The Finale

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Slow claps rang from the bush, slow, mocking, tormenting claps. A man emerged from the small shrub, towering over Flynn and I. I flinched, frightened. I slowly crept my hand into my pocket, laid a strong grip on the handle of the pocket knife, ready to protect myself. Ready to protect Flynn. 

"My, my, my. My sweet child, look how far you've gotten, you're stronger than you think, aren't you?" 

I froze in horror, it was him. The man behind this nightmare, the man behind the death of thousands. In an instant, I felt numb, weak, helpless. Waves of emotions washed over me, from terror to anguish to resentment. Oh, the number of things I could do to this wicked man right here, right now. 

"Look at my little girl, all grown up, strong and mighty." He said,  pacing around us, one small step at a time. I glared at him in disgust. He stopped behind us, tearing the plague doctor mask away from his face, gazing upon the night sky filled with millions of tiny, glimmering stars. Flynn nudged me, signalling me to pass him my pocket knife. I obliged. 

A tear fell from the corner of his eye and rolled down his cheek. "I'm sorry for everything I've done, Violet," he spoke softly. My heart sank when I heard his small voice.

"I loved you, my darling, I really did... I wasn't in the right state of mind and I took it out on you, it's all my fault. I made you hate me, I deserve how you treat me," he looked so vulnerable, so affectionate. For a moment I felt heartbroken, all I wanted at the time was for things to go back to normal, for my loving family to be back. The father who protected me at all costs, the mother that loved unconditionally, all gone in the blink of an eye. 

"So why all this? Why would you drag thousands of innocent people into this nightmare just to be killed? Just to get in contact with me?" I clenched my teeth and snarled at him.

"I wanted to test this world I created, to see how long it could hold up, just so we could be together, forever. All these people were test subjects, I programmed this world so the last person standing would be able to get out whenever they wanted, that last person was always me. This was the third batch of lab rats, I knew the world was stable enough to keep you here forever. So I tried everything I could to get everyone out, no more people would have to die for this experiment of mine but I couldn't beat the system. I thought I could just wait for everyone to perish before I transferred you into this world. However, the more people that died in this final batch, the more I realized you wouldn't want to be stuck in this hell-hole. I realized how fucked up I was for this but... I just wanted to see you, even if it was for a minute. I promised you would be the last survivor, even if it meant I would die, I wanted to have one last look at you," he grabbed my hand, looking at me with a gleam of hope in his eyes. "Please forgive me, Violet. That's all I ask for." 

"I wish I could, father. I really do. But everything you've done is unjustifiable, there's no excuse for the amount of torture you've put me in." I muttered bitterly. "Please, this is the last time you'll ever see me, just this once, Violet." his weak smile fell, I was crushed. This is the man I knew and loved, this is the man that treated me like I deserved everything in the world. I was torn, I didn't know what to do, my thoughts were a big wreck. I threw my arms around him and embraced him tightly, I missed this warmth. Tears started streaming down my face, I couldn't stop my emotions from showing. I missed him, I missed my father. As much trauma as this man put me through, I still loved him. "I forgive you." I softly whispered. For the last time, he hugged me back, just like the old times. 

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