ArthitxKongpob: Do what you want.

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It's important that you read my Author's Note at the bottom.

The shinning sun beaming down on his face was what woke Arthit up. As soon as he opened his eyes he immediately regretted waking up. His head felt as though it would explode and he felt as though his insides were turning inside out. 

He groaned softly, despite the fact that he felt as though his bed was incredibly warm his entire body was telling him that he needed to wake up and take care of his hangover. When he tried to sit up, however, he was unable to do so as there was a heavyweight around his waist holding on to him tightly. 

Arthit froze, for a moment he was unsure as to where he was exactly. He'd remembered his mother telling him that he and Byul would be staying in the same room. However, he could not remember much after. He looked up and finally realized that he was lying on Kongpob's chest. He blushed and tried to move away but once again, the hold on his waist tightened. 

"Don't move... You moved so much last night... give me a few more moments." Arthit blushed as he realized he'd spent the entire night outside of his mother's house with Kongpob. He tried to remember what happened the previous night or why exactly he ended up like that. 

"Kong... I don't feel so good."  Arthit whispered as he began to feel a bit nauseous. Immediately Kongpob let go of him and sat up looking at him in concern, the blankets that had been placed around him; no doubt by his mother, fell off them both.

Kongpob reached to touch his cheek and forehead. It was then that Arthit finally noticed all the stickers that were on Kongpob's face and neck, not to mention the red marks on his neck. Either Kongpob had been bitten by mosquitos or... Flashes of the previous night came flashing to his mind. 

Hungry kisses, moans, him grinding on Kongpob like a dog in heat. 

"Do you like me?" He turned beet red and pushed Kongpob away from him before running inside his mother's home. He made his way towards the bathroom pushing Jae Ha out of the way and immediately throwing up the contents inside his stomach from the previous night. 

His mind kept replaying their kisses and yet he could not remember what Kongpob's answer had been after he had practically made a fool out of himself. What had he done? The one thing that he did not want to do was to lose Kongpob. He had told himself countless times that he would try to be his friend. He was willing to be Kongpob's friend if that meant that he could stay beside the handsome man. But now he'd ruined it all by throwing himself at Kongpob. 

Tears began to sting his eyes and he quickly tried to push them away. Unfortunately, more tears continued to fall from his eyes and soon sobs escaped his lips. He sat beside the toilet holding his knees close to him unable to stop his cries and the pain in his heart. 

"Arthit. Arthit! Are you okay? Arthit!" He could hear Kongpob knock on the door and Arthit covered his mouth trying to stop himself from being heard. 

"I'm coming in okay." Kongpob spoke up clearly concerned for him. The worry on Kongpob's face was clear as he made his way to him. 

"Arthit... what's wrong tell me" Kongpob says to him kneeling beside him. Arthit shakes his head and continues to cry.

"Arthit..." Kongpob calls out softly, he begins to rub his back gently trying to calm and soothe him. Arthit wants to ask Kongpob why he's not acting cold, or why he's still here. Why had he not left or told him by now that he never wanted to see him again?

"Arthit... are you in pain is something hurting?" There's concern in Kongpob's eyes and more sobs escape Arthit's lips he moved towards Kongpob and hugs him tightly. For a moment he feels Kongpob tense before he hugs him back tightly. 

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