum with a confused look on my face.

"Your Uncle?"

Vic cleared his throat and looked in front of him, " He used to date Clara."

My heart drops, it felt different than it had all night. I nod and slowly get into the car. I say a small goodbye to Calum, not sure if he actually heard me. I close the door and Vic immediately starts driving home, I can see Calum still standing there as we drive away, Maye wrapping her arms around him.

" Are you okay, Alexandria?"

I'm brought back to reality when Vic speaks. " Yeah I'm okay. It all makes sense now." He frowns and looks at me for a brief moment. " What do you mean?" I smile to myself. "He looked at me weirdly the first day. I now see why." He nods. " You and Clara often got mistaken for sisters when you were younger. Even now you still look a like." He smiles, reminiscing. He places his hand on my shoulder, grasping it firmly.

"We all miss her."

" I know. I'm still in shock. It doesn't feel real. Every time I walk passed her room it feels like she'll be coming back soon." Vic smiles and places his hand back on the steering wheel.

"Were you guys close with Calum?" I turn my gaze out the window, watching cars pass.

"I would say we were, we only knew him for a few months before Clara passed away. She was on her way home from his place when it happened. It hit him just as hard as the rest of us."

The drive home is quiet after that. I couldn't bring myself to ask anymore questions in fear that I would start crying.

At home Vic went upstairs, to talk to Melissa. Walking into my room it immediately felt like I had opened a well. My eyes are burning as the tears flood down my cheeks. My body shakes violently as I press my back against the door.

Not only do I miss Clara, I feel guilty for having feelings for Calum. How did I not realise? She used to talk about him all the time. She never sent any pictures but she always told me how sweet he was and I would love him and get along with him so well.

She was right, but I like him a little more than I should. Besides, he has Maye now. It's not like I have a chance anyway.


Waking up with a headache and a stuffy nose was not part of the plan. Getting up from the bed is harder than usual. My body hurts and I don't feel too stable on my own feet. Clearly I haven't cried that much in a long time.

I can smell breakfast being cooked as I open the door.

" Good morning." I sit down at the kitchen island pouring some orange juice.

"Good morning, Alexandria. Did you sleep well?"

I sigh and shake my head. "Did Vic tell you about what happened last night?"

"About Calum? Yes he did. You seem down. Is everything alright?"

"No not really. Last night was a rollercoaster. Before I even knew that Calum dated Clara, I was already overwhelmed with everything."

She hands me a plate with bacon and eggs and sits down next to me. " Do you want to talk about it?"

I thank her for the food and start pushing it around with my fork. "Yes, please." I take a bite of the eggs before I continue. "Well I noticed that Calum was acting a little strange yesterday at school. I was avoiding him, because I accidentally flirted with him. It was supposed to be a joke, but I- I just messed up." Melissa laughs at me as she takes a sip from her coffee.

"So I apologised at school yesterday. He just waved it off, saying that it didn't bother him. Then last night he shows up late with another girl. The way she was hanging on him made me angry for some reason and all I wanted to do was-" I was speaking really fast and I needed to catch myself and calm down before I could continue. " Michael and Amy noticed and Michael immediately came to me. He's normally very clingy but last night he upped it a bit. He said it was to make Calum jealous. Apparently Calum and I have always been drawn to each other."

I sigh and look down, putting the fork back down on the plate.

"But now that I know Calum dated Clara I can't help but feel guilty about having feelings for him. I did not even know that I was developing feelings. I'm sorry this is so stupid."

Melissa puts her hand on my shoulder. " You don't have to feel guilty about something that you can't control. Clara loved you and she knew you would love Calum. She wouldn't stop talking about how she couldn't wait for you to meet. You don't need to apologise for it, you can't help how you feel."

"Thank you, for everything."

She smiles and continues eating, " So Michael is still himself, huh?"

I laugh, "He's loud, and fun to be around."

She nods, "We knew all of them for quite some time. He was the one that I enjoyed having over the most."

"He was the first friend I made. He stuck with me, he's really sweet to me all the time."

She smiles, "I'm glad you found a friend in him."


The last week staying with my Aunt and Uncle came quicker than I thought it would. Going to school this morning felt like a burden. I did not want to see Calum, I have a pit in my stomach even thinking about talking to him again. I have to get over whatever I feel for him. He seems to be really into Maye and he used to date my cousin which made me want to stay away all together.

As Vic pulls up to the drop off zone, I see Michael waiting for me already. "Thanks Vic, see you tonight!" I close the door and walk over to Michael who opens his arms and envelopes me in a hug. "He told you, didn't he?"

He detaches from the hug slightly and kisses my cheek. He nods and pulls me back in, squeezing me even harder. "I'm sorry." I rest my head on his chest and close my eyes.

"We should head inside." He lets me go and puts his arm around my shoulder, walking me to my locker. "So what did you do this weekend?" I step forward and open my locker and take some books out of my backpack. "I studied for our biology test and for my music test. What did you get up to ?" I can't help but look around as I close my locker. "I hung out with the guys Saturday. I slept over at Luke's place Friday night. I actually studied this time too." He chuckles as we walk toward the classroom. "Uh- how's Calum?"

He looks at me and sighs.

"He's okay. It hit him quite hard Friday night. He was better Saturday though."

I nod as I take a seat.

"And Maye?"

"Yeah, they're dating now."

They're dating.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2020 ⏰

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