Chapter 5

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Carlos' POV

I was walking towards my dorm.

I was still fuming in anger about what Doug did to Evie. Like who the heck is he to do that to my sister.

If I just got a chance to punch him, I will. But I'm not just gonna punch him I will beat the shit out of him. But I know Evie wouldn't like it. 'Cause even though he hurt her Evie still love him. But it's just hurt to see that my sister is suffering because of that idiot.

Argh. I can't believe him, I thought he was a nice guy but I thought wrong. He's a jerk. He doesn't deserve Evie.

While I was walking down the hallway, my phone vibrated, so I pull it out my pocket.

It was a notification about...... my date with Jane today.

Oh, no no no!

I almost forgot about my date with Jane, she must be waiting for me.

So, I quickly ran towards my room.

When I got there I quickly went to my walk-in closet to change my outfit. Good thing I already picked out my outfit last night. I was wearing a black polo with white small letterings printed on it, and a blue jacket and black jeans.

Once I finish dressing up I quickly went towards our kitchenette where the basket full of food is ready for my date with Jane.

I was planning on taking Jane in the enchanted lake. And because we haven't been in dates since 'cause we're always busy.

I quickly went to the garage to get my bike to get to the enchanted lake, so I can set things up.

It was just a ten minutes ride and it wasn't that far from ours.

Once I got there I quickly got off my bike as I rush towards the lake. When I'm done I quickly called Jane to ask her if she was ready but she didn't answer, so I try texting hopefully she will reply but there's no reply.

So, I decided to just go to her and find her.

I was already at the school. And was walking towards the tourney field because the girls dorm is just across it.

While I was walking I saw Jane I was about to call her when I notice she was talking to someone.

But what made me mad is that the guy kiss her on the cheek and when he pull away there I saw his face...... it was Henry son of Hercules. I really hate that guy, he's always flirting with Jane, like he don't know Jane already have a boyfriend. So, I didn't think twice and ran towards him and punch him straight in the face which cause him to fall on the ground. He quickly stands up and punch me in the face too. I didn't let that pass so I punch him too and now we were fighting with each other, when I punch him he punch back at me.

He was about to punch me but I quickly push him as I hold my arms in his stomach which cause him to fall down. And now I was at the top of him, I continuously punch him but Jane broke us apart as I was about to punch him again. He was still laying at the ground so Jane quickly help him up which cause me to give her a look of disappointment.

"What the heck is wrong with you?! "Jane shouted at me which make me more angrier.

"What's wrong with me?! You should ask yourself that! "I growl at her. "He was flirting with you Jane! And you didn't notice it? And what was most hurting was that you already have a boyfriend and yet you still allowed him to flirt you! You know your such a cheating bi-"I was interrupted when Jane slap my face.

"How dare you say that to me?! "Jane said and anger was visible on her face. "And you know what, Carlos?.... I don't want to see your face anymore.... I'm breaking... up with you. "Jane said and walk away with Henry following her. "Jane, wait! "I called her out but she didn't turn back.

Argh!! This is all my fault! I shouldn't have yelled at her I should have let her explain. And now she broke up with me and was already dating that Henry guy.

I kick the grass to let my frustration out.

15 minutes later of contemplation on how to get back to Jane I decided to go back to my dorm.

Once I arrive at my dorm I was shock on what I saw, Jay shirtless and Lonnie hovering above him. They looked at me shocked.

So, I quickly close the door and shouted. "Just pretend I didn't see anything! "

Two minutes later Jay opened the door and was now already wearing a t-shirt and Lonnie sheepishly sitting on his bed. Jay then let me go inside.

"I-I gotta go, bye Jay, bye Carlos. "Lonnie said as she stood and walk towards the door.

"So-"I started but Jay interrupted me. "Hold it. "He said and I just smirk at him.

"Ok, ok. Look it's not what you think it is ok? She trip and I catch her and then I loss my balance. "Jay explained and my smirk grew bigger. "Take that smirk away, ok? We didn't do anything. "

"I didn't ask for you to explained. "I tease him. "Oh ha ha. "He sarcastically laugh.

After we went silent and I remember about what happened earlier.

I then quietly walk towards my bed with my head bowed down. I sat down on my bed and I combs my hair with my hand.

"Hey, you ok man?"I heard Jay asked me as he sat in front of me on his bed.

"Yeah, I'm fine. "I said quietly.

"I know your not fine. We've been friends since we're kids, so I know by just looking at you there's something wrong and you can tell me about it. "Jay said as he put his left hand on my shoulder.

Why, does he have to know me well this is so unfair. But his right I should tell him maybe he can help me with it.

"Jane and I broke up.... I mean she broke up with me. "I said and I could feel my tears started to come out.

Jay looked at me shocked. But when he recovers he then asked me.

"Why did she do that? I mean you guys are so inlove with eachother and I don't see anything wrong with it. "He frowned.

"I'm gonna tell you what happened "and so I told him what happened.

After telling what happen, Jay was so angry, but not about Jane but about Henry.

Yes, Henry. He is angry of Henry and was more angry to him because he is the cause of Jane and I's break up. The two of them didn't get along well, because Henry always pisses Jay off in tourney. And he is very opposite to his father because he's a jerk. I don't even why Jane hangout with him like to be honest I'm better than him.

"Where is he?! "Jay shouted and was about to go towards the door but I stop him.

"Jay, Jay. Calm down. "

"Calm down?! That jerk hurt you and I won't get away with it. And most of all I want to have revenge on what he did to me all the time! "

"I know what your thinking Jay. But I think that is not the right thing to do. "And after that we went silent as I was thinking a way to get Jane back. Maybe Jay was right.

"So, what's the plan? "I asked Jay and I receive a frown. "What do you mean? "

"I mean you want a revenge on Henry and I want Jane back. So, what's the plan? "I asked again and now I received a smirk.

"Well... "

𝑭𝒊𝒆𝒓𝒚 𝑨𝒑𝒑𝒍𝒆 | (𝗘𝘃𝗶𝗲 𝘅 𝗢𝗖) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ