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A/N. Hey everyone, first of all I would like to thank you for clicking on the book. I would like to say that I got this idea from an account that no longer exists. The username is now being used by another user, as the original owners have deleted the account.This new account was made in 2015 and I started publishing the book in the early parts of 2014.Lol I even had the book finished before the new account was made! By that time I was already working on a sequel that now no longer exists. I am still very thankful that the original owners let me use this idea, even though it is not as much a part of the story as it was before the rewrite. I chose to rewrite because the way I wrote it before was very rushed and it did not make sense at all. So I hope you enjoy Locker 30 2.0

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(This was the username back then, AshtonIrwin5sos_ ,  it is now being used by someone new. )

The move had me exhausted. The months leading up to this big moment were agonizing. One tragedy after the other.

I tried making peace with my family's decision moving us out of the home I grew up in, to a whole new country. I am far away from the life I used to know, the one I was used to. I was no longer going to be a girl everyone knew and talked about, instead I would be the weird new girl with an accent everyone will undoubtedly ask about.

The move was not as spontaneous as I hoped it would be. It breaks my heart knowing that we moved here to get away from the place that reminded us of so much pain. To move to a place where my mother could comfort her grieving sister after losing her only child. My cousin, my favourite cousin.
The flight gave me way too much time to think. I was trapped inside of my own world . The music blasting from my headphones transporting me further away from the mess in my head.

It led me to think about my new life. Who was going to be my friend? Would I have any enemies? My heart was beating in my chest and my eyes were too heavy for me to keep open.
Default mode, sleep until the overthinking drifts away.
"The house is a lot bigger than I thought it would be, mom." I throw my bags on the floor next to the door and I slowly walk further into the already furnished house.
" Well you know your father, dear. Nothing but the best." I roll my eyes and turn back to face her.
" And when will father be joining us exactly?" She sighs and shakes her head, not answering the question verbally indicating that she did not know either."Pick up your bags and put them in your room, I think you'll want to rearrange a few things?"As I make my way up the stairs my mother continues "Your new uniform is in your closet."
Great, another private school- what did you expect, Alex?

Life was no longer going to go the way I planned it would, waking up the next morning to the smell of pancakes and freshly brewed coffee was not something I was used to. I couldn't help but grunt and turn over trying to get away from this reality.

I could hear my mother's footstep coming up the stairs, it forces me to get up and bolt into my bathroom, pretending to get ready. The door swings open revealing my mother dressed and her hair styled perfectly. A smile spread across her mouth, " It's great to see you up early!" She claps her hands together and turns around, " Come downstairs I made pancakes and I brewed some fresh coffee, you can get ready afterwards." She walks out of my room and presumably back down the stairs. " Yeah, sure one minute!"

"Thanks for the pancakes mom! I'll see you after school okay?" I walk around the counter and kiss her on the cheek. " I love you!"

First day of school, here I come.

Locker 30 ➳ A Calum Hood fanfiction (Rewriting chapters)Where stories live. Discover now