f i g h t s

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Sorry, this took so long! Highschool keeps me busy. I'll try to update a chapter once a month. It's a bit to slow for some of y'all but I hope the wait is worth it.

s o r r y a g a i n

The sun barely had risen over the horizon when Marinette's alarm was set up.

She cracks one eye open then quickly shut it. She lazily reached her arm out to press the snooze button, only for her mother to walk in.

"Marinette, wake up. You have to get to school on time."

Marinette groans in response.

"You have to keep up good attendance for DelaCour lycee..." Her mother sighs as she takes her leave.

Marinette groggily started getting for school soon after. It was harder to go to school almost every day since everyone hated her. After getting ready, she went downstairs and ate breakfast. Before leaving the customer filled bakery, Marinette gave her parents a kiss on the cheek and then started to walk towards hell.

As she walked towards Francis Dupont Lycee, she softly hummed the latest Jagged Stone song. Since she didn't hang out with Alya or any of her other friends any longer, she had more time to commission her projects. Which led Jagged Stone to start investing in Marinette more.

He paid quite a hefty sum to the young designer, but Marinette didn't know what to do with the money. She had been planning to pay for her education at DelaCour Lycee with the money, but she had received a full-fledged scholarship and now had extra savings.

While Marinette did want to be recognized for the numerous items she had made Jagged (almost a 104, not that she was counting), her parents wanted Marinette to be safe.

Having her name featured in an article once or twice was fine with them, but ever since people had mistaken Marinette as Adrien Agreste's girlfriend, her parents began to become more concerned about her safety.

The song Marinette was humming on, was written to her. While Jagged did not say who it was publicly, he sang it as a thank you gift for Marinette.

As she walked through the doors of the school humming quietly to herself, she happened to pass Lila.

"Oh, Marinette. Good Morning!" she called, loud enough for everyone within the area to hear.

Marinette turned around at the sound of Lila's voice. 

"Good Morning." she replied. Just because she disliked Lila didn't mean she didn't have to be civil. 

Marinette then nodded and began to walk away. Lila quickly intercepted and put one hand on her shoulder.

"I see you're humming the new song Jagged wrote to me! It was a love song specially written for me, but I couldn't accept due to our age differences." Lila exclaimed. Marinette froze.

Adrien quickly walked up after seeing the angry expression on Marinette's face.

"You..." Marinette started.

"She what?" Alya called as she and Nino walked up to the trio.

Marinette flinched at Alya's cold glare and Nino's disgust. Before her confidence disappeared, she stepped away from Lila's touch. All she had wanted to do was to slap her hand away, but Marinette had morals.

"You're ruining his reputation by lying like that." She simply stated.

Lila gasped. She quickly ran over to Adrien and put her face on his chest, as if she was crying. "There you go calling me a liar again!" She faked cried into Adrien's chest.

"Marinette, I don't get you at all. Lila was just trying to be nice. She wasn't lying. And how was she ruining Jagged Stone's reputation?" Alya defended, angered by Lila's 'tears'.

"By saying that Jagged Stone wrote a love song for her! She implied that he was interested in her, who happens to be 15! Marinette exclaimed, upset about the entire situation.

"Or maybe you're just blaming Lila to be a liar when you're one yourself." Nino added quietly, in a steely tone.

Marinette took a step back. Nino hadn't said anything to her in weeks, and when he finally decided to say something, this is what he decided to say!? Marinette grit her teeth. Alya and Nino still thought she was jealous of Lila!

As Marinette's mind tried to formulate a quick response to Nino, she caught Adrien's angry eyes.

As they held contact, her eyes started tearing up. Why was he angry? What was she doing wrong? Was the real bad guy Lila or her?

Too scared to answer that question, Marinette quickly pushed past Alya, Nino, Lila, and Adrien.

As she ran to the bathroom all Marinette could picture was Adrien's disappointed frown and the smirk Lila had thrown her as she ran.

When Marinette burst into the bathroom, she quickly walked over to the sinks to throw water on her face.

When she looked into the mirror, she saw black tear streaks of Mascara running down her face.

She quickly turned the tap on and washed her face. When she was done, she looked into the mirror again. Her face was incredibly pale and her eyes were a bit red.

Marinette sighed. She wasn't too keen on the idea of everyone, especially Lila, knowing that she cried in the bathroom.

They would also think of her as weak if they didn't think so already.

The sound of the bathroom door opening caused Marinette to look up. As her tired and swollen eyes took the figure standing in the doorway, the person sighed.

"You look terrible." The voice of Chloe Bourgois reached Marinette's ears.

Marinette looked down at the water that was being drained in the sink. "Thanks for the compliment."

Chloe laughed as she walked to the sink next to Marinette's. She took her purse out and began to apply a thick coat of mascara on her lashes. After she was done, without looking away from the mirror, she held the mascara out.

"Want some?" She asked, unsure.

Marinette quickly looked up, surprised. A soft smile made way onto her face.


Maybe this day wouldn't be so bad.

Author's Note:

2/16/2020- Chapter written and corrected.

Please tell me if there are any mistakes.


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