ArthitxKongpob: Messing Up

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Come to my apartment. We need to talk. 

-Mr. Handsome-

Arthit had felt his heart drop the moment he'd read that text message from Kongpob. The past two weeks had felt different. He'd thought that they would be happy together, their relationship was quite new. They'd now been together for two weeks and there were exactly two weeks left of their contract. The holidays were coming soon. Christmas was ahead and Arthit was planning to buy some gifts for Baekhyun. 

Arthit had mentioned it to Kongpob and they were supposed to go later in the day. He wanted to think that this was why Kongpob had called him over to his apartment but there was a feeling in his gut that told him that wasn't it. 

He parked in front of Kongpob's apartment and headed towards the second floor where Kongpob lived.  He'd been there two times in the past two weeks. Both times he'd spent the night and that first-time Kongpob had given him the key to his apartment. Arthit, of course, had given Kongpob his key as well. And yet, all the doubt he'd been hiding away and pushing back kept resurfacing for the past week. 

He froze as he came to Kongpob's door. There was a box with things that all contained picture frames with his photograph as well as Kongpob's from various dates with him, or simply of him teaching. That picture of him with the hearts and the stickers around the frame which he though Kongpob had treasured so much was in that box, as well as a couple of clothes that belonged to him from having stayed over at Kongpob's house, and some that he'd let Kongpob borrow when he stayed nights with him. 

Fear continued to creep in his heart more so when he realized the door was open. When he walked in his heart broke at what he saw. Kongpob was in a bathrobe, it was clear that he had just taken a shower, there were marks on his neck, marks that were in places Arthit had not left there. And then there was Sam, that man was hugging Kongpob and clinging to him tightly while tears fell from his eyes and he smiled. Arthit remained frozen it was as though his heart was being squeezed to the point of it shriveling up and dying. 

"I knew that you would take me back. You love me. And I knew that they didn't matter to you. You always come back to me because you never stopped loving me." Each word was like a knife piercing Arthit's heart and the final blow was having that man kiss Kongpob. He dropped the keys that had been in his hand causing Kongpob to finally turn around and look at him. There was a look of shock on his face,

"P'Arthit.." Arthit took a step back and when Kongpob tried to go after him Arthit ran. He rushed past the door, he could see someone getting into the elevator and he just bearly missed it. He could hear Kongpob calling after him and he took a quick turn towards the stairs. Tears blurred his eyes as he continued to rush down the stairs, the only thing on his mind was that he needed to run. 

"Arthit! Arthit!" His arm is grabbed by Kongpob just as he reaches the bottom of the stairs.

"Let go of me!" Kongpob pulls him close to him hugging him from behind tightly. 

"Please! Please! I swear it's not what you think! Please baby-" Kongpob is crying and Arthit allows sobs to escape his own lips as he shakes.

"Let go.." Arthit manages to say after collecting himself just a bit.

"Not until you listen." Arthit pushes himself away from Kongpob and shakes his head.

"Listen to what? I don't need to hear you lie to me."

"I won't I-"

"Like you lie to me when you say that it's your Por calling and not Kyro from the agency? Like you lied to me about going to a meeting with you Por and you were at that stupid cafe with Kyro where you always meet your employers!"

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